
UGG Austrila Girl after work down at the door of her boyfriend killed

According to Li Yan father introduced her daughter's body has been sent to the autopsy center in Jilin City, the specific cause of death until the autopsy results came out, can be determined. My daughter has anemia. After the love relationship between the two has been good, people are in favor of two, is also preparing for the two arranged a marriage does.


, then he immediately call the 120 emergency telephone and notified Li Yan family.

boyfriend regret Li Yan did not pick up work

salesperson to do every day 18 am, he went back to his shop take his girlfriend home from work to eat, but the day of the incident, some of his headaches to rest at home, but did not expect out of the accident.

According to medical staff briefing, Li Yan was sent to the hospital unconscious, his forehead trauma, more than 1 hour after the hospital died after the rescue.

one resident described the woman's boyfriend hold her to the 3rd floor, the woman not breathing. vertical segment. The resident speculated that women may be killed by a man with the goods.

residents: the girl is suspected of homicide

chatter skin, and seems to have been smashed wood, red forehead, red. next to one meter square block of wood,UGG Austrila, wood joints around a thick little finger. There is no sensor lights, corridor roof has a lock on the roof of the entrance door locked may be of wood fell from the roof of the entrance, the corridor may also be used for cylinder pressure pickled wood.

18, 10 am, reporters once again came to the scene. The residential building has been unblocked. Neighbors talking about the matter.

Hospital: Woman died from

boyfriend: It may be wood Zadao

Subsequently, the reporter went to Wang Haotong ferroalloy living area 308 East, Unit 2, Red fifth floor, the scene has been extended Jiang Jilin Branch of the Public Security Bureau police station Changyi blockade.

present, Yan-Jiang have transferred the case to the police station in Jilin City Public Security Bureau of Interpol brigade Changyi, Li Yan's death in a further investigation.

sound, a middle-aged woman from the rescue room out, she is the mother of Li Yan.

father: daughter of the game when he collapsed suffering from anemia

newspaper (Reporter Yang Jinhao Lihong Zhou) unconscious, grumble bald forehead skin, and seems to be injured by the board. 120 medical personnel arrived, the woman sent to hospital, but more than 1 hour after the rescue, finally could not retain her life. Currently, police have been involved in the case of Jilin.

11 月 17 日 18 when make 40 minutes, in Jilin City Second People's Hospital emergency room, medical personnel trying to rescue unconscious Li Yan , Li Yan of the relatives and friends gathered at the door anxiously waiting.

