
Moncler ShopMan two hundred million yuan of illegal cash within six months been arrested

Police confiscated the stolen goods being counted. Pengxiang She

(Reporter correspondent Tao Peng Xiang Zhang Xiaofeng Yang Lingling intern) by forging a false business license and tax registration certificate from the bank fraud to 15 POS machines in just six months Illegal cash amount of up to 206 million yuan. Municipal Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Detachment After nearly three months of investigation, uncovered this terrible case of illegal business. Recently, Zhou and Jiang Jianguo suspects were arrested.

May this year, the city Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Detachment police found a strange spending a single, this document says amount of 10,Goose Coats,120 yuan. After investigation, police determined that it is a credit card illegal cash receipts, most likely hidden behind a POS machines illegal cash company. Subsequently, the police found this document from a Dongtang Haihua Garden District houses, and the houses to use POS machines within a hidden dens of illegal cash.

investigation, police found the cash in the company owner named Jiang Jianguo, male, 41 years old, Hunan Yongzhou,Moncler Shop, he together with others to create counterfeit dollars Changsha fictional shoe three stores, Yuelu District Name Gomez Ministry of fifteen wholesale furniture business department of business license and tax registration certificate, in a bank for 15 POS machine, POS machine in addition to a portion of the cash leased to others engaged in illegal business, he will focus on other machines in his rented room, specializing in POS machines cash operations. Jiang Jianguo illegal cash from each business, according to the amount of size, charge 1 to 1.2% of the fee. The statistics, from December to June this year, the amount of illegal cash as high as 206 million yuan. In addition, police found Changsha Ando net domestic service company owner Zhou, Jiang Jianguo company leased from POS machines were illegal cash $ 3.5 million.

June this year, police began to evidence collection, preparing arrest Jiang Jianguo. Smell danger, Jiang Jianguo abscond. After a painstaking investigation, the police eventually found hiding in the Moon Lake area Jiang Jianguo 3 3 a rented room. August 6 at 10 am, City Economic Investigation detachment of a battalion led the police to break Pu Jiang Jianguo captured the scene and seized more than 30 sheets credit card, credit card small-ticket number, eight rental agreement POS machines. August 19,UGG Boots Sale, another suspect Zhou came to the Economic Investigation Detachment surrender. The case further investigation.

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