

Baike card

comfortable, formerly known as Chang cells. Film actor, director. Zhejiang Cixi people. Who graduated from the University of Chi. Blue Bird in 1938, he served as theaters, Shanghai Datong photography field, Venus Pictures actor and director. In the film Hong Kong in 1946, he served as Starred in Shanghai Film Studio in 1952, he served as actor, director, Zhongguoyingxie third, fourth director. Star of

Chinese Name: Comfort Alias: Chang Shu grid Nationality: Chinese Nationality: Chinese Place of birth: Cixi Date of Birth: April 19, 1916 Occupation: Performing Arts representative works: plays p> directory

People experienced artists performing old movie film drama film directed award-winning works of the number of Chinese words present Dean Xiangtan University, comfort and old artists, people experience

[1] Comfort (1916.4.19- -), formerly known as Shu Chang cells. China's famous film actor, director. Native of Cixi,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/][b]title=UGG Outlet Mall[/b][/url], Zhejiang, was born in Beijing. Sixty-seven years old father Shu Tak (Shu Shi father) moved to Shanghai. Stone's father, comfortable father Shu is the first post --- Olympic Basketball Professor Shu-hung Mahone, he graduated from the Japanese military academy, the first phase of the Qing Dynasty official fee students in Japan. As the father of Shu Shi loves opera, and then Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang fame very close, often associated with opera celebrities, fancier, discuss techniques, so that small comfort to poetry, the schools one by one, stiff, the famous aria , die like a decent school, this often performing in front of family friends, get friends and family's praise. His father had intended to let him apprentice Mei Lanfang,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearanceuks.co.uk/][b]title=UGG Boots[/b][/url], Mei Lanfang himself also hope to become a disciple, but the opposition of the mother unable to do so. [2] into the 19-year-old Fudan University, then transferred to holding Chi University Faculty of Law. Student, his favorite opera, drama and classical literature. After the fall of Shanghai, attended the Bluebird theaters, and has performed drama Full-scale performance, to borrow his father's pen name

comfortable - love long deep friendship

comfort by their families, especially the Ba Shu --- Shu, Professor David impact of childhood like sports, love sports. In their student days, in basketball and swimming on the performance of the attractions. During the Shanghai Film Studio as a basketball coach, retired as the Shanghai Ancient Flower (seventies sixties) basketball team captain, team members often organize to participate in various competitions and activities. His silver hair shining and often active in the swimming pool basketball court, 90 years old, has a tough body Shihai, which his unremitting campaign is inseparable. His physique, bearing Toshihaya sprinkle clean, it has a mirror on the actor's condition. 1938, introduced by Xu Xing of the director from the film, starring Star Pictures produced Since then, left the university life, made a career movie actor. Then formally participate Guohua, Venus, etc. Pictures, starring In 1942, 26-year-old Ms Murong comfort and a popular movie star married the same cause, the same pursuit, husband and wife together, take off together, became the film industry in China Electric rare both a successful career, loving husband and wife One of his wife. Early 1970, the prime of life passed away, Ms Murong generation star, in a comfortable mind has left a lasting pain. The mid-1970s, when comfort encounter a young colleague, the famous movie star --- Phoenix, the same life experiences, so that the two lonely hearts close to each other. In 1975, the 59-year-old and 47-year-old Phoenix comfort come together. After many times of trials and earth changes,[url=http://www.buy-ugg.us/][b]title=UGG Outlet Store[/b][/url], they cherish life, cherish life, a happy old age. After 1942, in Union, China's film and other films starring In 1946, China Hong Kong film companies should be invited, and starring Zhou Xuan To 1948, he was in Shanghai, Hong Kong, two in 42 key roles in the film. One influential works as It also directed the film He is very influential film art talents. After the birth of new China, he was warm sympathy from Hong Kong to Guangzhou, People's Liberation Army. In 1952 he returned to Shanghai either actor and director. New China's film industry's bright prospects for the comfort of the great actors acting mature and create favorable conditions for their talent. From the autumn of 1952, his Among them, the southern film studio in 1958 recording of Comfortable with the performance on the quasi-coincidence with the eyes of effort to make this land full of ancient heroes with great accuracy, integrity profoundly up, called his performances of the nationalization of a large harvest, that he has always been in the shape of a classical figure Department masterpiece.

comfortable - Lin

1959 years, supporting the work studio of Zhejiang, as director team. Impact on the plant back in 1959, starred in Director of the His many years of artistic practice to make him understand: a seemingly fair, gentle and image of the heart more sinister sinister hypocrite shock the audience's heart. He will be the villain, skilled and loyal. To this end, he played the role of contemporary film called the From the He was healthy and strong, 40 years, written a screenplay, Sea Search For the China Film Association, third, fourth director, honorary director of the fifth. Show the film 1938: Song of children to save the mother in mind Taosexinwen 1939: singing tears glowing pearl red vase Lee Dong Xiaowan 1940 San Niang new hell: a hero Meng Lijun Susan Yan turbulent family history of Pink armored Qinhuai 1941: figs island spring flower splash tears Peach Lake Red Tears Film R & B 1942: nurse, family romantic love 1943: Treasure of the Sierra fleeing forced marriages between couples Grass Sheng Sijie 1944: Dynasty smoke Fearless Hero-beauty 1945: turn back the fire of love 1946: looks Sichun Dream 1947: Six Floating Life 1948: Frailty, thy Inside Story is the name of a woman unhappy Wife 1949: Imitation bore 1950: Phoenix 1951: Song of Youth 1954: Ji Maoxin cut off the claws of the three years 1955: Song Jing Shi 1956: For peace and Li 1957: 1958 Deep Love Changyi: Lin 1959: Water Spring 1963: Red, 1986: The last of the sun 1987: ancient coins storm Director movie 1938: the end of time (and writer) 1943: Mother song autumn 1944: Kuer heaven (and writer) 1948: The Butterfly Dream (Huang cooperation with ) 1949: Raging Tide 1951: ghost people (and care only, white Shen cooperation) do not know the father of 1958: Lin 1963 battle of the village: lacoste phoenix (theatrical film) 1976: surging river (with Zhao Hongbin cooperation) 1979: Green Sea End of the World 1982: Sword (Ballet) 1984: Dragon (theatrical film) film plays 1938-1950: daughter of flower, red lanterns, Figure Eight award-winning works of the second China Changchun Film Festival 1994 Best Supporting Actor Citation: He's lying on the sofa comfortable basic interpretation of [comfortable] gives a feeling of well-being comfortable comrades personally comfortable car spun cloth made of woven clothing line, exceptionally comfortable to wear, but also extra care. - Northern Wei Gu Sixie comfortable, pain-free disease Sapporo Pandora. Dean of Mathematics, research interests include computational fluid dynamics, rapid calculation, finite element. References 1




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Chinese film, Dictionary

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