
Vibram Five Fingers SaleName:

Name: Jay Haruki Shun Fujimoto (named after grandparents)

Age: 15

Crush(s): Nope, no one.

Best Friend(s): Hinata Hyuuga, Ino Yamanaka, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki

Friend(s): Jay: "I guess everybody else..."

Personality: Badass tomboy. Can get loud when excited,beats light blue, ambitious, hard working, playful, honest, energetic, outgoing, curious, confident, sympathetic. Shy and goofy around new people. But can get arrogant,Moncler UK, brag about missions, etc.

Enemies: Doesn't consider anyone an enemy unless they do something to hit a nerve or harm her loved ones. But dislikes people who have trouble staying "good."

Likes: Fast food, running, feeling superior, her pals, her aunt.

Dislikes: Everything else... Jay: "Bleh.."

What team are you on: 6 (Made it up, hee.)

How strong are you on a scale of 1 to 100 (Be honest): 88

Answer these questions,Vibram Five Fingers Sale!

1) You see Sakura hit Naruto really hard in the face, he ends up flying really far from her. What do you do?

Asks Sakura: "Did he do something stupid again?" But later goes to see if he broke his face badly or not.

2) Sasuke ask's you out on a date, leaving Sakura hate you a thousand times more. What do you say/do and why?

Says: Sorry, dude I don't really like you that way but I see Sakura is willing to take you up on that offer..." *Teleports away* Why? Because as mentioned before she isn't particularly fond of Sasuke or the Uchihas because of their history,Cheap Moncler, and it ticks her off that he doesn't notice how Sakura and Ino are always clawing at each other for him.

3) You see Shikamaru and Temari kiss right infront of you. How do you react?

Thinks: 'I knew they were gonna end up together anyhow.' Says: *wolf-whistles* "Get a room, you two! Kids these days..."

4) Orochimaru orders you to join the sound village, and he tries to give you the cursed mark. What do you do?

Yells at him: "Oh, HELL no!!" *attacks him in an epic batlle and sends him away*

5) Pain wants you to join Akatsuki. What do you do/say and why?

Jay: "No." (unimpressed expression) *attacks and also sends them away* Jay believes in justice but doesn't like the way Pein portrays that idea and frankly, they annoy the crap out of her with their we-want-to-catch-9-tails thing they've got goin'.

6) Naruto ask's you to eat Ramen with him, he considers it a date. What do you do and why?

"Oh,Coach Store, no thanks Uzumaki, Hinata wants to though.." Pushes Hinata into Naruto and runs away. Jay doesn't like Naruto that way, though they are good friends and she's aware of Hinata's feelings for him so she often pushes Hinata into Naruto. Though it's also funny to watch Hinata turn into a tomato face.

7)You see Gaara sitting alone in the back of the classroom. Class gets demissed but yet he still sits there. What do you do/say and why?What she does: *Goes up to Gaara and stops in front of his desk* What she says: "Hey kid, you alright? " *anticipates getting yelled at* Why? Jay's a commpassionate person and often will butt into strangers' lives if they look down, even if the person isn't in the mood to talk to her.8) Do you admire or like the Akatsuki?Why or why not?As mentioned before, the way the Akatsuki handles things isn't something Jay really admires. So, no, Jay doesn't really admire them. And the fact they want to take over the world doesn't help in changing her opinion about them.9) You see Hinata being shy around Naruto again, what do you do to help her out, or do you help her out? Why or why not?Jay: "Of course!" *runs up behind Hinata, while until Naruto is up close and trips her into him* Yells, "Have fun, you lovebirds!" *snickers while teleporting away*

10) Who is the strongest Naruto character in your opinion and why?

Jay: "In my opinion, everybody. I know that sounds sappy but everyone has their problems, even me. As they deal with their issues I've come to see they really are strong." *gets into epic teary-eyed mode*


Hope you like my oc!

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