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Indus Latin name Firmiana simplex, the English called Phoenix Tree, alias Qingtong, Tong Ma, are Sterculiaceae. Sterculiaceae Indus is a large deciduous tree, up to 15 meters; straight trunk, bark green and smooth. Native to China, North and South provinces have cultivated for the common green trees and ornamental garden tree. Another namesake cartoon character names, and Indus Indus.

Chinese Name: Indus circles: the vegetable kingdom door: the door of angiosperms Gang: Gang dicots subclass: the original perianth sub-schema: mallow mesh sub-orders: mallow suborder Section: Sterculiaceae are: Indus is Medicinal parts: seeds, flowers, leaves, roots, bark, etc. can be used as medicine


Application habitat distribution patterns of plant medicinal value of quoted value farming with green growth and reproduction of ornamental cultivation methods and precautions and prevention of common diseases and insect pests the difference between the Indus and China plane trees plane trees plane trees with Introduction About China China Indus Indus Indus, the main difference - historical records and legends related to other forms of Indus plant (scientific name: Firmiana platanifolia (Linn. f.) Marsili) deciduous tree, up to 16 m; bark green and smooth. Leaves heart-shaped, palmately 3-5 cleft, diameter 15-30 cm,

lobes triangular, apex acuminate, base heart-shaped, two had no hair or slightly pubescent, basal veins 7 of the petiole and leaf length. Inflorescences cone, about 20-50 cm, the lower branches up to 12 cm, flowers yellowish green; calyx 5 to base a few deep cleft, sepals bar, curl outwards, 7-9 mm long, the outside is light yellow pubescent, inner surface pubescent only at base; peduncle long and a few other flowers; male flower pistil and stamen stalk and calyx of equal length, the lower half thick, hairless, irregularly clustered anther 15 handle in the pistil and stamen the top of the pear-shaped and very small degradation of the ovary; female flower's ovary spherical, hair. Fruit membranous, with handle, premature cracking into the leafy, 6-11 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, the outside was a few short hairs or glabrous, 2-4 seeds per fruit there; seed round spherical surface of crepe, diameter about 7 mm. June-July flowering, fruit ripening period of 10-11 months. [1] [2] the distribution of habitats north and south production provinces in China, Hainan Island from Guangdong to the north are produced. Also distributed in Japan. Mostly cultivated. Good was born in warm and humid environment; resistance to cold, drought-resistant and infertile. Bark summer sun intolerance. Grow better in sandy soil. Medicinal value of the name of the drug application value: Indus son, Indus flowers, white Indus, Indus roots, parasol trees. [2] name of the medicine medicinal parts of the taste of the seeds of the effectiveness of the Indus Indus sweet child; natured detoxify, smooth gas and stomach, spleen and digestion, bleeding Indus Indus flower flowers sweet; natured dampness swelling, heat detoxification to remove cork Indus Indus white bark sweet; bitter; of cool Qufengchushi; promoting blood circulation Indus Indus root root sweet; natured Qufengchushi, menstrual bleeding, sore detoxification treatment leaves Indus Indus leaves bitter taste; cold Qufengchushi; detoxification swelling; lower blood pressure lead to the kinds of green ornamental trees and gardens for the common green ornamental tree. [1] Agriculture, light, soft wood, Mu Xia and instruments to beat the system. Fry edible seeds or oil extraction, oil is non-drying oil. White bark of the fiber can be used to paper and braided rope and so on. Wood shavings may leach mucus, said wood shavings, conditioner. Ye do the soil pesticides can kill aphids, sulfur dioxide, chlorine and other toxic gases, there is a strong resistance. Plane trees on the green environment and human of course, is the role of clean air, but it's nothing special role of edible seeds, oil extraction can also see the following references can be medicinal and sweet, flat, non-toxic. Indus sub-component containing caffeine, gum. Function of qi and yin, eyesight Pinggan, black hair. [Tinea capitis DLF (Lali head)] parasol flower smashed coated surface of fresh products. [Prolapse] Indus bark fried juicy warm wash, day 2 or 3 times. [Hypertension] leaves of plane trees, day 30 grams Jiantang tea. [Mouth, glossitis] Indus sub-burning existence, and research fine, honey-coated, several times a day. Growth and reproduction of the Indus culture is easy, simple to manage, and very water-saving. Propagation method: seeding method, cutting, split-root. Seeding method: fall harvest ripe fruit, dried autumn threshing year after planting, but also to next spring sowing Sand. Drill spacing of 25 cm, 1.5 cm thick overburden. About 15 kg per acre broadcast. Sand seed germination than the neat, sowing 4-5 weeks after germination. Dry storage seed germination often missing, can be soaked with warm water before sowing germination. Cultivation methods and precautions Indus cultivation easy, simple to manage, the provincial water. Normal management, seedling year high

Indus Photo Gallery (10) up to 50 cm above the sub-plant training next year. Three seedlings can Chupu. Planting sites should be selected terrain Gaozao Department, into the basal cavity applied, will be dry, sealed with wax Jukou. In the north, the winter on young trees straw rope to wrap cold. The winter and early spring fertilization time. Common pests and prevention of major pests fleas, frost moth, slug, boil bat moth and so on. One Indus crack head lice, only harm plane trees, located in Shandong, Henan and other places. Nymphs secrete a white cotton wool wax when hazardous materials, the leaf pores blocked, affecting the normal leaf photosynthesis and respiration, so pale leaves showing symptoms of decline, there will be early fall leaves, shoot dry, rough skin fragility, susceptible to wind off phenomenon. Prevention: spray water can be obliterated in the hazard period floc, can eliminate many nymphs and adults, 65% in the early spring soap oil emulsion spray 8 times against the overwintering eggs. Boil bat moth, endangering Indus, magnolia and other trees. 40% of available veterinary syringe fenitrothion EC 400 times into the trenches to be harm, kill larvae. You can also use the oil emulsion, dichlorvos, dimethoate, methamidophos, prevention and treatment. The difference between the Indus and China Platanus height difference between the growth of Environmental Indus Indus tree leaves and flowers of fruit produced in China and Japan hi light hi deep moist soil parasols ,15-20m tall and burly no section of the trunk, smooth green bark up helicopter Leaves palmate, crack missing flower, leaves thick summer flowering, monoecious, flowers small, yellowish green, the fruit panicles divided into five sub-fruit, ripe fruit before the split points were boat-shaped, seed health at the edge [ ,],[dense brown leaves are triangular-stellate stellate hairs. Leaves palmately 5-7 cleft, deep cleft of the middle lobes grew up in the wide, wide leaf base. Wedge-shaped or truncate, margin teeth, palmate veins; stipules round neck-like inflorescence head-like, yellow-green, flowering from April to May the number of nuts, whole leaf spherical poly ball into a bunch of 3-6, accommodation deposit Style long , were bristle-like, long and drooping stalk. fruit mature from September to October. Fruit can be used as medicine [4] Introduction to the world famous plane trees trees - Platanus, in our parks and along the street can often see. Now in our North from Dalian, Beijing, Hebei, west Shaanxi, Gansu, to the southwest Sichuan, Yunnan, south and eastern coastal provinces of Guangdong are are cultivated. In Nanjing, the people who treat it referred to as People used to call Originally, a genus Platanus eight species, originating in North America, Mexico, the Mediterranean and the Indian area. Planted into our country there are three kinds. Sycamore fruit order handle the fruit, some a fruit balls, fruit balls, some two, some three or more fruit balls, so the name is different, each called a sycamore ball, two balls and three balls sycamore sycamore, which is three different species. The summarized as follows: 1, a ball sycamore (Platanus occidentalis, originating in North America, commonly known as three ball sycamore (Platanus orientalis, origin southeastern Europe, India area, commonly known as Branches to carry out, the crown broad, elongated oval. Bark gray or white, flaking, peeling off the green after a pink, smooth. Handle the next bud, leaf alternate, leaves large, palmately 5-9 cleft, densely stellate-pubescent childhood, after the loss. Flowering April to May, capitulum ball. Cones drooping, usually a string of 2 balls. Fruit ripening September to October, the base of a long-haired nuts. Leaves triangular-shaped, 9-15 cm long, 9-17 cm wide, 3-5 palmately divided, the edges sharp teeth and wavy irregular teeth, base truncate or nearly heart-shaped, soft stellate hairs when, after nearly with no hair. Spherical inflorescence diameter of 2. 5-3.5 cm, typically 2 string, plus hanging bell-shaped; spend about 4 mm; sepals 4; petals 4; male; male flowers have 4-8 stamens; female flower has six a separate carpels. Introduction to Chinese Indus Indus (Firmiana simple) or and smooth. Native to China, North and South provinces have cultivated, but also for ordinary green trees and ornamental garden tree. , decorated their child, the more those five, six, less those two, three, as large as beans. The fruit is divided into five sub-fruit, ripe fruit before the split points were boat-shaped, seed health at the edge. I made two kinds of Indus, one sycamore, one in Yunnan Indus. Yunnan Indus bark rough, grayish black, leaf margin generally Trifid. Chinese parasol tree, tall and burly, no section of the trunk, up helicopter, were holding high emerald green Jusan, imposing high-spirited. Smooth green bark, leaves thick, from in to the branch, a lush, elegant look very clean, no wonder people called it Chinese parasol is also a beautiful ornamental plants, decorated in the garden, before the house, also planted as street trees. Leaves palmate, crack missing flower. Summer flowering, monoecious, flowers small, yellowish green, cone flower, blossoms appear bright and bright. Folklore, live in the Indus Phoenix like trees, Li Bai is also a In fact, this is only one hope for a better life. Interestingly, there is a Chinese parasol, said Li's Story which you explain: Chinese parasol can It each vine, leaf average year 12 students, while there are 6 leaves, and leaves in a leap year is 13 students. This is a coincidence deduction, the actual no such law of nature. As for the Chinese parasol tree bark green and smooth. Leaves heart-shaped, palmately 3-5 cleft, 15-30 cm in diameter, lobes triangular, apex acuminate, base heart-shaped, two had no hair or slightly pubescent, basal veins 7, petioles and leaves of equal length . Inflorescences cone, about 20-50 cm, the lower branches up to 12 cm, flowers yellowish green; calyx 5 to base a few deep cleft, sepals bar, curl outwards, 7-9 mm long, the outside is light yellow pubescent, inner surface pubescent only at base; peduncle long and a few other flowers; male flower pistil and stamen stalk and calyx of equal length, the lower half thick, hairless,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Sale[/url], irregularly clustered anther 15 handle in the pistil and stamen the top of the pear-shaped and very small degradation of the ovary; female flower's ovary spherical, hair. Fruit membranous, with handle, premature cracking into the leafy, 6-11 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, the outside was a few short hairs or glabrous, 2-4 seeds per fruit there; seed round spherical surface of crepe, diameter about 7 mm. June-July flowering, fruit ripening period of 10-11 months. London plane trees with the main difference between Chinese parasol Chinese parasol trees like poplar body, it is straight (can be used to make piano zither), triangular blade star, the trunk is generally not thick. Autumn, the leaves become yellow, very poetic. The fruit is spherical solid fruit, about 4-5 mm in diameter, with a thin layer of the shell can be eaten raw, can also be fried, only the peas so much, almost like the taste of peas, eating very fragrant, seasonal season can be picked. London plane trees are thick trunk (not very thick, coarse than the Chinese Indus), star-shaped leaves are triangular, but much larger. Fruit is very small, can not eat. The leaves become brown in the fall, certainly not good-looking Chinese parasol of leaves. Crown large, and because the leaves large, almost completely covered the sun above the crown, so most are suitable for sidewalk shade tree. [5] Indus - related historical records and legends Indus 1 tall, as the Indus, as the trees of the leader. Been valued since ancient times. And often linked to the Indus and Phoenix. Phoenix is ​​the king of birds, and habitat in the Indus Phoenix on the most happy, we can see just how noble the Indus. History records the Indus: Indus has Qingtong, Biwu, jade, the name of Wu Ting. First seen in the pre-Qin literature, . Shows weekly in the summer, plane trees on the subject when people's attention. Then the Indus Park Spring Fuchai built plane trees planted in the garden, any anti-Liang, Han Chinese parasol tree was planted in the royal palace, Wei began to increase when planted plane trees, Jaap Jin Zhan, branches of more than hundred feet high; leaves students only graceful, more luxuriant leaves Jin Fu as Large-scale planting plane trees is the former king of Fu Jian, of. Northern Wei Gu Sixie Tang planted plane trees is very common. Is the plane trees planted in the palace. Duan style section, since the descendants no longer dare to fold. Li Song planted plane trees a lot. Song Zhu Changwen music garden in Suzhou, its a Park Ji Take, Niyama phase times Phoenix to Wu Zhu Xuan landscaping of the Yuan Dynasty, the description of plane trees. Ming plane trees often planted in pre-trial, window, door side of the line road. Wang Jin, , Ya-Hua Yan net, enjoyable, many of the people fasting Court. Qian Yan release step, the North with dark windows, closed the spring and winter, to avoid the wind and rain, cool summer and can be opened. However Biwu of interest: spring and winter leaves, to the joy of harmony Shu Xuan negative; summer shade to pay to cover steam intense sparkle of Wei Yan, Pavilion King has Xi 'attractions, its a Qing Lu development flow, the new branch early lead; mild cold Micro, is a leaf floating air; villa in in in and recent multi-alone here. Tong Xuan in Feixia floor, the ground more than the Indus widely planted throughout the country, agencies, schools, factories, parks, scenic areas, streets, etc., were seen with parasols figure 2. Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, plane trees on the legend of King: Some people say that is locally introduced from India. also spread less than the local myths and legends about the tree, all mysterious, aroused the desire to witness the tree. people have been Muslims it as a This strain of ancient plane trees in geography, botany has important research value now, here's a Wada has become an important tourist attraction. [4] as the ancients often linked to the Indus and Phoenix, so now people often said: often in a variety of imagery and meaning. 1, virtuous character, moral of the Indus in the image and symbol of purity and poetry in the meaning of good character, such as Indus students carry, they arise sun Home loudly from far away, is by non-wind implying that their good character. Zhuangzi in cited Feng, pen, it has become a symbol of love, loyalty, such as: Ulterior motives in phase coverage, leaf relative to traffic. separation, death buried the nether world, can not stirring? 3, the image of sorrow and loneliness leaves symbolizes the wind, rain Indus, desolate scene, described the Indus became a literary image of lonely sorrow, such as months like a hook. Shen Yuan lock Kiyoaki Indus lonely cold moon leaves from the Indus to the gap in the shed, it really sad! peoples living on the past is the monarch, and now has become a prisoner of war, thousands of melancholy, filled with quiet anger, all in one. when the subjugation of the hate? Again Wu Ye soon as soon as the autumn, a little bit unhappy banana Acacia is a rainy night in song, is a cold, wet autumn map! the face of this scene,[url=http://www.wupipi.in/]UGG Sale[/url], Acacia begins with the poet heart filled Author of the Indus and the banana picture of rain, Emotion in the scenery, scenes , Sad and bewildered, artistic conception. 4, the situation Parting from the image and meaning in the Tang and Song poetry, from the Indus to make love and not hate the image is the most moral, such as compared to spring and autumn scene, re-color light satire of the monarch and the country's lingering beauty tempting children to bring life-long regret, such as A leaf, I heard the sound of dripping empty stage that pain, romance, Resentment sad, through the night. his profound implication, is memorable. Again, The first, how a Sorrow , sound bleak, lonely and helpless, she was in the deep memory of her husband, this grief-stricken words, tear-jerking, called the write melancholy of farewell.

lengthy antiquity, leaves if Pik, Wai Yee outstanding, the root in Qingyuan, days open purple Britain, the stars on it, the U.S. poultry to the Ming, the world has Kerry Wood, the heart from the psychic, for piano, Spring sound, lying to listen to the night rain , from the look Xueqing, independent integrity, towering Derong. dark cloud, only worthy of haggard. read Blue Church Candle, heart short flame length, the people cry. . Indus westerly anxious last night, Dan Yue hazy out, dreams frequency shock, where high-rise goose sound? long to know where the water away? chi seats condensate dust, fog cover Xianggui. red with small print letterhead Who to? high-rise projects do want to dusk, parasol leaves rustling rain. Kiyoaki the full House Kiyoaki. desolate landscape, contains deep Chouhen, King of love, love overflow scene outside. Indus, in the classical poetry, performance has always been a Melancholy of images, Road conditions are not suffering from music , sad mood. parasol at this Autumn locked Shen Yuan, in general, people will have a sad cold lonely feeling, not to mention the monarch become a prisoner of Li Yu do? old when the monarchy, the habitats, is lonely Indus Shen Yuan, people's good wishes because of the Indus tall and straight, the trees in the crowd. to be valued since ancient times. and often linked to the Indus and Phoenix Phoenix is ​​the king of birds, and habitat in the Indus Phoenix on the most happy, shows just how noble the Indus, such as in our Book of Songs, the records have on the Indus in the Book of Songs, Taiga . Indus students carry, they arise sun. lush, Yong Yong Jie Jie. Yong Jie Jie, is the voice of Fengming in Zhuangzi chapter in the Autumn, also said the Indus in the said Zhuangzi see Keiko, said: Young man, hair flying in the South China Sea and the North Sea, more than non-Indus, ... flew to the North Sea, only the Indus was falling. seen the noble Indus, in the thirty-seventh back to the Three Kingdoms, there is this description: non-compliance there is momentum, and the Indus is a symbol of good fortune. more entries Atlas Atlas

Indus Photo Gallery (10)

entry picture (2)

References 1 < p> / / www.fatongwang.com/new_view.asp?id=903


Rambling Indus

http://garden.ibcas.ac.cn/zhwshj/zhwshj8.htm < / p> 5

the difference between China and the Platanus tree


Further reading: 1

protect the old Tong tree: http://www.516fc.net/news/show.php?itemid=449


Baidu know

Open Category: Plants, names, medicinal plants, herbs, Indus Section 2 Zhejiang names Indus

Sandy Bay area in the territory of Jingning County, Zhejiang Province. Indus Village, Zhejiang Jingning County Indus township government, village committee Indus station, located 16 km southwest of the county, jurisdiction 3 villages, as of 2005, a total of 171, 608 people, including Shes 25. 227 acres of arable land, single-season rice cultivation, double cropping, the development of mushrooms, fungus, etc. 4278 acres of woodland, with planting seedlings, herbs and other bases. Township to do with power plants, steel plants, pump valve factory and village farms. economic activity, gradually increase the income of the villagers.-east of the village with ancient plane trees, hence the name. King (Ning), Qing (Yuan) roads and King (Ning), Long (spring) road through the village 3. Quanzhilieren role Indus hit the enemy's chief executive, Hakka (Explorer) Japanese Name: ゴ Suites

TV screenshot

English Name: GOTO Chinese Name: Indus Birthplace: Meteor Street Height: 182 Weight: 61Kg Blood Type: A Who's Who: played very little housekeeper Indus (ゴ Suites), Mr. unexpected popularity it is also perhaps because he was cold outside, tender hearts of people it 4. Chinese mainland actress Jiang armor with the new generation of fans with the name of the Indus River Plate fans known as the graduate, Hunan Satellite TV remake of the romantic aesthetic of youth idol drama a brilliant life AC & fr = ala0

Open Category: People 5.

Indus Chengdu real estate directory name

Overview Overview Indus transport facilities in Chengdu Shuangnan 2.5 ring, a new villa homes museum covers an area of ​​9498.17, 15-story high-rise low-density communities, the main push of 72-145 square meters of variable size, up to 10% of the gift area. Atrium Garden + municipal parks, two landscapes, the bottom of all overhead, German-style facade, semi-enclosed point layout, 1 ladder 2, 2 ladder 4.


Property Type: Normal residential planning area: 9.00 square meters building types: high-rise building Area: 41.00 square fitting: The rough plan of households: 308 opening Check-in time :2010-12 :2012-06 Developer: Chengdu Xin Yi Properties Limited Property Experience: 70 years of investment by: Chengdu Xin Yi Properties Limited number of parking spaces: 228 (1:0.9) Residential property costs: 1.8 yuan / square meter / month residential floor area ratio: 2.9 Property Company: Property Management Co., Ltd. Chengdu Green Hongjian rate: 30% of the transport facilities


Tong at 2.5 Shuangnan ring, Jin Jinan Road, Wuhou District, from project to Ito and all music, just 10 minutes walk from the current situation surrounding the project is more mature Jiaotong University and other community gardens, housing a strong atmosphere. farmers market next to the project, will transform the future of large multi-storey the size of the market, life very convenient. parasol outside Shuangnan bus lines currently more developed regions, living in this life to meet daily needs, but far from the city center project, so the owners need to spend more time on transportation costs. the future Metro Line will pass through the region, the transport speed for the region as a whole will bring a greater role in promoting. If you take the bus to the case, choose Wu-Yang Road junction station, Taiping Village Station, multi-site route, radiation wide range of addition 53,72 Road station with direct access to the project entrance. the traffic is very convenient. film received some regional bus earlier classes, will require frequent travel buyers the night life of inconvenience, not the current public transport at night very convenient. Education: Mozi Qiao Primary School, Shuangnan primary school to Sichuan, Hongqiao Arts Kindergarten, gold baby nurseries, kindergartens, hospitals Shuangfeng: Wuhou Second People's Hospital Bank: Agricultural Bank of others: Ito-Yokado, all music, Wangfujing (planning), Carrefour (planning), Meikailong, Paradise, Gome, Suning, Shuangfeng Road farmers market, Ji Shunnong trade market expansion read: 1

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Open Category: Real Estate, Chengdu, real estate, Related articles:

