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Verizon wireless said,UGG Boots Clearance, these new mobile phone by the Korean electronics company and electronics manufacturing, will a few weeks after the listing, and with the production company RIM intelligent mobile phone "BlackBerry" into Verizon wireless product line by the end of the holiday shopping season.
Apple's iPhone in listing 74 days sold 1000000,Moncler Store, by Verizon wireless rival American telephone and Telegraph Company exclusive sales, and provide communication services.Wireless Verizon to compete with iPhone's new mobile phone, is a high-end mobile phone LG Electronics Company Voyager,Moncler Men Jackets, it has a large touch screen, and is equipped with a mechanical keyboard.
The mobile phone can be connected to the latest data of Verizon wireless network,Vibram Shoes, faster than the iPhone used by the network is faster,Christian Louboutin Shoes, but the memory capacity is not big enough.Verizon wireless launched new mobile phone also includes LG Electronics Company Venus and company Samsung Juke, both operated by the touch screen, and can play music.
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Avaya:for enterprises to reduce IT costs bang magazine article / character stars in helicopter maintenance and modification of the United States of America helicopter company has about 300 employees,distributed in different regions of the 8 building.
The company customers include many military and civilian agencies ,so communication system is simple, safety and reliability is essential .It is beyond all expectations ,the company only two full-time IT personnel .
Thanks to they are installed by Avaya Aura system platform virtualization technology and medium-sized enterprise solution &mdash ;&mdash ;employees if to different buildings in different projects, to put their phones ,in the new office will phone plug ,you can enjoy the reunification of the speech communication ,information processing and other applications ,without technical personnel to adjust .
The company is responsible for Rob Dodson IT : &ldquo ;we are only a few hours ,let Avaya Aura medium-sized enterprise solutions to run ,Christian Louboutin Outlet,this is about the general solution implementation time of 1 / 10,and we don increased IT staff to support to build new facilities in the other side of the city .
&rdquo ;like the United States helicopter company ,unified communications and collaboration has become a large and medium-sized enterprises urgently need to consider the reality problem .Avaya company recently launched a medium-sized enterprises unified communications solutions ,it is to reduce the enterprise difficulties in this area .
According to Avaya China Technical Director Chen Yu introduced ,the solution based on a single server design ,can be extended to up to 2400 users and 250 office locations.A new solution to reduce the system complexity ,cost saving ,and help enterprises to easily deploy advanced unified communication and contact center applications .
The Avaya Aura solution to do this, because it is in the realization of real-time communication &ldquo ;take the lead in using the standard &rdquo virtualization technology ;.The virtualization ,in simple terms ,is to use software to make a single hardware running multiple applications ,which will become the future deployment of Avaya application in the standard manner, the purpose is to voice and real time communication related applications are slowly into the virtualization platform .
Virtual value mainly embodied in two aspects :first is the hardware can be reduced the use of equipment, &ldquo ;previously with seven or eight servers do ,may now be integrated in a table is enough ,at the same time performance has also been improved &rdquo ;.
Before the deployment of a full IP medium-sized enterprise solution process, if additional UC application ,requires enterprises have many servers ,beats by dre sale,including support for basic speech function ,support SIP ,support for third party applications such as internet .
Now ,Avaya put them into virtual servers ,&ldquo ;currently in the industry ,few people can put software to realize ,&rdquo ;Chen Yu said ,&ldquo ;most are put into a hardware ,with chip compression decompression .
&rdquo ;but Avaya have been able to do in the form of software to accomplish these functions ,Cheap Vibram Five Fingers,according to statistics ,as a result ,hardware ,power ,Beats Headphones,cooling and maintenance requirements can be reduced as high as 75%,to achieve a lower total cost of ownership .
On the other hand ,the virtual platform is intelligent ,the installation is very simple ,a medium-sized enterprises basic system ,from installation to implement ,two hours can be completed .
But at present, in order to achieve the same effect ,at least one or two days .A powerful wizard and the automatic control function is also a feature of the platform ,Chen Yu argues ,medium-sized and small enterprises customer IT management is very limited ,usually one duty much energy, and the management of the project is complicated ,including servers ,network ,IT employees .
In this case ,the enterprise requirement for equipment is configured and function of management more simple ,more humane .Avaya virtual platform another advantage ,is able to simplify the difficulty and measure .
According to the IDC report ,the Asia-Pacific region has 2500medium-sized enterprises,employs the region 26% of the workforce;and these enterprises ,to save cost ,simplify management of a strong demand .
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“I’ll explain it Miss. Carter” Keiichiro stepped forwards. I frowned, sitting down slowly.

“Erm, no.” I shook my head. Ichigo shot a desperate and sad look my way. ‘Learn to express your-self better.’ I thought. “No, I mean, I’d be happy to and stuff, but are sure you’ve got the right person? I can hardly pass Algebra, you know.” Ryou raised an eyebrow,
“That’s not what it’s about, Carter. It’s about skill and talent, and obviously you must have some since the World choose you. So you better do what she expects you to.”
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“And if you want to know how your neko and not something endangered,Moncler Coats, it’s because we needed a new member fast, and neko DNA was the closet DNA we had by at the time. It may be dull,Coach Outlet, but live with it.” Ryou ignored Mint and left the room. I watched him go. ‘Geesh, someone woke up at the wrong side of bed!’ I frowned after him. “I don’t think it’s dull.” I spoke suddenly into the silence. “So, er, what do the aliens look like?”
“Well, pale skin out of our league and golden slash amber eyes that are too deep for us to obtain. They wear almost revealing clothes, excluding Pai,UGG Outlet Store, and they are also quite... baggy. They float slash fly, and can teleport. One of them has a crush on Ichigo and tends to stalk her and declare his undying love for her yet still taunts her and fights.” Zakuro informed me briskly, wiping down the table I sat at.
“Well Ichigo,” I turned to her. “Looks like you got your-self a lover” Winking at her and pleased at her reply of “I LOVE MASAYA, ERGH!” I asked her what a fuzzy, talking flying robot was doing attached to her phone. The said robot suddenly popped up to a bigger size, flying to me and sticking it’s furriness in my face. “MEW MEW CORA!” It yelped before spitting a pendant out at of its mouth into my hand. ‘Mental note to self, wash hands.’ I thought as I turned the pendant round in between my fingers.
“Meet Mini Mew! He saves souls with us and returns them to their rightful owners as well as giving us our pendants and informing us when aliens are here.” Pudding tugged Mini mew to her chest where she snuggled him. Ichigo sweat dropped.
“Pudding,” Lettuce spoke for the first time that day, “I think Mini Mew is trying to tell us something.” And indeed he was!
“ALIEN, ALIEN, PARK, TRANSFORM!” He cried before turning extra small again and clipping him-self – don’t ask me how! – back onto Ichigo’s phone. Before I knew it there were 5 colourful girls staring me excitedly. I felt a rushing need to kiss my pendant.
“You want to kiss it, don’t you?” Lettuce asked me nervously, as if making sure I was really a Mew Mew. I nodded.
“Well don’t keep us waiting, neko girl.” This time it was Mint talking. So I kissed it. Suddenly my cheek starts burning, so I hold the pendant to it. ‘Must be the mew mark...’ I think. Then words are coming out of my mouth, “MEW MEW CORA, METAMAMORPHO-SIS!” A light wraps it’s self around me, cooling every part of my body off and leaving me in a dark grey, strapless grey top that stopped where Zakuro’s did but had a puffy, dark blackish, see through, sparkling material formed like a belt connect my top to a pair of baggy grey shorts that stopped where Zakuro’s did. (au: no, Zakuro is not my favourite character. If you must know its Kisshu <3) Then I had ankle grey boots and my hair band had broken away so my black hair tumbled down my back but was shortened so it only reached between my waist and shoulders. One of my eyes was grey while my other was black. To top it all off with a nya~ and a purr, I had my neko ears and tail.

“You look... AWESOME!” Pudding told me enthusiastically. I thanked her and then rushed out the door towards the park

“Where is the chimera anima? Let me at him, na no da!” Pudding yelled.
“Don’t be rude Pudding!” I smiled at her. “It might be a she.”
‘New mental note to self, use more humour!’ I thought as Ichigo laughs.
“Amusing. Who’s your new friend Neko-chan?” A voice broke out into the silence, a ripple spreading through the air as a figure formed above our heads.
“Kisshu!” Mint cried.
Then I got a better look at him. At that was that. My heart stolen.

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Vibram Five Fingers SaleName:

Name: Jay Haruki Shun Fujimoto (named after grandparents)

Age: 15

Crush(s): Nope, no one.

Best Friend(s): Hinata Hyuuga, Ino Yamanaka, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki

Friend(s): Jay: "I guess everybody else..."

Personality: Badass tomboy. Can get loud when excited,beats light blue, ambitious, hard working, playful, honest, energetic, outgoing, curious, confident, sympathetic. Shy and goofy around new people. But can get arrogant,Moncler UK, brag about missions, etc.

Enemies: Doesn't consider anyone an enemy unless they do something to hit a nerve or harm her loved ones. But dislikes people who have trouble staying "good."

Likes: Fast food, running, feeling superior, her pals, her aunt.

Dislikes: Everything else... Jay: "Bleh.."

What team are you on: 6 (Made it up, hee.)

How strong are you on a scale of 1 to 100 (Be honest): 88

Answer these questions,Vibram Five Fingers Sale!

1) You see Sakura hit Naruto really hard in the face, he ends up flying really far from her. What do you do?

Asks Sakura: "Did he do something stupid again?" But later goes to see if he broke his face badly or not.

2) Sasuke ask's you out on a date, leaving Sakura hate you a thousand times more. What do you say/do and why?

Says: Sorry, dude I don't really like you that way but I see Sakura is willing to take you up on that offer..." *Teleports away* Why? Because as mentioned before she isn't particularly fond of Sasuke or the Uchihas because of their history,Cheap Moncler, and it ticks her off that he doesn't notice how Sakura and Ino are always clawing at each other for him.

3) You see Shikamaru and Temari kiss right infront of you. How do you react?

Thinks: 'I knew they were gonna end up together anyhow.' Says: *wolf-whistles* "Get a room, you two! Kids these days..."

4) Orochimaru orders you to join the sound village, and he tries to give you the cursed mark. What do you do?

Yells at him: "Oh, HELL no!!" *attacks him in an epic batlle and sends him away*

5) Pain wants you to join Akatsuki. What do you do/say and why?

Jay: "No." (unimpressed expression) *attacks and also sends them away* Jay believes in justice but doesn't like the way Pein portrays that idea and frankly, they annoy the crap out of her with their we-want-to-catch-9-tails thing they've got goin'.

6) Naruto ask's you to eat Ramen with him, he considers it a date. What do you do and why?

"Oh,Coach Store, no thanks Uzumaki, Hinata wants to though.." Pushes Hinata into Naruto and runs away. Jay doesn't like Naruto that way, though they are good friends and she's aware of Hinata's feelings for him so she often pushes Hinata into Naruto. Though it's also funny to watch Hinata turn into a tomato face.

7)You see Gaara sitting alone in the back of the classroom. Class gets demissed but yet he still sits there. What do you do/say and why?What she does: *Goes up to Gaara and stops in front of his desk* What she says: "Hey kid, you alright? " *anticipates getting yelled at* Why? Jay's a commpassionate person and often will butt into strangers' lives if they look down, even if the person isn't in the mood to talk to her.8) Do you admire or like the Akatsuki?Why or why not?As mentioned before, the way the Akatsuki handles things isn't something Jay really admires. So, no, Jay doesn't really admire them. And the fact they want to take over the world doesn't help in changing her opinion about them.9) You see Hinata being shy around Naruto again, what do you do to help her out, or do you help her out? Why or why not?Jay: "Of course!" *runs up behind Hinata, while until Naruto is up close and trips her into him* Yells, "Have fun, you lovebirds!" *snickers while teleporting away*

10) Who is the strongest Naruto character in your opinion and why?

Jay: "In my opinion, everybody. I know that sounds sappy but everyone has their problems, even me. As they deal with their issues I've come to see they really are strong." *gets into epic teary-eyed mode*


Hope you like my oc!

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North Italy (Vargas Feliciano)

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[]You're a good artist
[x] You can be clumsy
[x] You have a friend you always depend upon if you mess up something
[ ] If your life was in danger, you would do the typical Italian thing and say: "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I HAVE RELATIVES IN YOUR COUNTRY!"
[x] You would surrender in a war situation

Germany (Ludwig)
[ ] You're very stoic and serious (more serious than anything)
[] Sausages are your favourite foods.
[] You like to walk dogs/your dog
[] Your boss/principal/tutor/home-room teacher is a nut-case.
[x] You love rules and think they should always be followed to (depends)
[] You think the world would be better if everyone played by the rules
[ ] You work very hard too hard... (yep_
[] Your alone time is your 'happy time'
[] You can appear tough but be very considerate towards people
[x] You've had issues with money once or twice

Japan (Kiku Honda)
[x] You're very mature(At times)
[x] You think things over before saying it. (Not Always)
[x] You believe in ghosts but aren't phased by the experience when you see one
[] You isolated yourself during childhood
[ ] You became very successful in a short amount of time
[x] You are somewhat inexperienced when it comes to the outside world
[] You can seem cold/aloof to other people
[ ] You're good at practical tasks
[ ] You need time to adjust to new people
[x] You tend to be shy

The United States of America (Alfred F. Jones)
[] You love hamburgers
[] You think you're awesome
[x] You love to invent things
[x] You love going to the cinema/watching films/making films
[] You can seem to be very brash to other people
[x] You have a tendency to stick your nose into other peoples' business
[x] You're terrified of ghosts
[] You know aliens exist
[] You tend to wear a bomber jacket all the time
[]You wear glasses

The United Kingdom of England, Wales,Monster Beats Tour, Scotland, and Northern Ireland (Arthur Kirkland)
[x] You like tea
[] You were quite tough and troublesome as a kid
[x] You're very sarcastic and cynical
[] Your cooking is awful
[x] You love spiritual magical stuff, such as fairies, ghosts...
[] ...But you refuse to believe in aliens.
[]You have tried doing black magic before
[] You get drunk quite easily.
[] When you are drunk, you tend to be very unhappy
[] You're good at embroidery

France (Francis Bonnefoy)
[x] You're very affectionate
[]You think you have a great fashion sense
[x] You like wine
[] You're the master of whispering romantic things into peoples' ears
[x] You love red roses
[x] When it comes to l'amour, you don't mind men or women
[ ] You're very proud of yourself
[x] You love culture and the arts
[x] You're very flamboyant
[ ] You say you're a gourmet

Russia (Ivan Braginski)
[x] You had a very sad childhood.
[] You're very tall
[x] You have a tendency to switch between personalities
[] You wear a scarf all the time
[x] You love sunflowers
[] You love vodka
[] You can seem intimidating to other people
[] You're very strong
[] You have a big nose
[ ] You have a strange laugh that can scare people

China (Wong Yao)
[x] You're very mature (sometimes)
[] You're very superstitious
[ ] You're very religious
[x] You love pandas
[] You love cooking so much that you nag if food has a certain pattern of tastes
[] You love Hello Kitty
[x] You try to be a role-model for your brothers/sisters/whatever, but are never taken seriously.
[] You work hard
[] You're good at drawing
[x] You like sweets

Austria (Roderich Edelstein)
[] You are very well-raised
[x] You're polite
[] You love classical music
[] You like cake
[] You have a mole on your face
[] You dedicate your time to your hobbies rather than what needs to be done right away
[] You are a virtuoso/play very well on at least one instrument
[ ] You've composed music before
[ ] You tend to call people 'morons'
[ ] You wear glasses

Canada (Matthew Williams)
[x] You're often ignored by people
[x] You look younger than you actually are (matters who you ask)
[] You love hockey
[x] You love polar bears
[] You hate fighting
[x] You have one strand of curly hair, like Italy
[x]You often get mistaken for someone else
[] You feel under-appreciated
[x] You're bilingual
[] You always carry a bear with you

[] You smoke
[] You're very physically strong
[] You've won a lot of fist-fights
[] In your social circle, there are two brothers - you get along with one, but not with the other.
[] You have very strong emotions about a variety of topics
[] You like hot weather
[x] You can be very friendly from time to time
[] You look very tough on the outside
[] You make a very nice role-model
[] You don't let people get a word in edgeways

Hungary (Erszebet H��dev��ry)
[] You have a potty-mouth
[x] You like to wear flowers in your hair
[] You used to be a very tough kid
[] You're very reliable
[x] It's better to have you as a friend rather than an enemy
[] You're very faithful
[] Your speech and mannerisms can be considered very unladylike
[ ] You and your best friend go together like chalk and cheese.
[x] You are graceful one moment and grinning like a maniac the next
[x] If someone yells that yaoi is going on somewhere, you will drop everything to run off to go and see it.

Lithuania (Toris Lorinaitis)
[x] You're very loyal
[x] You feel like your best friend drags you around a lot, but you both have a great time together
[ ] You're very serious
[] You have a lot of patience
[x] You think too much about philosophical stuff
[x] You get depressed when questioning the point of existing/the universe,UGG Outlet Store, etc..
[x] You're not very confident
[] You were quite rebellious as a child
[] People tend to walk all over you
[] You're a born worrier

Poland (Feliks Lukasiewicz)
[x] You're very flamboyant
[x] You're quite hyperactive (at times)
[x] You can be quite goofy
[x] When you're depressed, you tend to rise out of it like a phoenix
[] You're very wary of strangers
[x] It takes you ages to come out of your shell
[x] However, when you're used to someone, you're very chatty
[x] You're very forceful and stand at one end of the argument when it comes to your opinions
[] You love pansies and corn-poppies

Prussia (Gilbert Weillschmidt)
[] You're quite mean-spirited
[] You're a bit of a hooligan
[x] You're very loyal
[ ] You're very good at tactics
[] You hate Russia
[] You love to fight people
[] You can avoid marriages quite well
[x] You're not always taken seriously
[] You like drinking
[x] You want to become stronger

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I cried when I did not wear shoes when 2011-06-11 07: 1411 ,people are suffering, is the pursuit of the wrong things .2 ,it is the other people to make you painful ,so that their lack of moral cultivation .
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47 ,when you are honest to yourself ,no one in the world can deceive you .48 ,to cause others to cover up his shortcomings ,is shameful .49 ,my heart full of envy ,the heart not confess ,words are not people ,is not a handsome man .
50 ,speak at a joke ,to humorous way ,this way will feel better .51 ,living in other people ,is the inability to test people .52 ,don try to guess the ideas of others ,if you have no wisdom to judge correctly ,it will be wrong .
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Mysql> ;show global status ;MySQL server can list run a variety of State & # 20540 ;,in addition, query the MySQL server configuration information statement: mysql> ;show variables ;a slow queries ,mysql> ;show variables like slow% ;& # 43 ;these & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 this # 43 & ;;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;log_slow_queries on slow_launch_time 2 & 43 & 43 # ;this # ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;mysql> ;show global status like slow% ;& # 43 ;--------------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;--------------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;slow_launch_threads 0 slow_queries 4148 & # 43 ;--------------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;configuration opens the recording of slow query ,the execution time for more than 2 seconds is the slow query ,system shows there are 4148 slow query ,you can analyze the slow query log ,find out the Problem SQL statement ,slow query time not set too long ,otherwise meaningless ,preferably within 5 seconds Or less, if you need a microsecond level slow query ,can consider to patch your MySQL :http: / / www.
percona.com / docs / wiki / release: start ,remember to find the corresponding version .Open the slow query log may have a little effect on the performance of the system ,if your MySQL is the master-slave structure ,can consider to open one from the server is slow query log ,which can monitor the slow query ,influence on system performance and small .
Two ,number of connections often meet MySQL: error 1040: too many connections is a visit quantity is high ,the MySQL server cannot withstand ,this time will be considered to increase from the server scatter read pressure ,another is the MySQL configuration file in max_connections& 20540 :mysql> # ;too small ;show variables like max_connections ;& # 43 ;----------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;----------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;max_connections 256 & # 43 ;----------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;this MySQL server is the maximum number of connections is 256 ,then check the server in response to the maximum number of connections :mysql> ;show global status like MySQL server in the past ;the maximum number of connections is 245 ,did not reach the server connection limit 256 ,1040 should be no mistake ,the ideal set max_used_connections / max_connections * 100% = 85% the maximum number of connections for connecting the upper limit number around 85%, if it is found that the ratio below 10% ,Moncler Coats,the MySQL server connection limit set too high .
In three ,key_buffer_size key_buffer_size MyISAM table is to influence the performance of one of the largest parameters ,following a to MyISAM as the main storage engine server configuration :mysql> ;show variables like key_buffer_size ;& # 43 ;----------------- & # 43 ;- 43 & # ;variable_name value & # 43 ;----------------- & # - 43 ;& # 43 ;key_buffer_size 536870912 & 43 ----------------- & # # ;43 ;- 43 & # ;assign a 512MB memory for key_buffer_size ,we look at the key_buffer_size usage :mysql> show global ;status like key_read% ;& # 43 ;------------------------ & # 43 ;------------- & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;------------------------ & # 43 ;------------- & # 43 ;key_read_requests 27813678764 key_reads 6798830 & 43 & 43 # ;------------------------ # ;------------- & # 43 ;a total of 27813678764 index read requests ,have 6798830 requests in memory is not looking for To directly read from the hard disk index ,calculating the index cache misses the probability :key_cache_miss_rate = key_reads / key_read_requests * 100% such as the above data ,the key_cache_miss_rate is 0.
0244% ,a 4000 index read request is a direct reading of the hard disk ,is BT ,key_cache_miss_rate is in 0.1% the following are good ( each 1000 requests a direct reading disk ) ,if the key_cache_miss_rate is in 0.
01% the following words ,key_buffer_size assigned too much ,can appropriately reduce .The MySQL server also provides key_blocks _ * parameter :mysql> ;show global status like key_blocks_u% ;& # 43 ;------------------------ & # 43 ;------------- & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;------------------------ & # 43 ;------------- & # 43 ;key_blocks_unused 0 key_blocks_used 413543 & 43 & 43 # ;------------------------ # ;------------- & # 43 ;key_blocks_unused said unused cache cluster ( blocks ) ,key_blocks_used said that once used the largest blocks number,Nike Shoes, such as the server ,all of the cache are used, either to increase key_buffer_size ,or transition index ,the cache fills .
Ideal settings: key_blocks_used / ( key_blocks_unused & # 43 ;key_blocks_used ) * 100% = 80% four ,mysql> show global temporary table ;status like created_tmp% ;& # 43 ;------------------------- & # 43 - & ;# 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;------------------------- & # 43 - & # 43 ;created_tmp_disk_tables ;21197 created_tmp_files 58 created_tmp_tables 1771587 & 43 ------------------------- & # # ;43 ;- 43 & # ;each time you create a temporary table ,created_tmp_tables increased ,if the disk is created on a temporary table, created_tmp_disk_tables also increases ,said created_tmp_files MySQL services to create a temporary file number, compared to the ideal configuration is :created_tmp_disk_tables / created_tmp_tables * 100% < ;= 25% for example above the server created_tmp_disk_tables / created_tmp_tables * 100% = 1.
20% ,is supposed to be good .We then look at the MySQL server on a temporary table configuration :mysql> ;show variables where variable_name in ( , ) ;& # 43 ;--------------------- & # 43 - & # ;43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;--------------------- & # 43 - & ;# max_heap_table_size 268435456 tmp_table_size 536870912 & 43 ;# 43 ;--------------------- & # 43 ;43 - & # ;only 256MB following the temporary table to put all of the hard disk memory ,than will be used temporary table .
In five ,open table mysql> show global status ;like open%tables% ;& # 43 ;this & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;this & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;open_tables 919 opened_tables 1951 & 43 & 43 # ;this # ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;open_tables opened tables ,said opened_tables opened table number ,if the opened_tables number is too large ,the instructions to configure table_cache ( 5.
1.3 after this & # 20540 ;called table_open_cache) & # 20540 ;may be too small ,we check the server table_cache& # 20540 ;mysql> ;show variables like table_cache ;& # 43 this # 43 & ;;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;this & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;table_cache 2048 & 43 & 43 # ;this # ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;more suitable & # 20540 ;for :open_tables / opened_tables * 100% > = 85% open_tables / table_cache ;* 100% < = 95% ;six ,the use of mysql> process ;show global status like thread% ;& # 43 ;------------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name Value & # 43 ;------------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;threads_cached 46 threads_connected 2 threads_created 570 threads_running 1 & # 43 ;------------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;if we are in MySQL server configuration file set thread_cache_size ,when the client disconnects ,server processes the client thread will be cached in response to a customer rather than destroy (the premise is cache have reached the upper limit) .
Threads_created said a number of threads ,if it is found that the threads_created& # 20540 ;large, showed that the MySQL server has been to create a thread ,which is more expensive ,can be appropriate to increase the profile of thread_cache_size& 20540 ,thread_cache_size # ;query server configuration: mysql> ;show variables like thread_cache_size ;& # ------------------- & 43 ;# 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;------------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;thread_cache_size 64 & # 43 ;------------------- & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;sample server or quite healthy .
In seven ,the query cache ( query cache ) mysql> ;show global status like qcache% ;& # 43 ;------------------------- & # 43 - & ;# 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;------------------------- & # 43 - & # ;43 ;qcache_free_blocks 22756 qcache_free_memory 76764704 qcache_hits 213028692 qcache_inserts 208894227 qcache_lowmem_unes 4010916 qcache_not_cached 13385031 qcache_queries_in_cache 43560 qcache_total_blocks 111212 & # 43 ;------------------------- & # 43 - & # ;43 ;MySQL query cache explanation: qcache_free_blocks :cache adjacent memory block number .
The large number of instructions may have fragments .Flush query cache to cache fragments were collated ,and thus get a free block .Qcache_free_memory :free memory .Qcache_hits :each query in the cache hit increases qcache_inserts :each insertion when a query is increased .
Hits divided by the number of times is not inserted in ratio .Qcache_lowmem_prunes :cache memory and must be cleaned so as to provide more space for the times .This digital best long time ;if this number is in constant growth ,said the possibility of debris is very serious ,or memory is very low .
( the above free_blocks and free_memory can tell you what kind of situation ) qcache_not_cached :not suitable for caching query number, is usually the result of the query is not a select statement or now ( ) functions such as .
Qcache_queries_in_cache :the current cache query ( and the number of response ) .Qcache_total_blocks :cache block number .We will check the server on the query_cache :mysql> show variables like configuration ; ;& # 43 ;------------------------------ & # 43 - & ;# 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;------------------------------ & # 43 - & # ;43 ;query_cache_limit 2097152 query_cache_min_res_unit 4096 query_cache_size 203423744 query_cache_type on query_cache_wlock_invalidate off & # 43 ;------------------------------ & 43 & 43 - # ;# ;in the field of interpretation :query_cache_limit :more than the size of the query will be cached query_cache_min_res_unit :cache block size query cache size :query_cache_size :query_cache_type cache type ,decide what kind of query cache ,sample not cached select sql_no_cache query quer Y_cache_wlock_invalidate :when there are other client is on the MyISAM table to write ,if the query in query cache,Outlet Coach Store, returning cache results or a write operation is performed to read table that gets results .
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Query cache fragmentation rate = qcache_free_blocks / qcache_total_blocks * 100% if the query cache fragmentation rate exceeds 20% ,can use the flush query cache cache fragmentation ,or try to reduce the query_cache_min_res_unit, if your query is a small amount of data .
Query cache utilization rate = ( query_cache_size - qcache_free_memory ) / query_cache_size * 100% query cache utilization rate is in 25% the following words query_cache_size set is too large ,can be properly reduced ;the query cache utilization rate more than 80% and qcache_lowmem_prunes > 50 query_cache_size ;it may be a bit small ,Moncler jacket,but is too fragmented .
Query cache hit rate = ( qcache_hits - qcache_inserts ) / qcache_hits * 100% example server query cache fragmentation rate = 20.46% ,the query cache utilization rate = 62.26% ,query cache hit ratio = 1.
94% ,hit the target rate is very poor, may write operations are relatively frequent ,but there may be some fragments .Eight ,the use of show global sort mysql> ;status like sort% ;& # 43 ;------------------- & # 43 ;- 43 & # ;variable_name value & # 43 ;------------------- & # 43 ;- 43 & # ;sort_merge_passes 29 sort_range 37432840 sort_rows 9178691532 sort_scan 1860569 & # 43 ;------------------- & # - & 43 ;# 43 ;sort_merge_passes includes two steps .
MySQL would first try to sort in memory ,using the memory size by the system variable sort_buffer_size decided ,if its size enough to throw all the records are read into memory, the MySQL will turn every sort the results stored in memory to a temporary file ,such as Mysql to find all the records, then in the temporary file recorded a sort .
Again this sort will increase sort_merge_passes .In fact ,the MySQL could use another temporary files to store to sort the results, so usually see sort_merge_passes increased the number # & 20540 ;is built temporary file number two times .
Because used the temporary files ,so the speed may be slower ,increased sort_buffer_size can reduce sort_merge_passes and create a temporary file number .But the blind increase of sort_buffer_size does not necessarily improve the speed ,see how fast can you sort data with MySQL ?(source ,appearance & # 20284 ;by the wall ) in addition ,increased read_rnd_buffer_size ( 3.
2.3 record_rnd_buffer_size ) & # 20540 ;on the sorting operation is a bit good ,see :nine ,open files ( open_files ) mysql> ;show global status like open_files ;& # 43 ;this & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;this & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;open_files 1410 & 43 & 43 # ;this # ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;mysql> ;show variables like the ;& # 43 ;these & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;these & # 43 ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;open_files_limit 4590 & 43 & 43 # ;this # ;- - - - - - - & # 43 ;more suitable setting :open_files / open_files_limit = 100% < = 75% ;lock table table in ten ,mysql> ;show global status like table_locks% ;& # 43 ;and # 43 & ;& # - 43 ;variable_name value & 43 & 43 # ;and # - & # ;43 ;table_locks_immediate 490206328 table_locks_waited 2084912 & 43 and 43 & # # ;;- & # 43 ;table_locks_immediate represents the immediate release of table lock number, table_locks_waited needs to wait for a table lock number, if the table_locks_immediate / table_locks_waited > ;5000 ,the best use of InnoDB engine ,because InnoDB is a row lock and MyISAM is a table lock ,for the high concurrent writing of application of InnoDB effect will be better .
Examples of server table_locks_immediate / table_locks_waited = 235 ,Coach Outlet Online,MyISAM is enough .Eleven ,table scan mysql> ;show global status like handler_read% ;& # 43 & 43 ;and # ;------------- & # 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 & 43 ;and # ;------------- & # 43 ;handler_read_first 5803750 handler_read_key 6049319850 handler_read_next 94440908210 handler_read_prev 34822001724 handler_read_rnd 405482605 handler_read_rnd_next 18912877839 & 43 & # # ;and 43 ;------------- & # 43 ;each field explanation see ,V server to complete the query request times :mysql> ;show global status like com_select ;& # 43 ;this & # 43 - & ;# 43 ;variable_name value & # 43 ;this # 43 & ;& # - 43 ;com_select 222693559 & # 43 ;43 - # --- & ;& # 43 ;calculation table scan rate :table scan rate of handler_read_rnd_next / com_select if Table scan rate exceeds 4000 ,notes were too much of a table scan, likely index has not built up, increased read_buffer_size& # 20540 ;there will be some benefits ,but preferably not more than 8mb .
Postscript: mentioned in some numbers are 20540 ,# reference & ;understand the basic principle can ,in addition to MySQL provided by status& # 20540 ;and operating system ,some performance
indexes are also important ,such as the commonly used top ,iostat ,especially iostat ,now the system bottlenecks are generally in the disk IO ,on the iostat use ,can refer to :- - - - - from
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Abbey walked out of Holloway headquarters in a lab coat, the cool air caressed her damp hair and face cooling her. Her eyes trailed the sidewalk and her bare feet padded on the cool ground but the girl remained unaffected. Her hips swung with every step she took. Cocking the 9mm pistol she had taken of the guard and carried it ready at her side. On every corner there was a vamp staring at her with wide eyes. She walked two blocks before she found what she was looking for, a strip club.

Micah Anderson about fell out of his chair when he saw Abbey standing in his club; he greeted her with a hug and kiss to the cheek,

“You’re supposed to be dead.” Micah smile mischievously. She smiled smacking his arm and gesturing to the cloths she lacked.

“Do you suppose I could mooch some decent clothing off you?” she asked, accent thick. Abbey shivered as Micah escorted her to the back of the club; handing her a simple red sweater and blue denim jeans. Sliding them on she talked to Micah with a brutality.

“Has the government taken responsibility for my death yet?” she asked. Micah shook his head and showed her the newspaper on his desk.

“They say it wasn’t one of them but one of you.” Micah stated, pouring her a shot of Whiskey. Taking the shot and downing it in one go, she closed her eyes and thought.

Micah Jameson was a lot term friend to Abbey,Beats By Dre Pro, the two of them were basically siblings. He was tall, scrawny and absolutely the strongest man in the world. It never failed and she knew that he would die for her. Micah was a source of protection and she didn’t have anyone who was like that. At the age of six she had fought Micah’s step dad and killed him. Micah’s step dad would force himself on Micah and his brother; one day she snapped and broke his nose and it hit his brain. The two took that to the grave.

Micah smiled at his friend and touched her arm gently.

“You appear to be someone whose in-between a rock and hard place.” He said straightening the hem of her shirt.

“I am. And I think that I wont be moving out from that spot for a while.” She replied. Micah kissed her forehead, he didn’t typically read her thoughts but decided to plunge into her mind.

‘god he knows I’ve forgotten everything else besides him I’ll be in trouble.’ She thought. Her thoughts were crackling and it was clear that the girl was suffering from having her memory erased.

“Abbs are you alright, if you need to tell me something you know you can right?” he said.

“Can you tell me where I live.” She asked cautiously.

“In the East part-“ he stopped speaking like frozen air. “of town. 159 L road.” He said. Confused but happy she smiled and took his hand.

“thank you.” She said, quickly frolicking out the door.

Abbey’s apartment was a simple flat but painted vibrant violet on all walls. To her surprise things looked untouched to an extent,Cheap Coach Bags, no hands had trifled through in quite some time. The room itself smelled of nicotine and jasmine flowers; it was soft,Louboutin Sale, sweet and very peaceful. For a moment she allowed herself to step away from her angry feelings and settle down for a moment. Abbey’s whole body became less tense like a load was gone.

On the dining room table was a picture of her and a small boy; her arms were wrapped around the boys midsection, both were grinning. Picking it up she sat down and popped the back off the picture in one solid motion. Abygail Demitra Mason and Avery Road Mason was scrolled across the back of the photo with a swift hand of cursive. Then the memory hit her like a punch in the gut, knocking the air straight out of her.

Avery tugged her towards Jethary who stood on the other side of the compound.

“Aunty JETHARY!” he squealed jumping up into her small arms. Her black eyes rested thoughtfully on top of his auburn head, there was a light smile gracing her lips.

“Hey can you go play with some of the other kids for a while sweetie.” Abbey said smiling warmly. Jethary became alarmed at the solemn look that haunted her best friends eyes.

Once her son was gone, Abbey turned to Jethary eyes ablaze with fear.

“Someone in the vampire community has ordered a hit on me.” She whispered. Jethary froze and touched her taller friend’s shoulder to show their connection.

“Who told you?” Jethary asked. “That can’t be reliable.” She whispered hurriedly.

“Micah, you he wouldn’t lie or give misguided information to me.” Abbey said. Taking a pause Jethary looked nervously at the four year old boy playing with a group of children.

“What about Avery?” Jethary asked nodding her head. Abbey shook hers furiously and gestured angrily.

“I need you to watch him for me, but can you do me a favor?” Abbey asked. Jethary smile grimly tears gathering in the corner of her eyes.

“Take a picture of me and him.”

The two Masons were standing front to back; Abbey wrapped her slim arms around her son holding him close. Breathing deeply, she inhaled the scent of lavender and chamomile it was safe here. Smiling as Jethary took the photo she clung to Avery like he would run away. And once it was done she stood and looked down at her little boy.

“Thank-” the gunshot rang clear and loud in the community of buildings. It reverberated and echoed across each of the walls.

Abbey stood with her hands holding her chest right over her heart; then she removed her hand and the blood trickled down the front of her lavender dress. Her eyes grew empty with shock and she fell to the ground,Moncler, unmoving. Jethary stood in front of her,UGG Boots, blood spatter covered her face and shirt. Horrified she grabbed Avery and pulled him into her chest. Her best friend was dead.

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