
Dre Beats HeadphonesYellow skinny jeans

Yellow skinny jeans, a new hair cut, a black v-neck, but always the classic Eddie boots. It was the night before the Kentucky Derby and we were on the plane to get there in time. It was Bud, and Kathleen and Denise and I. We were all waiting in the airport terminal. We had to leave before the Cullens got it in their head to follow us to the Kentucky friggen Derby. I had to draw attention to the horse,beats by dre sale, the trainer, the owner, the race I didn't need them there drawing attention to their gorgeous selves. And of course it happened to be raining, and Edward loved going to the track when it was raining. As much as I wanted them there to watch me racing, to get off my horse and go to Edward. To be with him....

I sat up abruptly. I had just spent an hour daydreaming, thinking about EDWARD! How could I do that! Bud and Kathleen sat across from me sharing a chocolate milkshake. Denise was looking at them like they had three heads. She looked at me and waved a hand in front of my face. I nodded and then cleared my throat to get their attention. They looked up and giggled. I leaned back, laying my head onto Denise's shoulder. Then I looked over at a cute couple coming towards us. A towering HOT Native American guy,Dre Beats Headphones, with one black book bag, carrying two other pink suitcases. His girlfriend was wearing a beautiful jeans and a v-neck white sleeveless shirt. She carried a purse and was putting lip gloss on. Her short dark blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes.... Holy FUCK,Louboutin Shoes! IT was Maggie.

I slid down in my chair hoping they wouldn't see me. Denise looked and then groaned; she kicked out and kicked Kat in the shin. Kat, Denise and I looked at each other and then got up and walked to the ladies room. Bud looked at us, and started yelling at us when Kat flipped her head around and winked at him. His jaw shut, like she had cast a spell on him and he sat silently with our bags. Denise and Kat half pulled me into the ladies restroom which was all gray with generic everything.

"Maggie looks... well like Maggie." Denise said wincing. We all had been through the same high school experiences of men dating us to meet Maggie.

"Except prettier, taller, and... well scarier." Kat said with exclamation. Kat had probably been scarred worse by Maggie's beauty.

"It’s my Kentucky Derby. MY KENTUCKY DERBY!" I said hoping Maggie could hear me. "And I don't want her there. Unless she can get uglier in about two seconds. God the pilot will crash the plane trying to turn around and look at her."

"Well maybe she isn't going... hopefully that is." Denise said under her breath.

Kat slid down to sit on the floor. "I'm prettier than I was in high school, I am dating a fucking steamy man, and I'm happy. And you Denise, You've always been exotically pretty. And we're going to see the man that has always been in love with you race a horse. And Hannah. You’re the prettiest. You’re racing in the Kentucky Friggen Derby tomorrow. So we don't have to even pay attention to her. She doesn't even matter. She's just a supermodel, but no one likes supermodels. They all suck. Men want real women. And we are real women!"

At that moment Maggie walked in, the first thing we saw was her sky high wedge white heels. Then up her perfectly sculpted jeans. Maggie then walked over to the mirror like she couldn't see us and took out the hair brush. "Hello girls!" She said in her perfect, valedictorian voice.

"Maggie." Denise sneered.

"Well I haven't seen you in forever! How is your world? Kat I take it you’re dating our cowboy Bud. And Denise you’re so beautiful, I’m sure you’re doing well with your entrepreneurship, are you excited about seeing Gabe tomorrow? And my sister... I’m so proud of you." Maggie added.

Our flight was announced. Luckily that was our excuse to get out of there and walk to our plane. I grabbed my suitcase, and Denise grabbed hers. Bud demanded carrying Kat's bags and she giggled and wrapped her arms around his waist. I glanced behind me to see Maggie and Jacob behind us. I sighed. Maybe she wasn't going to the Kentucky Derby. Maybe she was going to Louisville just to... meet some of Jake's family? God I hoped so. I needed her to go elsewhere.... I needed... I looked hot. That flight attendant just checked me out and wrote his number on my hand. He didn't check Maggie out... This is okay. Maybe she was too pretty. But I was wrong… I saw that Jake was giving the flight attendant a cold hard stare, making sure that he didn’t come anywhere near his Maggie.

Denise and I had window seats. Bud and Kat were in the middle of the plane, separated by an older woman who was talking about her grandchildren. It was great. They sat there,beats light blue, Kat looking at baby pictures of her grandchildren and oohing and ahhing. And Bud was showing her how to fix her phone. Maggie and Jake sat in first class in the front. Away from me.

"She is too pretty." Denise said to me.

I nodded. "Tell me about it. And what about Jake?"

"Quite a transition from Zach. He’s friggen hot." Denise was cracking up at our own personal joke.

I was crying now from laughing so hard. "I love Maggie. I mean don’t get me wrong. But thank god she's getting married!"

"WHAT!" Kat said shooting around to look at us. Denise was cracking up again, but now she was threatening to pee herself.

I giggled, "You didn't see the gaudy ring on her finger. How much can that weigh? 10 pounds?"

"Oh thank god." Denise and Kat said saying at the same time.

"What?" I asked.

"Now she's off the market. Oh thank god. But anyway. No normal man even looks at her. She's so pretty its almost ugly. Everyone notices her but then they look away because she just isn’t human." Denise says.

I had to object, “Everybody does notice her. It’s just that Maggie got herself a very protective guy. Jake would kill anyone who stared too long.”

"Let's sleep. You have a race to win tomorrow. So shut the fuck up and let's dream pleasant dreams of Maggie not being a threat." Kat said laying back.

The plane landed at 2 in the morning. We all stood up and walked out. IT was cold and rainy in Louisville. Bud was supporting all of Kat's weight as she sauntered off of the plane. Denise gets really hyper when she's tired, so she was giggling and singing the ABC's. I on the other hand was supporting myself, being tired, but aware. We walked through the terminal, and Denise and I stopped to get a cup of tea. We then got to the exit and our hotel shuffle was waiting for us.

Maggie was standing alone, and Jake had just pulled up a red mustang 2009. Denise drooled at the car. We drank the tea and gave Bud his coffee. The 30 minute shuffle ride to the hotel was another 25 minutes of sleep for me. But then we pulled up to a beautiful hotel where other jockeys and trainers were also pulling up. There was no red mustang anywhere in sight. We asked for our room, two queen beds, one for Bud and Kat, and one for Denise and I. I asked the front desk if there was a Margaret or Jacob Black staying here. And they said no. So now it was 3 in the morning, and I had 3 hours to sleep before I had to get up and go. So all of us went to the room and collapsed into the bed. It was silent for another three hours.

6 in the morning came to fast for me. I was upset when the alarm went off. I groaned and then got out of bed. Denise started giggling. Kat and Bud then started also. I yelled at them to shut up it was too early for them to be laughing. I went and got on my little navy blue blouse and my white skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and put half of it up, my side bangs fell over and I applied the dark blue eye shadow on my eyelid.

I then glanced behind me to see Denise slipping into a black dress and putting on a purple big sun hat, it had a feather on it and a ribbon saying Go Blondie Go. Kat was putting on her little yellow and white sundress, and putting on her bright pink hat that had a horse on the top of it. I giggled at them following the traditional derby fashions. But Bud surprised me. He put on a black suit, with a white shirt under it and a yellow tie. Obviously Kat and Bud matched. It was adorable. I slipped on my heels, and put on my red clearance tag, that allowed me anywhere my horse was going. I handed Kat, Denise, and Bud one.

We all giggled and then Kat ran to get a box. Inside the box was a little white hat with a blue ribbon around it. I laughed once again and agreed to put it on if I won. We all walked out of the room, Bud carried my jockey bag with my boots and everything. We got downstairs and I saw all my competition in one room. All of the boys were there, I happened to be the only female.

I should have expected Denise and Kat to cause a scene. They went wild. Denise had her boobs right there for them all to see, and her little legs semi extended in the heels. She was perfect jockey size. And immediately the men jumped on her. We had to work our way through the crowds to get to my trainer. Once I got over there I saw Maggie over talking to Jeremy Rose. Jake was nowhere in sight. I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone and dialed Jeremy's number. He picked up the phone and looked for me. When he saw me we ran over to each other. I gave Maggie the what are you doing here look hoping she would catch it and leave. But of course not. That would be easy. And the word I chose to describe Maggie would be difficult.

"You look silly Hannah. Where is your Hat?" Maggie said cheerfully. I felt a hint of guilt for not wanting her here. She obviously means well to be here. I smiled at her, today was my day. She was wearing a flowing red dress. Her hair was slightly curled today, and her ruby red hat adorned with roses was gorgeous. Her lips were blood red, and her blue eyes were outlined with vivid blue and black eyeliner. It was painful how sexy she was.

"I look amazing. Keeping a little mystery to me. I don't like competition to be able to see my breasts." I said smiling at her with a mocking sound.

"Well it doesn't keep your competition from looking at you." Maggie quietly replied. I saw a flicker of hurt in her eyes as she glanced away.

"Hannah Williamson! You are so gorgeous..." I heard a voice say behind me. And then Rafeal Bejarno step into view.

"Thanks Rafe." I said. He glanced at Maggie, nodded his head and then stepped in between Maggie and I to look at me.

"Hey everybody,Louboutin Outlet! Did you see our beautiful little Hannah?" Rafe yelled at the crowds of jockeys. Everyone turned to look at me and then we all started talking. Maggie was pushed out of the crowds.

We all got into limos and pulled out. My crowd was in one. Maggie rode in one alone. I began to wonder why she was here. We all giggled and talked; because we knew once we were at the track until the race was starting we had to stick together. And once one of us won, we again and to stick back together because together we were a family.

Piling out of the car was interesting. Joe Talamo and I always had been flirty but now it almost seemed like we were a thing. We were put together, and we were talked about in pairs. It usually was 'Joe and Hannah' around here. The crowds of screaming women were already at Churchill downs at 7 in the morning. Maggie got out of her limo and cat walked over to the crowds. She walked through and was noticed. A few men looked her over. Denise gave me thumbs up.

I walked to see my horse, my Birdy. We knew each other. After our formal greeting of blowing into each other's nostrils. Birdy then nipped me playfully. I giggled at him and walked in to check his water. He was so majestic. Maggie walked over to the stall and Birdy sniffed her hands. I slapped him on the butt, and he turned and looked at me like I was insane. I smiled and told him he was a wise one not to kick his jockey. I walked over to the stall door to see Maggie.

"He likes you." Maggie said.

"We're pals. I know he's excited, and he knows I'm gonna help him win. It’s a partnership." I said feeling him move closer to stand by me.

"It’s odd how close your bond is." Maggie said putting her hands on my upper arm. Birdy reached forward to nuzzle her.

"I'm so proud of you being in the Kentucky Derby." Maggie said.

I know she meant well, but it made my teeth ground. "I'm proud of myself also. It’s a good thing I've been working so hard to get her. And I'm proud that it was just me. That I don't owe anyone anything. I have no thanks to give out to anyone." I said.

"Alright I'll be watching you. Good luck." Maggie said then leaned forward to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Well have fun. Don't let anyone fall in love with you." I said as a joke, and walked in the direction to the grandstand.

"I'm not staying. I have to go." Maggie murmured.

"You'd like the races. But I’m sure you have a reason to go. I've got to scram. I love you. Tell my brother in law I say hello. How long until you two start making babies? Never mind don't answer that please. Just show up at my doorstep sometime with a baby. By the way you look gorgeous. Red is your color. Well, I've got to go. I promised Larry I would have breakfast with him and Cindy." I said

I couldn't read her facial expressions. "Okay. If any of the Cullens call. Tell them I'm here."

"Honey, you know I can't lie to them. So if you’re staying and I should tell them that then stay. If not I'll have to tell them you’re not. I love you. But I really have to go!" I said blowing her a kiss and running towards Larry's base.

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