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Indus Latin name Firmiana simplex, the English called Phoenix Tree, alias Qingtong, Tong Ma, are Sterculiaceae. Sterculiaceae Indus is a large deciduous tree, up to 15 meters; straight trunk, bark green and smooth. Native to China, North and South provinces have cultivated for the common green trees and ornamental garden tree. Another namesake cartoon character names, and Indus Indus.

Chinese Name: Indus circles: the vegetable kingdom door: the door of angiosperms Gang: Gang dicots subclass: the original perianth sub-schema: mallow mesh sub-orders: mallow suborder Section: Sterculiaceae are: Indus is Medicinal parts: seeds, flowers, leaves, roots, bark, etc. can be used as medicine


Application habitat distribution patterns of plant medicinal value of quoted value farming with green growth and reproduction of ornamental cultivation methods and precautions and prevention of common diseases and insect pests the difference between the Indus and China plane trees plane trees plane trees with Introduction About China China Indus Indus Indus, the main difference - historical records and legends related to other forms of Indus plant (scientific name: Firmiana platanifolia (Linn. f.) Marsili) deciduous tree, up to 16 m; bark green and smooth. Leaves heart-shaped, palmately 3-5 cleft, diameter 15-30 cm,

lobes triangular, apex acuminate, base heart-shaped, two had no hair or slightly pubescent, basal veins 7 of the petiole and leaf length. Inflorescences cone, about 20-50 cm, the lower branches up to 12 cm, flowers yellowish green; calyx 5 to base a few deep cleft, sepals bar, curl outwards, 7-9 mm long, the outside is light yellow pubescent, inner surface pubescent only at base; peduncle long and a few other flowers; male flower pistil and stamen stalk and calyx of equal length, the lower half thick, hairless, irregularly clustered anther 15 handle in the pistil and stamen the top of the pear-shaped and very small degradation of the ovary; female flower's ovary spherical, hair. Fruit membranous, with handle, premature cracking into the leafy, 6-11 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, the outside was a few short hairs or glabrous, 2-4 seeds per fruit there; seed round spherical surface of crepe, diameter about 7 mm. June-July flowering, fruit ripening period of 10-11 months. [1] [2] the distribution of habitats north and south production provinces in China, Hainan Island from Guangdong to the north are produced. Also distributed in Japan. Mostly cultivated. Good was born in warm and humid environment; resistance to cold, drought-resistant and infertile. Bark summer sun intolerance. Grow better in sandy soil. Medicinal value of the name of the drug application value: Indus son, Indus flowers, white Indus, Indus roots, parasol trees. [2] name of the medicine medicinal parts of the taste of the seeds of the effectiveness of the Indus Indus sweet child; natured detoxify, smooth gas and stomach, spleen and digestion, bleeding Indus Indus flower flowers sweet; natured dampness swelling, heat detoxification to remove cork Indus Indus white bark sweet; bitter; of cool Qufengchushi; promoting blood circulation Indus Indus root root sweet; natured Qufengchushi, menstrual bleeding, sore detoxification treatment leaves Indus Indus leaves bitter taste; cold Qufengchushi; detoxification swelling; lower blood pressure lead to the kinds of green ornamental trees and gardens for the common green ornamental tree. [1] Agriculture, light, soft wood, Mu Xia and instruments to beat the system. Fry edible seeds or oil extraction, oil is non-drying oil. White bark of the fiber can be used to paper and braided rope and so on. Wood shavings may leach mucus, said wood shavings, conditioner. Ye do the soil pesticides can kill aphids, sulfur dioxide, chlorine and other toxic gases, there is a strong resistance. Plane trees on the green environment and human of course, is the role of clean air, but it's nothing special role of edible seeds, oil extraction can also see the following references can be medicinal and sweet, flat, non-toxic. Indus sub-component containing caffeine, gum. Function of qi and yin, eyesight Pinggan, black hair. [Tinea capitis DLF (Lali head)] parasol flower smashed coated surface of fresh products. [Prolapse] Indus bark fried juicy warm wash, day 2 or 3 times. [Hypertension] leaves of plane trees, day 30 grams Jiantang tea. [Mouth, glossitis] Indus sub-burning existence, and research fine, honey-coated, several times a day. Growth and reproduction of the Indus culture is easy, simple to manage, and very water-saving. Propagation method: seeding method, cutting, split-root. Seeding method: fall harvest ripe fruit, dried autumn threshing year after planting, but also to next spring sowing Sand. Drill spacing of 25 cm, 1.5 cm thick overburden. About 15 kg per acre broadcast. Sand seed germination than the neat, sowing 4-5 weeks after germination. Dry storage seed germination often missing, can be soaked with warm water before sowing germination. Cultivation methods and precautions Indus cultivation easy, simple to manage, the provincial water. Normal management, seedling year high

Indus Photo Gallery (10) up to 50 cm above the sub-plant training next year. Three seedlings can Chupu. Planting sites should be selected terrain Gaozao Department, into the basal cavity applied, will be dry, sealed with wax Jukou. In the north, the winter on young trees straw rope to wrap cold. The winter and early spring fertilization time. Common pests and prevention of major pests fleas, frost moth, slug, boil bat moth and so on. One Indus crack head lice, only harm plane trees, located in Shandong, Henan and other places. Nymphs secrete a white cotton wool wax when hazardous materials, the leaf pores blocked, affecting the normal leaf photosynthesis and respiration, so pale leaves showing symptoms of decline, there will be early fall leaves, shoot dry, rough skin fragility, susceptible to wind off phenomenon. Prevention: spray water can be obliterated in the hazard period floc, can eliminate many nymphs and adults, 65% in the early spring soap oil emulsion spray 8 times against the overwintering eggs. Boil bat moth, endangering Indus, magnolia and other trees. 40% of available veterinary syringe fenitrothion EC 400 times into the trenches to be harm, kill larvae. You can also use the oil emulsion, dichlorvos, dimethoate, methamidophos, prevention and treatment. The difference between the Indus and China Platanus height difference between the growth of Environmental Indus Indus tree leaves and flowers of fruit produced in China and Japan hi light hi deep moist soil parasols ,15-20m tall and burly no section of the trunk, smooth green bark up helicopter Leaves palmate, crack missing flower, leaves thick summer flowering, monoecious, flowers small, yellowish green, the fruit panicles divided into five sub-fruit, ripe fruit before the split points were boat-shaped, seed health at the edge [ ,],[dense brown leaves are triangular-stellate stellate hairs. Leaves palmately 5-7 cleft, deep cleft of the middle lobes grew up in the wide, wide leaf base. Wedge-shaped or truncate, margin teeth, palmate veins; stipules round neck-like inflorescence head-like, yellow-green, flowering from April to May the number of nuts, whole leaf spherical poly ball into a bunch of 3-6, accommodation deposit Style long , were bristle-like, long and drooping stalk. fruit mature from September to October. Fruit can be used as medicine [4] Introduction to the world famous plane trees trees - Platanus, in our parks and along the street can often see. Now in our North from Dalian, Beijing, Hebei, west Shaanxi, Gansu, to the southwest Sichuan, Yunnan, south and eastern coastal provinces of Guangdong are are cultivated. In Nanjing, the people who treat it referred to as People used to call Originally, a genus Platanus eight species, originating in North America, Mexico, the Mediterranean and the Indian area. Planted into our country there are three kinds. Sycamore fruit order handle the fruit, some a fruit balls, fruit balls, some two, some three or more fruit balls, so the name is different, each called a sycamore ball, two balls and three balls sycamore sycamore, which is three different species. The summarized as follows: 1, a ball sycamore (Platanus occidentalis, originating in North America, commonly known as three ball sycamore (Platanus orientalis, origin southeastern Europe, India area, commonly known as Branches to carry out, the crown broad, elongated oval. Bark gray or white, flaking, peeling off the green after a pink, smooth. Handle the next bud, leaf alternate, leaves large, palmately 5-9 cleft, densely stellate-pubescent childhood, after the loss. Flowering April to May, capitulum ball. Cones drooping, usually a string of 2 balls. Fruit ripening September to October, the base of a long-haired nuts. Leaves triangular-shaped, 9-15 cm long, 9-17 cm wide, 3-5 palmately divided, the edges sharp teeth and wavy irregular teeth, base truncate or nearly heart-shaped, soft stellate hairs when, after nearly with no hair. Spherical inflorescence diameter of 2. 5-3.5 cm, typically 2 string, plus hanging bell-shaped; spend about 4 mm; sepals 4; petals 4; male; male flowers have 4-8 stamens; female flower has six a separate carpels. Introduction to Chinese Indus Indus (Firmiana simple) or and smooth. Native to China, North and South provinces have cultivated, but also for ordinary green trees and ornamental garden tree. , decorated their child, the more those five, six, less those two, three, as large as beans. The fruit is divided into five sub-fruit, ripe fruit before the split points were boat-shaped, seed health at the edge. I made two kinds of Indus, one sycamore, one in Yunnan Indus. Yunnan Indus bark rough, grayish black, leaf margin generally Trifid. Chinese parasol tree, tall and burly, no section of the trunk, up helicopter, were holding high emerald green Jusan, imposing high-spirited. Smooth green bark, leaves thick, from in to the branch, a lush, elegant look very clean, no wonder people called it Chinese parasol is also a beautiful ornamental plants, decorated in the garden, before the house, also planted as street trees. Leaves palmate, crack missing flower. Summer flowering, monoecious, flowers small, yellowish green, cone flower, blossoms appear bright and bright. Folklore, live in the Indus Phoenix like trees, Li Bai is also a In fact, this is only one hope for a better life. Interestingly, there is a Chinese parasol, said Li's Story which you explain: Chinese parasol can It each vine, leaf average year 12 students, while there are 6 leaves, and leaves in a leap year is 13 students. This is a coincidence deduction, the actual no such law of nature. As for the Chinese parasol tree bark green and smooth. Leaves heart-shaped, palmately 3-5 cleft, 15-30 cm in diameter, lobes triangular, apex acuminate, base heart-shaped, two had no hair or slightly pubescent, basal veins 7, petioles and leaves of equal length . Inflorescences cone, about 20-50 cm, the lower branches up to 12 cm, flowers yellowish green; calyx 5 to base a few deep cleft, sepals bar, curl outwards, 7-9 mm long, the outside is light yellow pubescent, inner surface pubescent only at base; peduncle long and a few other flowers; male flower pistil and stamen stalk and calyx of equal length, the lower half thick, hairless,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Sale[/url], irregularly clustered anther 15 handle in the pistil and stamen the top of the pear-shaped and very small degradation of the ovary; female flower's ovary spherical, hair. Fruit membranous, with handle, premature cracking into the leafy, 6-11 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, the outside was a few short hairs or glabrous, 2-4 seeds per fruit there; seed round spherical surface of crepe, diameter about 7 mm. June-July flowering, fruit ripening period of 10-11 months. London plane trees with the main difference between Chinese parasol Chinese parasol trees like poplar body, it is straight (can be used to make piano zither), triangular blade star, the trunk is generally not thick. Autumn, the leaves become yellow, very poetic. The fruit is spherical solid fruit, about 4-5 mm in diameter, with a thin layer of the shell can be eaten raw, can also be fried, only the peas so much, almost like the taste of peas, eating very fragrant, seasonal season can be picked. London plane trees are thick trunk (not very thick, coarse than the Chinese Indus), star-shaped leaves are triangular, but much larger. Fruit is very small, can not eat. The leaves become brown in the fall, certainly not good-looking Chinese parasol of leaves. Crown large, and because the leaves large, almost completely covered the sun above the crown, so most are suitable for sidewalk shade tree. [5] Indus - related historical records and legends Indus 1 tall, as the Indus, as the trees of the leader. Been valued since ancient times. And often linked to the Indus and Phoenix. Phoenix is ​​the king of birds, and habitat in the Indus Phoenix on the most happy, we can see just how noble the Indus. History records the Indus: Indus has Qingtong, Biwu, jade, the name of Wu Ting. First seen in the pre-Qin literature, . Shows weekly in the summer, plane trees on the subject when people's attention. Then the Indus Park Spring Fuchai built plane trees planted in the garden, any anti-Liang, Han Chinese parasol tree was planted in the royal palace, Wei began to increase when planted plane trees, Jaap Jin Zhan, branches of more than hundred feet high; leaves students only graceful, more luxuriant leaves Jin Fu as Large-scale planting plane trees is the former king of Fu Jian, of. Northern Wei Gu Sixie Tang planted plane trees is very common. Is the plane trees planted in the palace. Duan style section, since the descendants no longer dare to fold. Li Song planted plane trees a lot. Song Zhu Changwen music garden in Suzhou, its a Park Ji Take, Niyama phase times Phoenix to Wu Zhu Xuan landscaping of the Yuan Dynasty, the description of plane trees. Ming plane trees often planted in pre-trial, window, door side of the line road. Wang Jin, , Ya-Hua Yan net, enjoyable, many of the people fasting Court. Qian Yan release step, the North with dark windows, closed the spring and winter, to avoid the wind and rain, cool summer and can be opened. However Biwu of interest: spring and winter leaves, to the joy of harmony Shu Xuan negative; summer shade to pay to cover steam intense sparkle of Wei Yan, Pavilion King has Xi 'attractions, its a Qing Lu development flow, the new branch early lead; mild cold Micro, is a leaf floating air; villa in in in and recent multi-alone here. Tong Xuan in Feixia floor, the ground more than the Indus widely planted throughout the country, agencies, schools, factories, parks, scenic areas, streets, etc., were seen with parasols figure 2. Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, plane trees on the legend of King: Some people say that is locally introduced from India. also spread less than the local myths and legends about the tree, all mysterious, aroused the desire to witness the tree. people have been Muslims it as a This strain of ancient plane trees in geography, botany has important research value now, here's a Wada has become an important tourist attraction. [4] as the ancients often linked to the Indus and Phoenix, so now people often said: often in a variety of imagery and meaning. 1, virtuous character, moral of the Indus in the image and symbol of purity and poetry in the meaning of good character, such as Indus students carry, they arise sun Home loudly from far away, is by non-wind implying that their good character. Zhuangzi in cited Feng, pen, it has become a symbol of love, loyalty, such as: Ulterior motives in phase coverage, leaf relative to traffic. separation, death buried the nether world, can not stirring? 3, the image of sorrow and loneliness leaves symbolizes the wind, rain Indus, desolate scene, described the Indus became a literary image of lonely sorrow, such as months like a hook. Shen Yuan lock Kiyoaki Indus lonely cold moon leaves from the Indus to the gap in the shed, it really sad! peoples living on the past is the monarch, and now has become a prisoner of war, thousands of melancholy, filled with quiet anger, all in one. when the subjugation of the hate? Again Wu Ye soon as soon as the autumn, a little bit unhappy banana Acacia is a rainy night in song, is a cold, wet autumn map! the face of this scene,[url=http://www.wupipi.in/]UGG Sale[/url], Acacia begins with the poet heart filled Author of the Indus and the banana picture of rain, Emotion in the scenery, scenes , Sad and bewildered, artistic conception. 4, the situation Parting from the image and meaning in the Tang and Song poetry, from the Indus to make love and not hate the image is the most moral, such as compared to spring and autumn scene, re-color light satire of the monarch and the country's lingering beauty tempting children to bring life-long regret, such as A leaf, I heard the sound of dripping empty stage that pain, romance, Resentment sad, through the night. his profound implication, is memorable. Again, The first, how a Sorrow , sound bleak, lonely and helpless, she was in the deep memory of her husband, this grief-stricken words, tear-jerking, called the write melancholy of farewell.

lengthy antiquity, leaves if Pik, Wai Yee outstanding, the root in Qingyuan, days open purple Britain, the stars on it, the U.S. poultry to the Ming, the world has Kerry Wood, the heart from the psychic, for piano, Spring sound, lying to listen to the night rain , from the look Xueqing, independent integrity, towering Derong. dark cloud, only worthy of haggard. read Blue Church Candle, heart short flame length, the people cry. . Indus westerly anxious last night, Dan Yue hazy out, dreams frequency shock, where high-rise goose sound? long to know where the water away? chi seats condensate dust, fog cover Xianggui. red with small print letterhead Who to? high-rise projects do want to dusk, parasol leaves rustling rain. Kiyoaki the full House Kiyoaki. desolate landscape, contains deep Chouhen, King of love, love overflow scene outside. Indus, in the classical poetry, performance has always been a Melancholy of images, Road conditions are not suffering from music , sad mood. parasol at this Autumn locked Shen Yuan, in general, people will have a sad cold lonely feeling, not to mention the monarch become a prisoner of Li Yu do? old when the monarchy, the habitats, is lonely Indus Shen Yuan, people's good wishes because of the Indus tall and straight, the trees in the crowd. to be valued since ancient times. and often linked to the Indus and Phoenix Phoenix is ​​the king of birds, and habitat in the Indus Phoenix on the most happy, shows just how noble the Indus, such as in our Book of Songs, the records have on the Indus in the Book of Songs, Taiga . Indus students carry, they arise sun. lush, Yong Yong Jie Jie. Yong Jie Jie, is the voice of Fengming in Zhuangzi chapter in the Autumn, also said the Indus in the said Zhuangzi see Keiko, said: Young man, hair flying in the South China Sea and the North Sea, more than non-Indus, ... flew to the North Sea, only the Indus was falling. seen the noble Indus, in the thirty-seventh back to the Three Kingdoms, there is this description: non-compliance there is momentum, and the Indus is a symbol of good fortune. more entries Atlas Atlas

Indus Photo Gallery (10)

entry picture (2)

References 1 < p> / / www.fatongwang.com/new_view.asp?id=903


Rambling Indus

http://garden.ibcas.ac.cn/zhwshj/zhwshj8.htm < / p> 5

the difference between China and the Platanus tree


Further reading: 1

protect the old Tong tree: http://www.516fc.net/news/show.php?itemid=449


Baidu know

Open Category: Plants, names, medicinal plants, herbs, Indus Section 2 Zhejiang names Indus

Sandy Bay area in the territory of Jingning County, Zhejiang Province. Indus Village, Zhejiang Jingning County Indus township government, village committee Indus station, located 16 km southwest of the county, jurisdiction 3 villages, as of 2005, a total of 171, 608 people, including Shes 25. 227 acres of arable land, single-season rice cultivation, double cropping, the development of mushrooms, fungus, etc. 4278 acres of woodland, with planting seedlings, herbs and other bases. Township to do with power plants, steel plants, pump valve factory and village farms. economic activity, gradually increase the income of the villagers.-east of the village with ancient plane trees, hence the name. King (Ning), Qing (Yuan) roads and King (Ning), Long (spring) road through the village 3. Quanzhilieren role Indus hit the enemy's chief executive, Hakka (Explorer) Japanese Name: ゴ Suites

TV screenshot

English Name: GOTO Chinese Name: Indus Birthplace: Meteor Street Height: 182 Weight: 61Kg Blood Type: A Who's Who: played very little housekeeper Indus (ゴ Suites), Mr. unexpected popularity it is also perhaps because he was cold outside, tender hearts of people it 4. Chinese mainland actress Jiang armor with the new generation of fans with the name of the Indus River Plate fans known as the graduate, Hunan Satellite TV remake of the romantic aesthetic of youth idol drama a brilliant life AC & fr = ala0

Open Category: People 5.

Indus Chengdu real estate directory name

Overview Overview Indus transport facilities in Chengdu Shuangnan 2.5 ring, a new villa homes museum covers an area of ​​9498.17, 15-story high-rise low-density communities, the main push of 72-145 square meters of variable size, up to 10% of the gift area. Atrium Garden + municipal parks, two landscapes, the bottom of all overhead, German-style facade, semi-enclosed point layout, 1 ladder 2, 2 ladder 4.


Property Type: Normal residential planning area: 9.00 square meters building types: high-rise building Area: 41.00 square fitting: The rough plan of households: 308 opening Check-in time :2010-12 :2012-06 Developer: Chengdu Xin Yi Properties Limited Property Experience: 70 years of investment by: Chengdu Xin Yi Properties Limited number of parking spaces: 228 (1:0.9) Residential property costs: 1.8 yuan / square meter / month residential floor area ratio: 2.9 Property Company: Property Management Co., Ltd. Chengdu Green Hongjian rate: 30% of the transport facilities


Tong at 2.5 Shuangnan ring, Jin Jinan Road, Wuhou District, from project to Ito and all music, just 10 minutes walk from the current situation surrounding the project is more mature Jiaotong University and other community gardens, housing a strong atmosphere. farmers market next to the project, will transform the future of large multi-storey the size of the market, life very convenient. parasol outside Shuangnan bus lines currently more developed regions, living in this life to meet daily needs, but far from the city center project, so the owners need to spend more time on transportation costs. the future Metro Line will pass through the region, the transport speed for the region as a whole will bring a greater role in promoting. If you take the bus to the case, choose Wu-Yang Road junction station, Taiping Village Station, multi-site route, radiation wide range of addition 53,72 Road station with direct access to the project entrance. the traffic is very convenient. film received some regional bus earlier classes, will require frequent travel buyers the night life of inconvenience, not the current public transport at night very convenient. Education: Mozi Qiao Primary School, Shuangnan primary school to Sichuan, Hongqiao Arts Kindergarten, gold baby nurseries, kindergartens, hospitals Shuangfeng: Wuhou Second People's Hospital Bank: Agricultural Bank of others: Ito-Yokado, all music, Wangfujing (planning), Carrefour (planning), Meikailong, Paradise, Gome, Suning, Shuangfeng Road farmers market, Ji Shunnong trade market expansion read: 1

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Also common for small lapel collar, worn with pullovers, T-shirts can be, where most of the work now no longer restrained, at work wearing a shirt and tie in, the boss should not be difficult. dark gray wool jacket, wool coat with dark stripes spotted stable for some people to wear, the content does not suit the conflict. The pursuit of fashion sense and do not want people who can be equipped with some of the outrageous colors and lively style of underwear, pants and jacket with casual models or texture of the trousers can be the same. With ties, scarves brighten the color of the body to create layering. Burly figure who may also wish to wear a dark color. slender income slender body of the jacket body received a very fashionable jacket, collar single-breasted or double-breasted suits are popular focus. fit is to select the main points of this jacket, pants should also be equipped with slender styles. During this stage the international popularity of T-slender figure of the male image, choose this dress, you can tide over a front of the fashion addiction. collar coat collar coat more rare, for the short neck of the people, not suitable, but the collar will not be exposed to open-hole defects. other coat H-type lines clear and concise, without superfluous decoration and dividing lines, giving the impression of clean and elegant. I continue this year, popular light gray, so that workers can safely pursue the fashion sense. gray with a series of groups not only easy to date, the color clothes to buy, wear rate and will be universally praised. suit suit has been the kingdom of men's fashion pet. Suit to show a mature, confident, suitable for people of all ages. Wear a suit to pay attention to meter, do not stoop hump, energy, appetite, or Destructive Enthusiasm. How to choose an appropriate suit the needs of people's attention has to answer questions. male style can suit the style of clothes through the whole process too fat, split head length and collar, buttons, pockets and other parts of the split ends and to reflect the changes. Purchase should try a few pieces to wear comfortable, does not affect the general activities, to reflect the man's robust physique and energy, and can be set into a sweater as well, but also with the degree commensurate with the tie to choose. The lower part of the split or not, the suit collar width, a small private hobby I may be, suit many kinds of buttons, but the most common is a single row of two buttons, for a variety of occasions, thin body double who choose buckle better. general color, black. Dark blue suit and looked solemn. Body fat of people Yichuan deep cool colors suit bars, height and body lean should choose light-colored plaid suit, can also be combined with color to choose,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], the choice of color as far as possible to avoid too brilliant too single to elegant, soft brown, camel , m, intermediate gray color is appropriate. texture to suit fabric wool fabric as well, the material stiff. Strong. Paul-type strong, the price is cheap, high-level male suit of clothes which have a layer of adhesive lining, purchase, they can look at the clothes and then release the hand grip. If clothes are not very hard, not stiff, flexible and do not stay pleated, hand touch on to the hair feeling strong, indicating good quality cloth, clothes and then raided his breast, there is no , although the poor bonding lining to make clothes stiff, but on the hand grip to the stiff, stiff. work first look at the suits on both sides, especially the collar pocket, is fully symmetrical formation. Pocket. Correct button position is correct; leaders. His breast. Ironing is smooth and obedient group; the last to see whether the symmetry pins, buttons. Sutures are consistent with the fabric or color coordinated, wireless A-level. interior decoration higher than the male suit and pay attention. Such as belt racks, coat with paint ready, sometimes with a spare buckle. Brand and delicate underwear sewn in pockets and so on. try Precautions shoulder first try, the first bit to see if the shoulder cut with your shoulder when the match because of others attention often remain in these positions. examinations and tests in the back stretch, to see whether the back too tight, or too loose (too much fabric will wrinkle up). Well this is a difficult site. length should suit the length of the entire length of half the clothes, but if your legs shorter, at best suit the length of the shorter. your clothing and body measurements of their number should be clear, we can find a fitting coat, and left lapel must be considered a good average straight jacket. long pants pants to balance the left and right of course, keep in mind thighs too tight, the length of the shoe should be just overwhelmed. Top lingerie men's underwear and the human body is direct skin contact with children's clothing. Including vests, underpants, Li-shirts, pajamas, cotton sweaters pants. Underwear and health has a lot more attention to the time of purchase. material underwear underwear is best natural fiber products. Of which cotton is more appropriate, its moisture absorption and thermal insulation is good, prices are moderate. Synthetic fibers such as nylon underwear products, polyester underwear, their poor moisture absorption, is not conducive to the human body sweat absorption and distribution, is difficult to adjust the skin between the child and underwear microclimate, so often stuffy feeling of personal wear. is worth noting that synthetic underwear, children may also cause skin damage. Nylon hazards from residual monomer - caprolactam, which can be absorbed by skin children, causing children skin dry, rough, thickened, or even split, dermatitis, etc. Other children have the antigenicity of its skin, causing allergic reactions. In the natural fiber underwear in silk on the skin of children with injuries almost zero. underwear underwear color with the color of my private beloved little choice. Some people in this area there is a misunderstanding on the familiar, and believe that the best color depth, read the warm feeling, Xi'an, custom tooling is not easy to wear dirty. Large number of facts confirmed, some dyeing materials will be carcinogenic. Sweat through the process of dyeing materials can absorb human body skin child, dark underwear dyed materials and more, such as dyeing with good fastness of materials, children will absorb a lot more skin, harmful choice of underwear is best or light-colored substance. Try not to buy dark red, purple, navy, dark brown, dark green color and black. If you have special preference for these colors, be sure to frequently changes, do not be lazy. White underwear is not very safe, this product is often coupled with a light-emitting a white agent. According to recent studies, some with white light-emitting agent is a carcinogen that can contaminate water with the washing emissions. choice of underwear should be loose and comfortable. Too tight will affect the activity and health, in terms of children and young people will affect the development of growing up. how to choose knitting underwear knitted underwear there are many, according to the fiber material can be divided into natural fiber, chemical fiber and other blended products. Habits can be divided into light by wearing a cool shirt Li vest, pants cotton sweaters in thick insulation, thick pile velvet trousers and three varieties. cotton sweaters to wear pants Spring is spring wear knitted underwear, personal wear cotton sweaters trousers, should choose a strong moisture absorption, thermal insulation and good pure cotton. If you require more solid durable, has a certain moisture permeability insulation, to buy cotton, acrylic cotton, cotton blends better Victoria. Pure acrylic cotton sweaters trousers especially bright color, hair type feeling strong, good wash dry, and suitable sets out when the jersey or jacket, not personal wear. Polyvinyl chloride fiber cotton sweaters trousers almost no moisture absorption, because the human body when wearing the movement very prone to static friction, the treatment of arthritis patients have a certain effect. winter wear cold winter, in order to heat, you can choose velvet trousers. It is woven into the fabric knitted by the pile after the fabrication of products. According to the different needs of consumers, velvet trousers and thinned down, thick velvet, thick velvet three. Velvet trousers with a thick, soft, thermal insulation characteristics. summer or personal wear optional fine texture clean, clear coil, moisture breathable cotton sweater vest Li. Pure chemical products such as nylon or acrylic silk vest, moisture absorption is poor and difficult to absorb sweat, wearing a stuffy feeling in summer, winter, wear a plastic-like sense of cool or cold, should not do underwear. Moisture than cotton, rayon vest product also large, easy to wear personal absorbent, breathable, comfortable, cool, but the drawback is not very strong, not durable. Vest to wear rayon to avoid when Shenglayingzhuai, washing should be gently rubbed slow, can not wring. size knitted underwear size is marked in centimeters on clothes. T-shirt size is marked each piece of clothing bust, so most people should just know their bust and waist, you can choose to fit the clothes. Underwear and size to be larger; synthetic pants less shrinkage, size to fit; buy mixed textile, size to be slightly larger; buy cotton or synthetic fabric, because it has shrunk more than the larger size should be appropriate . Top man bag man bag is an ergonomic portable with modern reason, which carried goods and people combined organic body, the weight reasonable distribution to the human body muscles full, there are no major blood vessels and nerves of the trunk (upper body) parts to minimize energy consumption to reach, maximize operational flexibility, the lightest of fatigue. category men's category there are many packages. Accordance with zoning, there is official bags, leisure bags, sports bags, key cases, wallets and desktop packages, and so on. Carry-body according to the pattern of points, there are shoulder bags, shoulder bags,[url=http://www.ireland-ugg.com/]UGG Boots[/url], Messenger bags and handbags and so on. The hour of purchase in accordance with your intended use and living habits, selection of a suitable male package. observed a male package good or bad to look at its structure by default, materials, workmanship, volume and cost. structure of the structure of pre-default package is the most important because it determines the package of practical, durable, comfortable, and many other aspects of performance. Package functionality is not possible, the overall default to simple and practical avoid fancy. a basic package is comfortable carrying system by default decision, the suspension system all by the strap, belt and the pad structure, a comfortable package should have a wider, more solid and you can freely adjust the strap , belt and back pad, back pad preferably with perspiration ventilation slots. material include both fabric and components. ? Those who should have the wear-resistant fabric, Fangsi, water and other characteristics. There are currently more popular Oxford nylon, polyester staple fiber canvas, leather and leather and so on. ? Components including waist buckle, all the zippers, shoulder strap and chest strap fastener, fasteners, cover and package body, plug-in with a fastener, etc., all of these metal buckle and nylon materials, purchase should be picky about your stuff carefully. work is the shoulder strap and a body belt, fabric between the cover and package inclusions, etc. of the stitching process quality, to ensure the necessary degree of stability of the suture, pins should not be too large too loose. volume it is the packet size. I should be based on a small private content of the work regularly, set sail from the need to determine the actual size of the package, in principle, is rather large not small, you can install a large dissatisfaction, smaller may fit in it. cost by small private economy is really my strength, choose to meet both the needs of the economy can withstand the package. How to choose the official package official package is not only a variety of fragmented files and you shipped shipped to the necessity, or your ego an important manifestation of private style. Its usefulness is not as good as canvas bags, parcels or yellow leather bag stronger, but it looks like it could be your personality shows. Do not chase trends. High-quality public service package should be durable and durable, far from any trend can replace. Confrontation between the basic color and style selection. Baoshen soft, with shoulder strap messenger bag style was more common to use official package. It is easy to carry, install to get things more convenient. Although it may be crumpled back of your suit, but it is nonetheless a more casual work or work in the work environment of choice. style for the requirements of academics or lawyers engaged in the work of elders, slightly old-fashioned official package will pay you a dignified bearing with; but get in the hands of young people will become too sloppy casual. Young people should work just buy a new official package, make it through years of hard work as the same become more seasoned with you. never required in the new color: black and brown is the official package of timeless colors, and are matched with anything. With the growing number of office accessories, official package you choose should take into account many factors when. You may need to package your laptop with the desktop to match. Some public service within the package can be split with the laptop desktop package. Top casual shoes men man always attached importance to follow the trend of clothing, but they ignore the importance of shoes. Now with suits and casual shoes seem to apply to any occasion. ? Flat leather shoes (shoe cover) This is the classic casual leisure shoes, popular taste has long been the traditional or conservative men beloved. However, only some particular color, extraordinary style and suits are suitable to hold with. ? Most traditional leather sandals, a simple and elegant style of shoes, no fancy decorative stitches, and no decorative tassel ear. Side scalp sandals, loafers, round buckle shoes, shoes decorated the front of the ear tassel loafers, relatively elegant style, very popular in white-collar workers. suede deerskin side wing toe shoes and leather shoes, suede wing toe shoes by the Duke of Windsor to implement the scheme in the 1930s, with a wing shoes and suits very good results, thus forming has followed the classic style; deerskin shoes for the surface with wear and casual trousers. Both models are described as communication with the traditional fashion at the time the bridge. ? Chelsea boots and polo shoe boots. Both shoes are low-waist height only to the ankle boots are fashionable styles like bold guy reveals a favorite style. Whether casual or a suit with them can be used with the restlessness of the city people are very popular. ? Round buckle leisure shoes, casual shoes, this is the most luxurious style, fully qualified to replace the more luxurious dress shoes, such as the Oxford-style slippers and a variety of cap-style toe shoes. In the 1980s, it always suits and loafers with wear. In the 1990s, buckle shoes become the most commonly worn shoes. And loafers and polo-style boots, like, round buckle shoes, casual shoes is almost in the world and dress shoes styles between. general sports shoes sports shoes time and try to buy shoes choose the best time in the afternoon, because this time the foot the maximum. Try to wear socks when trying on shoes, and put both feet to try to ensure that toes do not feel tight in the toe area to ensure foot comfort. cushioning choose shoes Italian shoes we have added cushioning. Different games have different floor action, the default will be professional sports shoes for different sports offer different features to meet a variety of sports specific functionality requirements, cushioning the default focus of sports shoes, shoes is a good decision important factor in the bad. One pair of shoes with cushioning to prevent injury, prevent shin bone pain, fractures and joint pain, can also reduce fatigue, progressive exercise performance, fast recharge, easy to cause sore feet. rebound good shoes should have good rebound effect, wear elastic Qianan like sports shoes, like jogging on the beach, there is no way to play a rebound in function. shoes shock of the shock system is located in the same general end, professional air cushion on the use of urethane material to do air bags, air bags in a special, high-pressure gas molecules, when the air to external shocks, it will ease the conflict quickly provide effective, soft to the foot to the ground, while the air itself is quickly restored to its original shape. This professional can make the shoes lighter cushion, thereby reducing the consumption of physical fitness, so that was a better sports performance, and shoes for different uses have different default cushion. With such a cushioning protection, when your feet face the hard and rugged mountain, it can give the muscles, bones and joints the best protection. So, the selection of sports shoes can not figure cheap, it is best to choose a brand to ensure a professional manufacturer of sports shoes. outdoor shoes worn shoes outdoor activities can not be too This is because the swelling of the feet will walk a long time, if you feel precisely when to wear the shoes, then walk for some time will feel some squeeze feet. General field of sports shoes is a more sensible choice. If traveling in winter, cold insulation is critical. In this regard whether it is cold leather shoes or waterproof nylon material features are better than shoes, and should therefore be preferred as winter outdoor activities. light hiking shoes, hiking shoes plus the majority of thick hair foam rubber sole, nylon, or a little leather uppers, non-high water, but preferably edge of the waterproof bag, only suitable for single-day hiking, climbing Jiaoshan or general travel. four general order applicable to lighter hiking shoes heavier shoes, shoes material better, strong grip, sweeping toe area can be bent into the soles to enhance the stability of the ankle stereotypes iron, waterproof breathable fabric uppers made of the best; shoes are soft, even for the first time put it, can not wear immediately go vertical feet up the mountain. period for snow hiking shoes heavier than the former, more rigid, the bending of the sole when walking less, to meet the snow on the ground; their soles to the uppers, the increase of about inch high waterproof rubber. This hardware is only suitable for traveling on snow shoes and snow before the first climb, a good idea to frequently climb mountains, let those shoes are soft. plastic boots (Plastic Boots) early, mostly made of leather, plastic materials are generally more called Double Shoes, suitable for climbing, professional mountain climbing, adventure and expedition (10 days) of snow hiking shoes, very hard and heavy, some brands will strengthen the ultra-warm function within the boots, of course, price is also quite cheap, but for the professional climbing team, search and rescue personnel, mountain workers, who is indeed very important equipment necessary. try hiking shoes should note should first try to put in sweat socks (thin socks available, of course, COOLMAX lining socks is the best choice), wool After holding the pair socks, full penetration release of the shoe lace, the top of the foot forward, left after a heel refers to the principle of open space. then lean back foot to the heel, all the shoelaces tied. 15 degree angle on the station platform, to test whether the toes and the soles of the feet comfortable. pass the first three are, if they change to the land leveling on the walking legs are all feeling well, you can buy. shoes buy shoes should pay attention to the following aspects: leather leather upper with smooth leather and leather two kinds of negative . Good quality smooth leather, grain thickness uniformity, smooth flat too small, no wrinkles and scars; brightness, uniform color match, color bright, bright, not dark, and shades of the phenomenon. Fingers pressing the leather, even small wrinkles, open fingers, the fine lines disappear; Shoumo feeling soft lubricating, resilient, not stiff, and the uniformity of the thickness of the leather properly. Opposite of good quality leather shoes, hair gold surface, uniform color match, no long-fiber and crude oil spot stains, no wrinkles and scars, smooth touch and feel the same shoes. leather soles are leather and glial end of two categories. Good quality leather shoes, bright and smooth surface, uniform color line, there is no oil spots, blemishes and scars, uniform thickness; finger play, sound louder, Shoumo feel very solid. This full sole flexibility, tensile strength, abrasion resistance. Good quality gum soles, smooth line, neat stripes, each stripe edges should be fully dressed. From the side, cut too small even without impurities, particle size, no organization, no phenomenon of uneven thickness; touch, should be a better sense of toughness and flexibility. If the adhesive leather shoes, to help the bottom end of raids are tight adhesion, smooth, not free, the left plastic phenomenon. shoes in breathable synthetic leather with breathable worst. General natural leather shoes breathe better, especially in the pig leather for the best, because pigskin leather pores than coarse pores several times, the eye is also much larger pores, sweat easily discharged. But the leather as leather appearance. size the principle of selection of shoes for comfort. Generally speaking, the width of the foot can be fully expanded by the force as well; the length of the toe clip does not top shoes walking foot is not sliding as well. Other, the time to buy shoes with stress. In the afternoon due to a slight swelling of the feet, the right size shoes purchased at this time; if a pair of shoes in the morning, you should stay out of spare capacity, will not wear a long time the feet. Pick your favorite shape in addition to the paradigm, the code needs to pay attention to the suture needle is uniform, the two shoes are exactly symmetrical. Then the toes toward you, flat on the bar cabinet, check at the forefoot sole point of contact with the bar counter in the front center of the palm. If bias, prone to wear in the feet cornering, resulting in deformation of shoes. This ride will hopefully find what you want o7l7w642.blog.163./blog/static / recycled fabric inventory, inventory, how to choose accessories ...... mink < br> good wholesale clothing that does Beijing Related articles:

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■ Chinese Commercial News reporters He Yanbo and Tong Xunyuan Jianhua

At this time, wearing only underwear man confessed that he is, we are seeing for suspects, clothing, shoes, cell phones, are the direction to escape, he threw aboard the first floor lavatory lavatory.

Alarm, the vehicle police entire night sent 5 brigades, groups of police were blocking entire entrances and exits massive Pu Cun, There are two teams of police to enter houses in search of construction.

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2 floor houses a dozen migrant workers, there are 3 people are playing cards, others are lying on the floor covered with sleep. One by one the police investigation, found a man mantled in bed sheets and bed physical specifics similar to the suspect, call up when interviewed, the man appeared drunk wearing underwear-like, said the drunk, spewing.

Yesterday, the man was transferred to the Dongfeng Road police station for beyond processing.

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2007, Zhengzhou City, long-distance passenger transport central station pit mouth, a thief pilfering a tourist 800 yuan in cash, by the police and the public to grab up. Thief to escape, to 8000 yuan in cash into the climate, but no one to grab up with the police and the public Jianqian, the thief ran out of extra than 300 meters after the press down.

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19 by 10 am, Wenhua Road, Zhengzhou City, a important north-south west of Pu Cun small alley, no street lights.

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Ms. Wang was pillaged of the public rental in the south lane first. She onward with the phone's light when the alley south of the road, heard somebody running from south to northwardly to her and took away her compartment call and then escape north, and presently ran out of the alley, Pu Cun nailed someone huge trunk.

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■ Chinese Commercial News journalists He Yanbo and Tong Xunyuan Jianhua

July of this year, Lanzhou City, South Gate cross the avenue hiking Liu was secretly a small take a PHS. Thief prepared to run when he was a man caught crossroads the nab, but, suddenly the thief hands held lofty, the stream behind of a shrinkage, take off leather away. Leather pocket for many as their new mobile phone thief, and another 50 yuan in money.

March of this year, Bozhou Tianrun garden close the Area dwellers had taken refuge behind the native wore a ruddy shirt rotated into a black shirt, namely can be invisible from the employer, the result was the owner just out of the space identified.


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Wuhua Department of Education on ) attended an emergency meeting,Moncler Jackets, informed of the At the meeting, Wuhua Education faculty of schools in the district issued a warning: be sure to follow According to the briefing, the parties Li Ping was removed from the school teacher all his posts in Wuhua Queensland thirty in the education system were criticized.

Yesterday, our hotline received a call from a number of readers, the overwhelming majority of Li Ming Buping's. Some readers that Li's treatment should be tolerant. emergency meeting, and in Wuhua Education Queensland thirty reporters about the matter to some surveys.

10 11, three days (1) class in the morning last class, by a female English teacher teaching internship. She points the student Xiaohui name, so he translated English phrase Xiaohui literally, the phrase translated into Student teachers to hear this answer, that Xiaohui is Li Ping, a teacher heard this thing, grew more and more angry, unable to control emotions, corporal punishment will be imposed on Xiaohui.

Wuhua Under Secretary for Education, said Gao Hong, Li Ping, a teacher in violation of Queensland thirty instructed in leadership of the school teachers to conduct a comprehensive reflection of management to make profound written examination; instructed in accordance with regulations of the thirty-Kun Li Ping, a teacher for punishment, and reported to the District Education Bureau.

in accordance with the requirements of Li Ping, a teacher in Queensland thirty made the following penalties: to lift the moral teachers at the school and Li Ping,Monster Headphones, deputy director, head of third grade, junior high (1) class teacher, head of English teaching and research the employment relationship, to stop its temple (1) and third-year class (2) classes of English teaching jobs and adjust depth review; within the school open throughout the event,UGG UK, and Li Ping, a teacher for serious criticism; instructed the teacher to Ping students and parents an apology, for understanding; deducted monthly performance bonuses, then cancel all Pingyoupingxian qualifications.

Wuhua Committee Propaganda Department of the propaganda section of the Tian Kechang also to the meeting site to understand the situation. He said they saw the morning of 14 reports, immediately call the Department of Education to Wuhua, say of the matter.

judge the whole thing, do the teachers of professional ethics. He said: student, damaging the image of the education team. After a call to our hotline to express their views, which have Li Ping, a teacher of students. Although most people think that the teacher of students is wrong, but that can understand the teacher, the teacher should be tolerant.

Li Ping, the teacher called a student many years ago, said Li Ping, they are very sympathetic to the teacher several students, want to see her.

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter interviewed some of the principal participants. Some principals believe that teacher Li Ping is Some principals with emotion: Students should not play.

yesterday afternoon, was playing the father of student Xiaohui Li Li Ping, a teacher of that school's treatment, said the results of this recognition. But he said his son may not be able to return to Queensland thirty in the reading, I hope the education sector and Queensland thirty Xiaohui Lieutenant Colonel them for coordination of a new school. Mr. Lee said, Xiaohui has been in the school physical and psychological harm, if the reading, then back to the old environment, certainly can not concentrate on learning. This next year will participate in the examination of Xiaohui, the impact is great, the parents who are actively associated with some of the schools.

present, Xiaohui still at home recuperating.

■ Readers Sound

- / p>

- a great day ', many times, the teacher let the students be a little bit of physical pain, in fact, for the sake of the students, teachers, too much pressure. October 11, Sunrise of corporal punishment by teachers of students of events, the situation in a step by step upgrade, grow bigger, so do a lot of people are hurt. The family was helpless to fight student Xiaohui He was asked to transfer, Li Ping, the teacher had to bear the consequences of corporal punishment on students for their own; Queensland also had to lift the thirty outstanding teachers of the school office.

why a small translation error, turn into the teacher-student incidents of corporal punishment, and thus changed the fate of the parties? Just because the teacher's hot temper, or because the teacher Li maintained control of their emotions if the school if the tendency of Li corporal punishment on students, and a timely reminder to stop, maybe things would not have developed to this point. A school out of this thing, had to dismiss their own best teachers, the school is also a victim.

corporal punishment of students, parents and students into a relatively weak; teacher because Natural parents love their children, teachers, students demanding, but also fully understand. If Li is wrong and wrong on the way, she cares about the students, the students responsible, is unimpeachable.

campus is a place for reading and study, can not have too many ups and downs. Hope this matter as soon as possible in the past caused the storm.

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UGG Sale9 -year-old boy with severe body burns ward office every day ( Figure )

Xiaoyu Xiaoyu Mrs Patricia's sister is watching calligraphy.

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text / reporter Liao Wenying Wang Yuan

10 28, the reporter again went into severe burn Provincial Hospital 9-year-old Tong Xiaoyu Perot ward. Lying Xiaoyu Perot seemed in good spirits, to see the reporter with crisp childish to talk to, he said: concerned about. ward stayed for 15 months. No TV, no books, not themselves move out of bed, can not lift his left hand disabled, Xiaoyu Perot (full name of Zhang Junhua) but still maintained a wide range of interests.

Xiaoyu Perot's parents told reporters that the former Xiaoyu Perot did very well in the class, the incident of that year he was also named the school's roll student, burns still insist on learning every day, with barely right forearm training can lift two-page word. No textbooks on reading newspapers and magazines, encountered not familiar with or do not know the words to ask her sister, according to several times until you remember to write Shanghao.

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Xueda Fu told reporters: a good skin, we first aid for more than four hours after the 90 days of high-risk period, until the base closed body wound, a share more than 250 days during which daily observation of medication, just to move a large skin graft surgery 14 times, as well as the surgical removal of dead scab, dressing hundreds of times. He is a very intelligent child, experience is really pitiful.

experienced sepsis, severe pneumonia, respiratory failure, and many other complications, 16 large-scale anesthesia Xiaoyu Perot for his treatment of this process is unimaginable appears to make light. He never complained of pain, each split dressing bandages, blood oozing with broken skin, teeth bite Xiaoyu Perot yet not a word, four teeth in the forced patience in getting loose.

Once done skin grafting surgery, the doctor told Xiaoyu Perot to take his right leg skin. Xiaoyu Poti a request: anxious: 'how the ice has not come yet ah?' doctors did not care for my results ...

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director of the provincial hospital Xue Wenjun told reporters: As a source of little children is not the whole body skin graft required, the second to put his mouth with adhesive chest separate, general anesthesia intubation in the scalpel mouth, the risk is too high. said that children jaw and neck, double-cut adhesion axillary surgery required, otherwise the child suppressed, can not free his hands, while his left hand and right leg also need to do skin grafting to restore function. Hope you can help this bright and lively child suffered tragic, so that he can regain health, one day back to school.

Xiaoyu Zhang Yunzhi Perot father's account:

Commercial Bank of China 62231107011062985

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Moncler UKBillionaire roof holes caused by leaking to the bank claims seven million by

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send employees on the second floor because of the platform to play three holes, billions of dollars net worth of the owner of Liu and his two employees standing with the defendant sitting. October 14, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province Shimonoseki by the District Prosecutor's Office to prosecute, 3 not only facing .

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Lee is scheduled to Construction Bank branch in Nanjing Drum Tower branch Huai door staff.

He recalls this year at 0:00 on March 31 more minutes, raining outside, he was suddenly awakened by branch president of the telephone: , you go and look in the end branch what happened! Not open the door, they heard the door which has crashed on the leakage sound. Open the door, lifted the alert, looking for leaks while the two

because this latter field, mainly placed in computers, machinery and equipment, paper documents and non-office counter staff where the machine once the damage caused by leakage, short circuit, the consequences could be disastrous.

the branch after the field, a total of four rooms, the largest of which one is used to display the certificate office; next to the one is the control room, monitoring equipment inside the main , UPS, switches, routers and air conditioning equipment.

afraid of what. When two people go to the backcourt, it was found that the Office of the certificate placed on the roof and the control room had three holes. Water is constantly leak came from the three holes, crashed to the ground dripping on the desktop. There are also some water flow through the ceiling, a wall, then Shun Zhaoqiang flows to the surface, the wall hanging with a waterfall-like ... ... the ground water more than a centimeter, a lot of equipment to be water wet.

holes origins of property rights disputes

original, about a week ago, is rainy,Moncler UK, branch was found in the roof leaking. Branch all have ceiling was the roof, Lee vaguely remember that there is also found in the ceiling of 3 holes!

to the three holes, maintenance worker has been in the afternoon of March 30 to the blocking up with cement. Have not had time to install ceiling is good now, how has the emergence of three holes?

In addition,UGG Sale UK, they also found a strange platform of plastic pipes,Moncler UK, this water is then out from the 8th floor, water pipes have burst at the hole, the water outflow from the rupture is then mixed with the rain along the three hole, flowing into the bank's internal.

police has carefully reviewed the three hole, it is found that the three were cement block up the hole, do not know when they had been deliberately dug.

police accordingly conclude that there is actually someone deliberately sabotage, and quickly locked the suspect - Nanjing Fiberglass Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

original, set the door Huai branch office is located at this place four years ago from the hands of the company bought. Later, for various reasons, both buying and selling homes on this dispute, and fought a lawsuit. Glass Steel therefore the owner of Liu Huai door with fixed branch forged

In fact, given Huai branch of the roof door the first time three holes, they called the police. Is identified by the police for the Ryu after Ryu has been reprimanded, warned him not to do it again

Liu admitted that the first three holes indeed he sent his men drilled two employees, and the second was to reopen the three-hole or two employees doing . But Ryu always insisted: They never thought of Liu


In fact, the day on March 31, less than 3:00, set Huai branch on the door and power outages due to short-circuit, even the shutter doors are not open. Although Lee and colleagues rescue equipment, but there is still value assessed more than 30 million of equipment scrapped due to flooding. More seriously, this

Shimonoseki District Prosecutor's indictment identified, Liu and others 'holes' behavior, resulting in a given branch of Huai door total of 29 million yuan of direct economic losses. But in the trial, the Drum Tower branch as a loss of 680.7 million yuan, a total of 712 million yuan.

but played three holes on the sum of 7.12 million yuan? Liu said the billions of dollars of family property can not accept his detailed defense counsel to require the prosecution to produce evidence of losses.

court did not gave their verdict, the case is still pending.

Sina exclusive manuscript statement: This work (text, images, graphics and audio and video) for Sina to use, without authorization, any media, and individuals may in whole or in part.
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UGG OutletWomen's personal information to the web frequently harassed by colleagues

since late July last year, the public square lady into a huge pain among nearly every day be forced to receive a phone call and SMS harassment.

phone more time is from 5:00 am to 2:30.

phone and text message services are required, and have asked the price of service charges, and even selling of goods.

how she would be treated as a

Ms Fong for investigation found that spreading the false information their own colleagues.

Yesterday, reporter learned from the court, a trial Posted compensate 10,000 yuan, a public apology to Ms Fong.

However, such a verdict, Ms Fong is not satisfied, has appealed to the Court.

because over the past year, Ms. Fang too many things too much to bear, $ 10,000, how to make her heart hurt Chu?

Evening News reporter intern Lu Yan Zhang Lining

frequent harassment of private information is announced as 5:00 to 2:30 the next day received a series of inexplicable calls and text messages harassment.

At first, Ms Fong that the only other occasional wrong call,Beats Dy Dr Dre, hang up after the trouble in the severely reprimanded, but the obscene calls and text messages are growing in the next few days.

even more puzzling is that these phone calls and texting people call her

that time, and sometimes meeting or gathering of family and what to eat, suddenly the phone rang, Ms Fong will be very nervous,

July 31 last year, Ms Fong is unbearable to find out the truth, and finally the courage to reply to one of the strange number, ask each other how to know their phone numbers and personal information.

this man back to the text to search from the Internet.

man according to the clues provided, Ms Fong found on that site four asked Zhengzhou where

and subnet name is called

survey found that

August 4 last year, Ms Fong to the police.

Police through technical means, with the Replies to lock in the same unit of work, Ms. Fang male colleagues Xu.

police investigation last year found that the company is using the hand plane, the incident time is working time,UGG Outlet, lasted nearly two hours, and Xu computer The possibility of computer crime.

In addition, the company's internal investigation period, only Xu's computer IP address is allowed to modify and change the IP address of the computer just before the post is to address crime.

for Xu, Ms. Fong can not remember where to offend her. Search a bit in memory, Ms Fong recalled she had finally good reminder of what Xu, may permit any grudge the.

It was winter, permit any smoking in the office every day, the smoke-filled office confused, article,Moncler Coats, he comes with a photo spread on QQ.

Xu saw her pass the article, stand up and shout at her.

Since then, permit any person to see her like a stranger, like, ignore her.

battered spirit of conciliation hopeless she went to the Court

hopeless in the case of private mediation, Ms. Fang Xu, and that the website will be sued. Request the court shall order the defendant to stop infringement of two, eliminating the effects of their apology, rehabilitation and compensation of 100,000 yuan.

she said, because of technical support side of the pornographic content Google provides strong technical support and site of the connivance of irresponsible sexual content, making the rapid rise in hits in the post, just a few days already the views of more than 3,000 people.

and sprawling as the Internet spread, making the post to Ms Fong damage still persist and continue to grow with.

Ms Fong said, in those days, though she did not want to close relatives and friends, my colleagues know, but still laughed at by some unknown lover, bored by the continued harassment, work and life there is heavy pressure, but also under the scorching heat to run around in the police station, network monitoring department.

this regard, Xu said he has never been to

It is understood that, on 29 October last year, Xu said in accepting the police station asking, not because the computer network, so please replace the company's information center staff the IP address.

in the trial, Xu said his IP address is changed.

infringement Posted compensation 10,000 yuan and a public apology

court that Ms. Fang Xu indeed carried out by the alleged violations, and its behavior to Ms Fong resulting in a very bad impact and damage, it greatly stimulated by the spirit, the hospital has been diagnosed with reactive mental disorders.

Therefore, Ms. Xu suffered other injuries should bear tort liability.

In addition, the defendant set the text on the Internet site should have appropriate monitoring and review of filtering measures, but the Chinese characters of the richness, diversity, the site is impossible to monitor all indecent words are included in the scope of According to currently available, the usual site management methods and techniques, site managers can not all the message to all users in advance of each review.

the company will be involved in the hearing before the information be deleted, has fulfilled its regulatory obligations. Given that the Internet has a wide, rapid, real-time, interactive communication features, and the company involved in the information was subsequently removed in line with relevant provisions, it does not constitute infringement.

's Court, Ms. Fang Xu compensation for mental damages, $ 10,000, and a public apology, to eliminate the impact of rehabilitation.

present, both sides are against first-instance ruling has been appealed to the Court.

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UGG OnlineMen line up to raise drug hire purchase ticket reselling

□ correspondent reporter Xu Jianzhong Wang Xiang Lin Ronggui

Evening News to raise drug money , drug addicts often playing a train idea. Just 11 days ,UGG Online, often a line by way of hire , train 115 illegal hedging spring ,Moncler Coats, and then reselling plus price . Recently, often there is a suspicion of illegally selling price of a ticket by the Shanghai railway police crime criminal detention .

start this spring , in order to crack down on ticket brokers from the source , the Shanghai railway police have stepped up to the city and the major ticket outlets in Jiangsu and Zhejiang visits and inspections. Not long ago, a railway police outlets in Suzhou City, found that the total number of familiar faces every day queuing at the ticket again . Unannounced visits by the police found that these migrant workers to queue up for tickets handed a ticket early 30s the hands of a man often . The investigation , often by paying a 80-100 yuan per person Often get a ticket , together with the price sold to other

conclusive evidence in the master , January 28 at 10 am, the Shanghai Railway Station Square in Suzhou, near the police will be arrested is often a scalping , not yet sold his possession train 113 , as well as ice ,UGG Clearance, ecstasy and other drugs.

It is often an account , he was a drug addict , and no stable job and regular income . Spring began, he heart of a meter, employed more migrant workers to the various ticket outlets in Suzhou city to buy tickets in short supply . Just 11 days , 20 more than those who employ them take their turns as often buy a 115 a ticket . To get these votes , then often a 50-200 per month for each increase the price of reselling to others.

in accordance with criminal law , reselling par value of more than 5,000 yuan a price ticket or the illegal gains exceed 2,000 yuan , will constitute the crime of illegal reselling of a ticket price can be held criminally responsible. Often a short period of time illegal arbitrage 115 tickets , face value of up to 2 million yuan, has been a crime .

The case is under further investigation .

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UGG BootsTankers overturned villagers looting leaking diesel fuel ( Figure )

With 30 tons of diesel oil tankers continued to roll the car's diesel leak

BEIJING, August 17, Wenzhou (Reporter correspondent Xu Jiang Yun line number Douhuai Dong) at 9:50 on August 17 Xu, Zhejiang Cangnan State Road 104 to Xiao Jiang lingxi orientation caicun sections of road accident,UGG Boots, resulting in one of the tankers with 30 tons of diesel rollover, the car continued to leak diesel fuel, but fortunately the car by two officers ride light injury. Diesel leak after leak around the village of diesel for looting. After the special police brigade personnel and under the protection of explosion, the scene was no longer confused.

After receiving the alarm, immediately dispatched a squadron Cangnan rescue vehicle, a Class A foam fire trucks and seven officers and men at the scene for disposal. To the scene found a license to hang Zhejiang C0444 diesel tankers lying 104 State Road, a line of road completely blocked. A driver and a passenger sitting on the ground suffered minor injuries, tankers of diesel fuel through the roof of the mouth constantly coming out of the two, along the groove-shaped road to the surrounding flow.

fire brigade immediately to the scene to guard against all sources of ignition into the scene of the accident. Local villagers see diesel leak, disregard warning and traffic police and firefighters to stop the scene, the leakage of diesel for looting. Some of the villagers in order to A chaotic scene, then rushed to the special police in riot brigade personnel to maintain, the villagers stopped the looting of diesel.

after the accident, Cangnan County party committee, Public Security Bureau Feng Jiang Long, Safety Supervision Bureau, the traffic police and the principal leaders of the local government disposed of the accident scene organization and command, and set up field headquarters. The headquarters site to discuss, first call the three small tankers of diesel fuel for the tankers in the lead tank, and then call the tankers righting two large cranes.

to prevent further leakage of diesel fuel, resulting in greater losses and environmental pollution, immediate contact with the traffic police to mobilize a large crane arrived at the scene dealing with an accident, while the scene in the Petrochemical Co., Ltd. with the relevant officers to discuss the tanker called a guide over the lead tank. 10:30, 120 ambulance to the scene, fire brigade and medical staff together with the two injured people carried 120 ambulance, taken to hospital for further treatment.

10 点 45 points, the lead tanker to the scene Petrochemical Co., Ltd., learned of the tank car has two tanks, each tank has a two-side unloading port, as tankers roll toward unloading port in the top of the tank can not be unloading lead, only in the bottom of the tank unloading port for offloading guide. However, the bottom of the unloading port is surrounded by layers of metal, not unloading pipe connecting the mouth with the unloading. Commander immediately ordered the use of hydraulic rescue tools to rescue the periphery of the metal. Cut, cut, press,UGG Outlet, five minutes after the fire on the officers and men in the metal torn out of a slit width of 15 cm to. Unloading personnel can not immediately unloading pipe connecting the mouth with the unloading, the wizard can lead tank. Since the car will roll off the ground can not be diesel car export.

two large cranes have arrived at the scene, quickly organized for the righting of the tankers. Two large cranes were stopped on the second side of the tank car, roll the head by a crane slowly lifted the tank vehicles, tank vehicles other side of the crane to stabilize, and then slowly put down, tankers smooth landing, finally righting. Unloading personnel will immediately lead the remnants of diesel fuel into tanker within.

tankers drivers, according to reports, a total of 34,000 liters of diesel on board, sent by Ryan Fei Cangnan piers. State Road 104 in the channel after caicun lingxi road, driving a cement mixer in a sudden right turn left, then the front of the rear-end tank vehicles and linked to the cement mixer on the tail,UGG Boots, resulting in tankers (semi-trailer, the front and the body is not one of) the steering wheel failed to take advantage of tankers to be carried away cement mixer, but the first half of the body over the back left tire on the road on a green belt, resulting in lower right side of the car left the high, plus the car was still in motion inertia, the car roll to the left.

present, the specific reasons for the accident and the loss of the relevant departments under investigation. (End)

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UGG SaleLust being setup, deputy director of extortion ten thousand yuan

peach set a trap, fitted with pinhole cameras in the dark,Dr Dre Headphones, photographed after the big extortion,UGG Sale, Zhuzhou a lust set by others, deputy director of Bureau of extortion. October 15, two suspects were arrested for extortion, was Zhuzhou Hetang Procuratorate arrest.

their Police involved in the investigation, the suspect soon Yuan Mou, Liu captured.

Yuan Mou, Liu better relations between the two weekdays, often suffer from flat pocket empty, always want to Legitimate ways to make money is slow money but also time-consuming, they gradually go on to heresy. One day last year, they saw on a report on corrupt officials, inspired, decided to trick officials and prostitutes, and for videotaping a relationship, then take candid video of officials in extortion. In November, they went to Shenzhen to buy a pinhole camera, but has not found a suitable object to start with.

April this year, Liu Yuan Mou, and in a teahouse tea Zhuzhou, met a friend,UGG Outlet, chatting with each other talking about the city's deputy director of an institution of a section of greedy lust. They chuckle, finally met the Subsequently, Yuan Mou a friend's son to work in the county transferred to the city to the ground, make an appointment to a section of his friend's request.

Said the mobilization of a segment takes 10 million.

5 months of the day, Liu Yuan Mou and again through a friend of a paragraph talks about the transfer issue, Hetang a hotel in the city, they advance a good room, and the pinhole camera placed in the hidden corners of the room, followed by the section of an arrangement in the room, and attracted a female prostitutes have sex with. Later, they will get back pinhole camera and photographed the contents of the Internet to cut into the picture, copied to the U disk.

Subsequently, the two will be equipped with a segment of a female nude photos and prostitution, U-disk copies mailed to a section of the unit, then send text messages to a section of money, claims to 100,000 yuan will not photos made public, a segment ignored.

Soon, they again sent a copy of the U-disk segment of a home, see the section of a still indifferent, they will print out pictures to paste a section of the unit. In desperation, took 20,000 yuan a paragraph proposed to resolve the matter, but Yuan Mou, Liu did not agree.

take less than 10 million, part of a paragraph had to be paid ■ Reporters Li Yongliang correspondent Li Bin Huang Mu-chun

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Moncler UKMan killed girl abducted the boy under arrest by the police

yesterday morning ,UGG Boots Sale, Chongqing Jiangjin Yangtze River plant near Baisha town barber shop murder occurred , the suspect killed the indoor one -year-old male Tongwan Liang (a pseudonym ) , taking its year-old sister, Wan Feng (a pseudonym ) fled the scene .

After receiving the report , police visited by Mo Pai , about 3 km away from the White Sands site near the substation will be hijacked Wan Fung rescued. And staying locked in the vicinity of the incident the man Hu L major crime suspects . More than 100 police immediately Jiangjin in and out of the main traffic junctions based card hunt . 19 am, the town of Blackstone in Baisha Village bezoar monument , the suspect, 22 -year-old Hu in Sichuan Province rose to take advantage of the dark people Jiangxian opportunistic flight , and by raid police found and arrested the local people .

questioning,Moncler UK, the suspect killed by Wan Hu Jian- sheng Liang ,Moncler, hijacking Wan Feng confessed to the crime . Currently , Hu L has been under criminal detention , his mother on suspicion of harboring a criminal offense by the police also detained . Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporter Liu Hu

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