
UGG Ireland Why not keep the remains of Zhou Enlai , the Prime Minister where the ashes sprinkling


1976 年 1 月 8 日 9 时 7 points, Premier Zhou Enlai died in Beijing Hospital, unfortunately, bad news came, whom stood in the mountains, the sea whom crying, millions of people grief, tears Sabian 9.6 million square kilometers of land, people in the capital despite the January cold, people spontaneously gathered in the capital Chang'an to bid farewell to Premier Zhou hearse, there has been kilometer street send the Prime Minister this touching scene. This is the world's largest, voluntary participation in the largest number of commemorative activities ... ...

Premier Zhou Enlai, we miss you

1976 came from the Chinese people will never forget the year of January, when the death of Premier Zhou Enlai, the news spread, many people train, riding on the plane arrived in Beijing from all over the motherland, for the a final farewell to Premier Zhou. When the hearse drove that day to Babaoshan, Chang'an braved the cold side was full of people to come off spontaneously. Kilometer street, constantly flowing river of tears merged into the thoughts of the people in the call: Premier Zhou Enlai, we miss you.

no Western Premier Zhou Hua Ting is full of sorrow, tears in their eyes comrades one by one in preparation for Premier Zhou off. Premier Zhou did not come back late at night when the pace, no past expectations, the whole yard a solemn.

noon that day, we returned to the West Hua Ting, Teng oral messages on my sister a telegram to tell relatives abroad to hear news of the death of Premier Radio allowed to come to Beijing. Sister Deng said: people have died, relatives to the contrary, not only does not make sense to waste, might as well work on their own hard work, this is the best way to commemorate the dead. She also confessed that I said: I die, they also allowed them to Beijing. Zhou, Deng received a telegram after two relatives are not in accordance with the meaning of Sister Deng to Beijing, not only because of a relative received a condolence telegram to Beijing, Deng did not say anything after sister know.

West Hua Ting's staff began to prepare clothes for the Premier Zhou Enlai, Deng sister not to do a new account, just choose a few favorite pieces of his usual good little clothes bar. When a staff member after you choose the right clothes when Deng recognized Sister, Sister Tang nodded tears in her eyes, said: This is Enlai's style, as he usually is very difficult to purchase a piece of clothing, his death we still have to respect him, do not waste of money for his people. New old are the same, to be burned in a fire. Some people may blame do you, that is temporary. In this way, encoffining when Premier Zhou has been wearing a tunic and a through years of old cloth underwear.

Premier Zhou's funeral how to do? Please come up with a central program approved by Chairman Mao. When the report goes to go when Chairman Mao was a break, until at 3:00 on January 9, woke up before approval of Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou's funeral on the report. Therefore, from the morning of 9 January 5, the Central People's Broadcasting Station announced to the nation and the world the death of Premier Zhou Enlai's message.

I came back from Beijing Hospital, did not sleep a wink all night, on the one hand is feeling sad, recalled that in the past Premier Zhou spent around a long time not on calm; the other hand, listening to the radio in the waiting. At 5 am, the Central People's Broadcasting Station broadcast obituaries, I sat next to the radio, despite his grief burst into tears. Soon, West Hua Ting's phone busy, many people called and asked us if this is true?

two days, Premier Zhou's portrait sold out, the store sold out of black cloth, paper and even a small white flowers are out of stock, the streets of Beijing, the men and women all wear black armbands arm , white covered with small pines and cypresses in front of Tiananmen Square monument.

kilometer street, kneeling send the Prime Minister ... ...

Premier Zhou passed away the bad news as ten thousand blades mandrel split organs, funeral music keyed, heaven and earth with weeping, kilometer street, kneeling send the Prime Minister ... ...

1 10 afternoon, Sister Tang farewell to the remains of Premier Zhou, and I accompanied her once again came to Beijing hospital. In the farewell room, I saw the beloved Premier Zhou Enlai. Day, lying cypress pine and flowers dressed in Premier Zhou's still the same meetings and meetings with foreign guests during his lifetime he frequently wore a gray tunic, wearing a chest from the Cultural Revolution has been serving the people wearing the medal , one side red flag covered his body, placed before Deng remains dedicated to his sister flowers wreath.

day from the death of Premier Zhou Enlai, Deng sister on the day his body was presented to a flower wreath at the time, Beijing's climate was cold, almost nowhere to buy flowers, florist on a daily basis over a number of air from Guangzhou flowers. Guangzhou is aware of when flowers are sister to Premier Zhou Deng bought, he had determined not to pay, but Deng Sister failing. She said to me: the money, Zhao Wei, you must pay for me. Tribute to the days of Premier Zhou, Deng Sister flowers 480 dollars a share, according to the time she was afraid I did not do her request, also insisted personally seen the flowers of the invoice was assured.

Premier Zhou in the Tang wreath dedicated to Sister, the silk belt harness is written, At that time, Deng Sister themselves like this, although only a handful of words, but the inscription is not unusual but reflects their beloved husband and deep emotion. Common in the decades of fighting and life, as long as live alone, Premier Zhou sister always said that the small ultra-Tang, now, a few years got used to the sound no longer, Sister Tang mind can imagine the grief is to be of. Can be very strong Deng Sister, farewell to the body when there is no crying aloud, but I am holding her, but clearly felt her body has been gently shaking.

funeral day arrived. At 16:30 on January 11th, a black and yellow ribbons covering the hearse carrying the remains of Premier Zhou slowly out from the Beijing hospital, my sister to accompany car Jinjindegen Deng after the hearse. Both sides of the road in front of Beijing Hospital full of people, cries in Beijing for the winter covered with a layer sad color. From the Beijing Hotel to Babaoshan, spontaneously stood on both sides of the road enough to have hundreds of thousands of people, many of which are very old man and the woman holding the child. Many of them started from the morning to wait in the cold of minus ten degrees in the silently waiting for seven or eight hours. When we see this scene in the car when it is touched and saddened, I immediately told Tang sister was full of people on the street, and cars curtains open to let her see. Sister Deng allow drivers to speed up some speed, so that people go home early.

however, is still in front of the hearse walked slowly, perhaps as soon as the driver does not want to Premier Zhou away, perhaps to make people think he has more common 一眼 Premier Zhou car slowly, slowly moved forward with from Beijing Babaoshan this journey to the hospital usually only half an hour, this is a full one hour and 35 minutes.

Yingchao: Let me see you one last bar! Enlai ah!

Zhou Enlai's memorial service Yingchao

18:05, hearses and finally to the Babaoshan, I held off after Deng Sister Spirit toward the coffin walked Premier Zhou. In the farewell room, Deng sister could no longer restrain his feelings, she suddenly rushed spirit in the glass coffin, looking at the mortal remains of Premier Zhou burst out crying, shouting his mouth: Enlai! Enlai! Us forever! Finally, let me look at you now! Enlai it!

This is the last owner and Premier Zhou Enlai's side, after forever, forever, we do not see him! At this point, the glass coffin before being packed Spirit, we are desperately crowded forward, everyone wants to see more of the last Premier Zhou, crying sound and pathos of the cry is astounding. At this time, we were packed in the front can not move, though I would like to see more of Premier Zhou a, but was worried about bad squeeze Sister Deng, my task is to protect, take care of Deng Sister Yeah. Do not stay up, I held back the sadness pulled Sister Deng said: Sister, let's go! Let's go home! Deng sister crying a face I said: let me look at it! Well never see coming, this is the last side. Sister Deng listen so that my heart would break, the two governors also, seem endless tears. At this time, comrades, as we open a channel, I took the hand of Deng Sister, Sister Deng nurses Liu Xinlian escorted out of the crowd. When we do not look back while walking, yard crying, cry more, and in the dark onto the boundless sky, anyone will be listening to heartbreaking stricken. In order to protect Deng Sister, we holds her on the train, the night, the car drove west Hua Ting, leaving staff waiting around Premier Zhou cremation.

20:00 o'clock, we arrived home. Sister Deng door, tears, and she said to me: Zhao Wei, the weight of my heart these days uncomfortable, you let me cry now! I understand the feelings of the moment Sister Deng, tears in her eyes, said: Sister You cry, to the grief of the past few days are all crying out, you will feel better. I also feel the weight of uncomfortable, like a pile of large stones piled mind like, out of breath.

then let us all cry aloud to it, who do not cry the future. Sister Deng voice I hear, the presence of all the comrades wow to cry. The past few days, we are not too much sadness in the face of Deng sister, wept aloud so that the hearts of depression finally got relief.

Finally, the first stop or Sister Deng tears, she slowly said to us: dead, crying is a cry not live. We all do not cry, and to turn grief into strength.

sister so that listening to Deng, who did not dare to cry, and even Sister Deng in front of the face can not cry. We accompanied Deng sister in the living room to rest a moment, then she took a heavy pace and slowly walked into her office and bedroom. Then she told me: From now on, I never cry, to inherit Enlai unfinished business.

dried her tears, Sister Deng's mind was still thinking about cremation thing. She explained that the staff of Premier Zhou's body cremated to safety integrity, not the loss of it. I learned later that day when the cremation of stainless steel with a special tool for cremation, the furnace also a special clean-up. Workers were also very sad cremation, cremation does not have the heart to Premier Zhou. Premier Zhou's body cremated in the night and finally finished by the West Hua Ting Shu Ying, deputy secretary of party branch of Premier Zhou's casket will be placed in the Cultural Palace of working people.

sprinkle the ashes to find a suitable location

a spontaneous mass movement, it will be placed in an orderly bicycle

bid farewell to Prime Minister

When I heard the ashes of Premier Zhou Enlai to be thrown into the rivers and the earth of the motherland, the Chinese people do not understand going to happen, they want to bring the ashes of Premier Zhou left for the future have a place to mourn. Premier Zhou Enlai during his lifetime as a branch member Zhao Wei although there is such a desire, but, after all, she worked in the Premier Zhou around 20 years of Premier Zhou's ideas and wishes to understand more deeply than ordinary people. Therefore, when Premier Zhou Yingchao to find one to fit the task of spreading the ashes to her place and two colleagues, she solemnly accepted.

Premier Zhou Enlai during his lifetime

Although there will, but the CPC Central Committee on January 12, Chairman Mao approved the request of his ashes spread out, our mood or grief beyond words, it is also full of contradictions. Do not do it this way, contrary to the wish of Premier Zhou Enlai during his lifetime; so do it, my heart is very sad indeed, a republic of the Prime Minister, to have devoted his life to the party and the people, and now even the ashes of death can not leave, this What is a people across the country do not understand the grief ah. However, we are working around for many years in the Premier Zhou people, we can not go against his will, we have to complete this very sad and difficult task.

12 日 0900, Sister to Shu Ying Deng, Gao P, and I called three people together, she solemnly explained our mission to enable us to find suitable locations spread out the ashes. Sister Deng said: Enlai's death is the loss of our party, I feel very sad. However, the CPC Central Committee, Chairman Mao approved the request of Comrade Enlai does not preserve the ashes, I am very happy. Because Comrade Enlai during his lifetime the most worried about is afraid I can not accomplish this, can now be completed. Let's go to the common desire to achieve his lifetime and continue this work. I personally would like to complete, but the current conditions do not allow me to do, I went out target large, to say the weather is too cold, I also older. Enlai is the party who is your branch of the party, so this also depended on the branch. Please go to find your three comrades scattered the ashes to where and when to withdraw, how Caesar. To choose the right place, not to be found, if found to mark the place where the future is, but contrary to the wish of the deceased. Do not disturb more people, do not trouble the organization, in Beijing, look for, to Yuquan Hill, Bayi Lake where there is water see if you can scatter the ashes, in short, can not leave marks.

say this, Sister Tang has been watching us. At this time, Ko Puti out of respect for the millions of people miss the feelings of Premier Zhou, Hua Ting whether the ashes placed in the West a few days Zaisa, Deng sister but insisted not to do so. She said: I understand your feelings, but you have to realize that this is more than a dozen years ago, we agreed with each other to ensure a common thing. From the burial to cremation is a revolution, retained by the cremation ashes to ashes and scattered out without reservation is a revolution, which is Enlai and a thorough revolution in my ah! You must be a clear understanding of this point. This revolution is the same for thousands of years old traditions and customs since the break. She also told us that if the selected areas, such as open-end do not disturb anyone, after the memorial service, keep things simple, the night I took you a few comrades to scatter the ashes. Sister listening to Deng's remarks, the three of us were very moved, not much to say, if only in accordance with Deng Sister of running, we can not live up to her trust in us.

out there, from the Tang Sister, we immediately start to look for scattering ashes of the place. However, the 1976 Beijing appears to be particularly cold, especially in the winter frost weather, full of frozen earth, ashes scattered where ah? We drove around in Beijing inspected several places, feel the water is not ideal small Yuquan Hill Bayi Lake most of the river froze the ice, only a small place a little water, if the ashes will go in the near the place to come together, so to say the ashes scattered casually one we feel sorry for Premier Zhou Enlai, Deng and the people which Sister!

not find a suitable location, the three of us were feeling felt extremely uncomfortable. Afternoon came back, we see several places Sister truthfully reported to Deng, but should be reported to the CPC Central Committee put forward the right place to find a proposal, Deng sister agreed.

bid farewell to Prime Minister

Unity Square to pay tribute to beloved Premier Zhou Enlai

commemorate Premier Zhou city of Xi'an

Hangzhou people mourn beloved Premier Zhou Enlai

forever miss our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai

1976 年 1 月 12 to 14, set up in Beijing Cultural Palace of working people's hall, the capital of all walks of life, and many foreign friends began mourning Premier Zhou. Winter frost cold days, long row of teams of people, from 8 am to 4 pm working people flooded into the Palace of Culture.

12 am, sent to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse Sister Deng sent two basins of daffodils in full bloom, all the comrades that Premier Zhou Hotel condolences and sympathy for Deng Sister, we accept the flowers. Bloom daffodils are grown, I want to heat the home, daffodils will soon open defeat, as to the Cultural Palace of working people on both sides of the casket of Premier Zhou, Premier Zhou accompany them, but also in the hands of comrades Diaoyutai Premier Zhou Enlai and Deng on the Sister of a deep feeling.

I put my thoughts

Sister Deng spoke with, she agreed, and so I immediately sent in the past. At this time just 12:30, but also working outside the People's Cultural Palace was a long row of condolence team. The staff's help, I placed in the casket on both sides of daffodils, elegant white flowers to make a solemn mourning suddenly add a dash of life. 20 years later, the handling from a comrade's mouth, I know because the interference of the Gang of Four, then go to work every day the number of People's Cultural Palace condolences Prime Minister and time to be limited, but in fact neither the organizers to restrictions not want to stop, so people actually come to offer condolences to twice the required number.

out from the Cultural Palace of working people, I went to People's Heroes Monument in Tiananmen Square, where the wreath offering a lot of people, even Ken trees around the monument is also a bar full of white flowers, Premier Zhou's portrait was hung in a substantial monument front Many people also presented a memorial Premier Zhou's poetry. Hua Ting returned to the West, I see their eyes the scene told Deng sister, she derive great comfort.

three days of mourning in the West Hua Ting has been very quiet, so I politely refused because Deng sister wanted to see her all the guests.

1 月 14 evening, we do all the preparatory work in advance, since Sister Deng after dinner to arrive at 7 o'clock in the Cultural Palace of working people. The next day will be the memorial meeting of Premier Zhou, and I will have to accompany her to the Great Hall of the ashes of Premier Zhou.

I held Premier Zhou Deng sister came to the hall, she stood casket and portrait of the first three bow, we also stand in the presence of all sides together along with Sister Deng bowed three times. Subsequently, Premier Zhou Deng sister picks the casket, and turned to the comrades said: I am now holding the casket to the presence of Comrade Zhou Enlai expressed his thanks to all comrades. Sister Deng heard touching thank these two, mourning in sadness everywhere at once, funeral music is crying cover up. Deng Sister suppressing grief, holding the urn with Premier Zhou, walked with heavy steps, step by step in the bitter cold wind and went out, I fear that she and nurses Liu Xinlian holding the urn that is too heavy tired out from each side to help her with one hand holding the back, those who work for Premier Zhou wake comrades and walk away.

the one crying in the surrounding, Deng sister on the train, and our car slowly left the Cultural Palace of working people. I do not know why, that day of days, especially the black night, almost pitch-dark, but the strange thing is, that part of road in front of Tiananmen Square did not light a lamp, the whole square was dark. Who is this idea? Our grief has cast a layer of angry heart. Car driving slowly in the dark,UGG Ireland, I opened the curtains, look out, yeah, along the road was full of people. Perhaps people think of tonight's ashes will be transferred to Premier Zhou Great Hall, so they wait here despite the cold. At this time, Sister Deng asked the driver, said: slowly open, touch wounding. Why do not the night before the Tiananmen Square open street? This is a pre-arranged was good or sudden accident? This is in my heart always guess the results of a mystery!

car stopped in front of City Hall, Deng Sister Slow walk on a grade level, and finally personally Premier Zhou's casket placed in the Taiwan Hall. Chose to ashes on the Taiwan Office of the Prime Minister after some consideration, Premier Zhou Enlai during his lifetime has been concerned about and committed to reunification of the motherland, for many years he has been looking forward to the return of Taiwan. His ashes placed in the last moments of existence in Taiwan Hall, a symbol of his heart forever and with the people of Taiwan, also means that Premier Zhou's last wish is that the unity of people on both sides early. Premier Zhou's ashes in the Taiwan Hall parked the night, the next day to the Great Hall of the West Hall.

sprinkling the ashes of Premier Zhou


1 月 15 afternoon, Premier Zhou Enlai's memorial meeting to be held at the Great Hall. Deng Sister take a break after a meal, we are ready to go to the venue. Before departure, Sister Deng explained to me that after the memorial service but also a bit of time, will Enlai aides, medical staff and relatives to stay, I want to say a few words to them. Sister Deng think what to say, I do not know a little, then it was no time to ask the fine, the only thing I can do is to immediately inform the comrades of the specific arrangements.

2 15PM, Deng Hua Ting sister to leave the Great Hall of the West. 3 pm, Great Hall West Hall sounded dirge, Premier Zhou Enlai's memorial meeting began, the hall is a crying, crying and some people even fainted. However, this moment of Deng Sister especially strong, she was dressed in a dozen years ago to do the old black suit, a strong family standing position, although the tears from her face constantly drip down, But she did not Kuchu heard, through the sad faces, shown is an old revolutionary unusual determination. See no children, a woman standing in front of Deng sister, and look at her face, tears look, people's heart would break, I was just more sad tears. That is caused by the CPC Central Committee, Comrade Deng Xiaoping's eulogy, when Chairman Mao's body has been suffering severe illness, he has been unable to attend the memorial service of Premier Zhou.

memorial service was finished, Deng sister took us to the Great Hall of the North West hall small hall, where she personally open the casket, with trembling hands, holding a handful to put the ashes in the four-packing plastic bags, and still picked up a closer look at the remains. Sister Deng tears of Premier Zhou said: Enlai, I completed your will, your wishes will be realized, and you rest in peace! We always follow Chairman Mao fighting. See our tears, she said: to turn grief into strength.

ashes installed, we drove to Datong Airport. On this day, although people do not know what time the ashes of Premier Zhou away, where Young Caesar, but they still lined up early on both sides of West Chang'an Avenue, everyone wants a ride the last sending Premier Zhou. However, Sister Deng repeatedly stressed that confidentiality and not to disturb the people, the team had to come from the Great Hall of the Northwest Gate,UGG Ireland, east on Chang'an Avenue and has been open, wait until people discovered that we have gone.

this evening, as if God knows that we like to be sent to Premier Zhou Enlai, the moon hung, starry, night sky is particularly clear. In Datong County Airport, a usually safe use of pesticides Caesar II aircraft was waiting there, two of the Funeral Committee and Comrade Premier Zhou Enlai during his lifetime the defender Shu Ying, Gao P on behalf of the Sister to scatter the ashes of Deng. Plane took off, Sister Tang, Chen Shih-pao doctors, nurses, Liu Xinlian and I have been standing in the cold land watched quietly until the aircraft penetrated the cloud.

the way home, Deng sister said to me: I am a stone floor, and the ashes scattered off Enlai, and I am very happy, and be comforted. We arrived home have more than 8 points, at home, waiting to comrade Deng sister in the living room back. Our Sister after marrying Deng sat in the living room for a little trot on up into her office and bedroom, facing the wall, her portrait of Premier Zhou Enlai said to me: completed Enlai's instruction, Zhou Enlai's come true. We are not going to cry, to turn grief into strength, we will inherit the deceased unfinished business.

scatter the ashes of Premier Zhou is scheduled for 0:00 to return to Beijing, Deng Sister poor health, we let her take a break, which I keep by the phone waiting for the Air Force report. The flight is for the Air Force comrades in terms of lifetime, but also a very sad task, the Air Force commander Ting made personally keep by the phone, every time the unit has been called a little west of Hua Ting on timely reports. 0:00, is responsible for scattering the ashes of the successful completion of task four comrades, returned to Beijing on time as scheduled.

next day, Sister Tang asked me last night together to spread ashes on the situation. I will simply say the Air Force report on the situation a bit, Deng once said Sister: Zhang nine o'clock and the small high they came to know after all. Less than 9 points, Deng sister has been waiting in the living room door, her heart and eager to see the Shu-Ying Ko Pu, know every detail of last night. When Chang and small high came in, Deng came up and hugged their sister two, said: I thank you! Also represents Enlai Thank you! The two of you as Comrade Enlai services to the end.

Shu-Ying Tang and Ko Pu Sister detailed report to the Scattering of ashes: The ashes of Premier Zhou They charge by the spread down, shortly after the plane took off, spread out over the first one in Beijing; second leg of the Miyun Reservoir; first three stations in Tianjin Haihe River; fourth station is the entrance to the Yellow River in Shandong. At that time, Sister Deng repeatedly told us that no matter who asked, and do not scatter the ashes of Premier Zhou say where. Sister living in the days of Deng, we have been conservative with this secret until after her death scattered the ashes of Premier Zhou locations revealed.

listening to the report, Premier Zhou Deng sister went to the bedroom desk, facing his old empty casket under the portrait said to us: now facing Comrade Enlai's casket say to you, Comrade Enlai during his lifetime desire to ten years has been achieved, and his ashes have been scattered in the river and the land of the motherland, I am very happy and comfort. When I die, I hope you will support me to do so in the future. I can leave the casket, so save a.

funeral after finishing, the secretary of Premier Zhou began to clean up the file, Premier Zhou service personnel should clean up used household items, not the West Premier Zhou Hua Ting become deserted them. A few months later,UGG Ireland, Secretary and Premier Zhou champions are gradually transferred to other departments, only the hostess West Hua Ting Tang sister, a driver, a waiter, a chef and I a few people, we want to Slowly the days of Premier Zhou did not used to.

then some to the country's ambassador to the UN Secretary-General of the United Nations was

UN Secretary-General replied: As long as any one of you done this 3 points:

1, after the death of the property did not leave a penny.

2, died without a child and a woman.

3, no ashes.

I will give you hoist.

