
UGG Online Experts say the people of the Republic of materials from popular dissatisfaction with lan

Shanghai Science Technology Literature Press, Zhao Ju president recalled in an interview, World Book Mandarin textbook

saying one:

I just kept listening to the media that

Ye Zhaoyan: I think that is so wrong of the book published in 1932, it is with the May Fourth Movement, with the New Culture Movement, a pulse is said, was intended to promote the vernacular, against the classical. Mandarin is the language of today, and Guoxue are two different things. I do not understand why this has become a I think, so that all students have read the so-called If individual parents and students want to learn classical, the classical piano and calligraphy as a way to cultivate, as a hobby, you can is another matter, but for these parents and children,

1932, by the tao editor, Feng illustrator language textbooks

happy to applaud it, triumphant return to the ink bottle ants crawling inside so he would like to carry on, unexpectedly was drowned. >

die because of it back to the ink bottle in '.

Hail to the view, now why people sought the Republican period, the old material, there is a lot of reasons.

arrival was not set light

In his view, language education is now the biggest I think the language is to train children abstract thinking, and children should develop rigorous mathematical ability. It also made him feel the teaching of the language now,UGG Online,

bookstore sold out of stock was a reflection of public dissatisfaction with the existing language education materials reprinted old Republican touted

Reporters: Yep, you primarily want this interview you talk about the

Correspondent: I side with the publishers have contacted their sales reflect that there very well, has been out of stock.

Initially, the sales of this book is not very good, but from 2008 onwards, the gradual rise in sales of the book, most recently a month or two, buy the book over the phone Xinhua Bookstore is one after another, and most of those named to Order Order Now publishers decided to print more in the series 5000. But this book is to break this practice: illustration, all created or re-creation. After the book was published in 1932, as prior to 1949, the book has been reprinted 40 times.

popularity stems from studies fever?

correspondent dialogue media as the

is wrong of

popularity stems from the dissatisfaction of language teaching

old textbooks became popular during the Republic, has a kind of background? To this end, the reporter interviewed a number of experts.

Time flies, after a lapse of 70 years later, the Republic of language textbooks into public view again.

enlightened national language The greatest feature of the old material is practical, many children have chosen the content more easily accepted in the form of textbooks, / p>

addition to Edmond to also think that people are frantically chasing the old Republic of materials, reflecting the current existing educational system for most parents, especially in language education of discontent: learn the language, feel it empty, I feel it is superior. the face of today's education system.

Ye Zhaoyan: I just doubt that this will not be a plan, in order to sell books so that it is senseless.

simple lines, rich content, which became sought after by many students and parents

so Who made a star this old material?

Ye Zhaoyan: I know that many media are calling me asking me about it, I also want to ask you, it's popularity will not be planning? Because from the beginning to the present, all the media that One five years ago only 5,000 volumes of printed books, and now suddenly that red would not be planning? (Laughs)

Correspondent: There are media reports that

Republic of popular old books

Republic textbooks

and as

why the red?

Division following the Wei, professor of psychological education Normal Hill

Wanfu into, Jinan City, the language teaching and research laboratory staff


view of the two:

text / correspondent Li solution

our education, especially in language education, what exactly is the problem? Institute of Education, Shandong Normal University Professor Gao Wei has his own views on this.

been out of stock. According to the Xinhua Bookstore's sales staff Yuan Xue introduced last week, call to order or consult contact, but the publishing house said they did not stock, need to re-print.

Professor of view, so a lot of heat in recent years Guoxue attention from teachers and parents to re-Learning in education, forward to going to pursue.

