
UGG Boots SaleHubei rape protagonist was stabbed to death five hundred villagers pleading for the ki

6 23 afternoon, Ezhou town of Pak Sha Tsuen Yang leaves four groups of village massacre occurred. Assailant is the town mission Shao Yu village to village, and fell in a pool of blood, it is seven years ago because of bizarre rape and shocked the nation, the town of Three Gorges villagers Liu Xiansheng.

7 years ago, the town to Pak Sha Tsuen Yang leaves a women police station, said he raped two consecutive nights being burglary. To arrest suspects, the local police has allowed the woman to act as As a result, police dispatched, this woman was raped again, the suspect was a successful naked escape (newspaper has reported.) The case was sensational media exposure. The case of the real perpetrator is Liu Xiansheng.

this time, Liu Xiansheng is why the entrance to the village's tragic death? In this regard, the local villagers, the murderer and the family are not the same family. Shao Yu to the perpetrators, most of the villagers have expressed their sympathy. Why is this? Yesterday, reporters rushed to the Young leaves town to investigate.

Xianxiong wait after the murder, police

pointing to the left front of the store space said dismissively.

grocery near the highway, next to mahjong rooms and meat stalls, daily coming and going, very lively. On the day, a canteen in the small square table, a Licensing Board under way, sitting near the front side is 44-year-old Liu Xiansheng. blood, fell on his sister's arms.

with the incident all the way across a number of villagers,Moncler Shop, as a correspondent from another angle, to restore the murder happened. She told reporters about, Shao Yu Liu Xiansheng called to the front of the store, the two sides have had a brief conversation. out a knife stabbed Liu Xiansheng the Youyao. Liu Xiansheng clutching his waist and ran next to the meat stalls, Shao Yu come with the inside,Goose Coats, the two intertwined. And then came out, with blood on them, and then Liu Xiansheng bleeding to fall.

meat stalls stall is local villagers, she told reporters, Shao Yu and Liu Xiansheng to break into the meat stalls, the Liu Xiansheng sister and her husband then came, over, throw the other side of the road under a tree.

the complex relationship between men and women is the case because

yesterday afternoon, the reporter in the town of Yang Ye ask the way, if asked to Shao Yu where xiashaojia mouth Bay, most of the villagers do not know, but Speaking of which from the massacre, villagers not only guiding but also tell their own have heard the rumors.

of wages, and Because these two things, Shao Yu and Liu Xiansheng to conflict, Shao Yu was hit multiple times. , tears.

Shaoguang Ping introduced to Shao Yu's wife Jiangmou of Hunan, 28-year-old son, and she met while at work. After marriage, they gave birth to a son and daughter, his daughter is 7 years old son just over 3 years old birthday. Shaoguang Ping Shao then used to woo wrote on November 18 last year Ezhou City Public Security Bureau of Hubei and a criminal complaint form. Sue-like reads: Last September, the Three Gorges came to the village of Shao Yu Liu Xiansheng home built private houses, the wife cooks Jiangmou taken in the site, only tolerated. September 10, the Liu Xiansheng bought a bracelet given to Jiangmou, hoping to establish a close relationship with her, Jiangmou was rejected. September 14, Shao Yu and his wife went to Liu Xiansheng place, ready to return Liu Xiansheng bracelet, and said the matter face to face clear, the day may not come across Liu Xiansheng. September 16, Shao Yu's wife alone to go still bracelet, the result gone.

Shaoguang Ping introduced Jiangmou missing, they Yang leaves a police station to police. After Liu Xiansheng call that Jiangmou with him, but he must agree to the terms proposed for Jiang put back. come back later work done, he made it up to give twenty thousand dollars, while today, he owes my son's 56,000 yuan for projects not yet have.

look for his wife half empty-handed

Shao Yu to the home is an old bungalow, is not only small, very old, which xiashaojia mouth Bay lined a sharp new building the contrast. Over the past 10 months, broken cottage hostess has never appeared. Two children from the care of grandparents. Shao Yu to go out looking for his wife during the day, the night alone back here. Countless nights, no one knows the thirties, what suffering experienced masons.

You do not thank I, I asked my wife ... ... I want to put a word you: you go on like this, from tomorrow I see you once again to play, you will not like this leniency. On the evening 11:29, Liu Xiansheng to Shao Yu issued a message to.

see this message, the 26-year-old Shao three to sobs: I did not expect, late at night, he could be so arrogant to sent a message threatening. Subsequently, Shao Yu to take children to and from Handan to visit his wife's mother. However, in the north of the train, Yu Shao to end or did not see his wife. After the Spring Festival, Shao Yu to stop the move to find his wife, brother and a younger brother came to the Xishui shipyard work.

2009 年 9 16 to 2010 Chinese New Year, in order to retrieve his wife, Shao Yu to have been to Wuhan, Hunan, Hebei and other places, but always disappointed. 2010 Spring Festival, as workers come to collect debts and Shao Yu to afraid to go home. After that, he took two children to look for his wife, Hebei, until the big beginning of the sixth came back.

6 月 23 日 12 noon, two hours before the incident, Shao Yu to home, spent 20 minutes left quietly. This is the last time xiashaojia mouth Bay to see Shao Yu.

five hundred villagers pleading for the killers

the past few days, the town of Young leaves many villagers are joint Yu Shao for the murder suspect to petition sentence remission. Reporters also saw a pile of press red fingerprints, in-depth investigation, to be fair, Comrade Shao Yu to deal with, so we all villagers request to the relevant departments jointly dealt with leniently. villagers signature.

However, after the incident, the hostess missing 10 months for Jiang still not appeared. However, on June 27 night, she sent a sister to 6 messages; June 28 afternoon, she sent the two messages, but has been reluctant to answer the phone. During the interview, Shao Yu's mother to tears looking at reporters: Jingfangxingju. Shao said the family will Shao Yu for psychiatric evaluation.

the family questioned xiashaojia argument

for xiashaojia and the villagers say, the deceased's relatives, said Liu Xiansheng opposition.

Liuxian Sheng's sister, said Shao Yu to do in the house when his brother home, each over a period of time, payment for work on time brother. Liu Xiansheng left a wife, then told reporters: signed these receipts are in my hands, but now is not convenient out,UGG Boots Sale, the evidence presented in court proceedings. Although reluctant to bring her husband some bad past experiences, the left one, or intermittently expressed their views on this matter: Last September, Yu Shao for Jiang to Three Gorges to the village with his wife build a house. Husband and Jiangmou To this end, Yu Shao She also hinted a few times to let him manage their wife, I hope they soon separated. Who knows, the situation is not as she expected, development, Shao Yu Liu Xiansheng passing the buck to stop looking, and has been for Jiang did not show up.

6 27 evening 6:31, Huangshi City Jiangmou with a phone number to a sister sent a text message: not bear children. the world does not regret medicine to take, otherwise there will not be today, I really want to die to woo apology to reduce the crime. improper relationship between men and women should not be there 'abduction' of that.

the deceased was a bizarre rape protagonist

Liu Xiansheng the deceased's name, many readers may remember. 7 years ago, the bizarre rape because he was

2003 年 6 月 6 at 8 pm, Ezhou Yang Ye came to town, Baisha Village, Lee Young leaves women police station, said the 4 and 5, two nights, there is a masked knife men broke into his home will be raped her. Lee said the man will be 6 pm to. Young leaves the station director and deputy director of the Yemou YuanMou design a ridiculous arrest program, let Lee act as 10 o'clock that night, Yuan Mou and others in the Lee family in waiting. At midnight, a man who really broke into the house in Lee and Lee rape. Man committing the crime to be consummated, the Lee's arrest was issued a cough signal. When the police burst into the room, the man naked from the back door to escape. Later, together with DNA identification error, resulting in a wrong case.

this exposure by the media immediately after the sensational. Since then, Ezhou E and Yang Ye City Public Security Bureau police officers have been related to serious disciplinary rules and sanctions, while the real perpetrators of the case is Liu Xiansheng. In 2008, Liu Xiansheng released from prison.

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