
UGG BootIncitement learned her husband to his wife beaten to death Pipansihuan

Zheng Ning 9-year-old son alone and the dog every day to play

the constant beat in the hoses, the husband called his wife who was alive, Their marriage took to the road of no return?

the Night Massacre

anxiously waiting, Zheng Binhua finally from Silver City Intermediate People's Court to get the verdict, the verdict reads watching sister in law has been sentenced to death, Zheng Binhua of my heart kind of speechless bitter.

this year, Zheng Binhua still feel better off than ten years long. Born in this township in the spring Jingtai end springs of man has been a year to run around with her brother's things, and now finally have the results, but the results can close your eyes to heaven brother?

Forget the past, reading the verdict, a year ago that emerge from the tragic murder again in Zheng Binhua eyes.

2009 August 09, at 7 pm, the wife of Zhou Zheng Zheng Ning red city to do business in Jingtai sister Zhou Xiaoqin play to call, phone, Zhou Zheng-hong said to be rather, I hope my sister to find a few people. Zhou Xiaoqin subsequently recruited via SMS familiar Gen-Shan.

Zhou Xiaoqin received the message, and Wie,Moncler Shop, who Gen-Shan Zhou Xiaoqin couple to open the decorating shop, Zhou Zheng saw red. Ning Zheng Zhou Zheng Hong said gambling debts, and often beat her, so help lessons about Gen-Shan Zheng Ning. Gen-Shan, who negotiate, to Zheng Ning admit mistakes in front of father-in-law, then let her husband Li Weiwen Zhou Xiaoqin Zhou Zheng red car to the countryside to pick up the parents, uncle. Gen Hill then invited Lee and others in the store to help, and said, out of the subject he concernedly.

9 o'clock in the evening, several people drink a couple of pounds more than a bundle of white wine and beer, call and ask the Gen-Shan Zheng Ning Jingtai where the address, and Wie, who drove to a city Jingtai Town, forcing the power in the West Street hotel restaurant downstairs to the Li Weiwen Zheng Ning shop.

to the store, the Gen-Shan Zheng Ning meal kicked, forced to kneel Ning Zheng Zhou Zheng-hong and father-in-law to admit, but refused to admit Zheng Ning, Ning Zheng attitude all of a sudden anger the father.

reporter learned that the father-in-Zheng Ning Ning Zheng Zhou Wucheng toward the head showed their curse: emotions to other people's behavior will undoubtedly fuel. Gen Hill then taken out from the car trunk to a rubber tube, Ning Zheng Zhou Wucheng Take the hoses toward the head, back beat, Gen Hill then take turns with the hoses and others who beat North Korea Ning Zheng, and Wei When a kick Ning Zheng sprained foot, had to see a doctor.

Although Zheng Ning was fainted several times to endure, however, did not arouse the conscience of the presence of people. Li Weiwen Zheng Ning head to the water, after the Gen-Shan, Wie has its own leather belt with both hands Zheng Ning. During the beating, Zheng Ningyue mother, wife, Ning Zheng Zhou Zheng-hong to call home to lead people to each other. To 11 pm, see Zheng Ning does not say anything, and Gen-Shan, who left in a hurry.

about 40 minutes later, Li Weiwen to the 120 call, said Zheng Ning seriously hope that 120 out of the bus; Subsequently, Zhou Zheng-hong sent a taxi to the Gen-Shan 1000 dollars, said Zheng Ning is dead, so that First they hide it.

live miserable

third brother Ning Zheng Zheng Jianxin in the minds of the black night of his life's pain. September 1, he was choked nearly to the reporters about the situation at that time. The evening of 9 August 2009 at 0950 hours, sleeping, he received a strange phone call from a woman claiming to be the phone Ning Zheng's mother, said Zheng Ning and Zhou Zheng red fight, let him go to the shop where Li Weiwen lead people , Zheng Jianxin asked why the fight, the woman said Zhou Zheng Zheng Ninghuai suspect and another man having an affair with red. Then gave Li Weiwen Zheng Jianxin called, Li Weiwen Zheng Ning said to be wounded people in society. Zheng Jianxin Zheng Ning requirements and the phone just to hear a cry, maybe it is the voice of Ning Zheng, the phone hung up.

8 月 10 morning, sister-in-law called and said Zheng better to die of.

in the hospital morgue, Zheng Jianxin has been cold to see a brother. All eyes can only be described as appalling, covered with almost no one good place.

Forensic Center Silver City forensic autopsy and pathology reports on the inspection report to prove wrote: dead head, left and right temporal scalp see multiple subcutaneous hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage; sternum and the third rib location, complete oblique fracture ends arrhythmia; dead body harness, and many see the hollow of the strip bruising congestion spots, especially in the back of the, from the waists to see a large area of ​​the neck congestion spots fused into flakes was purple, and see the distribution of vertical and horizontal overlap of congestion hollow spots. Institute of Pathology, First Hospital of Lanzhou University, issued by the anatomical diagnosis of organ pathology report diagnostic results indicate that pathological examination of the organs have not detected the existence of fatal diseases. Ning Zheng Department concluded that the dead were several others hit with blunt objects, caused by head injury, sternal fracture, especially in a large area of ​​soft tissue body subcutaneous bleeding, caused by traumatic shock and death.

time, Zheng Jianxin and his family did not think the injury is the sister-in-law brother who called the people to fight, and only when his brother was beaten to death by the people in society's.

from Jingtai County Public Security Bureau to prove the alarm registration form: Li Weiwen on at 1:39 on August 10, 2009 report, said the August 9 22 am, the red phone, said Zhou Zheng received, Ning Zheng Zhou Zheng-hong husband was wounded, the police to the scene, Ning Zheng wet, was sent to hospital after she died.

later in the police's investigation, Zhou Zheng-hong tell the truth: that after the death of Zheng Ning, Li Weiwen Zheng Ning will be the death news to Gen Hill, who beat Zheng Ning and tools of crime thrown in a red sea town of Tung Tau breakfast shop roof, to provide 1,000 yuan for the Gen Zhou Xiaoqin Shan, who fled. Zhou Zheng afraid of things brought to light red, on and Liwei Wen, Zhou Xiaoqin, who agreed to conceal the truth, said Zheng Ning who was killed by gambling, and to his brother Zheng Jianxin Zheng Ning, a telephone call, call 110 the police. Examination of the public security organs, the other person has done a false statement to the police but have been in time to see through. After the incident, Zhou Zheng-hong and his father and sister, brother in law was arrested, Gen-Shan, who then gave himself up.

pro-husband killed his wife to find someone a message, immediately caused an uproar in the local: in the end what is the reason, causing such a tragedy?

year later, the reporter came to the Yellow River in the quiet little village, talking about the murder took place a year ago, the villagers said, Because in the eyes of the villagers, Zheng Ning and Zhou Zheng red marriage is

However, it is that enviable marriage, to the villagers could not believe the results.

the 1990s,UGG Boot, due to family poverty, Zheng Ning early work outside the home, at work first-hand during a cooking school, he was smart and capable by Zhou Zheng waiter in the hotel to see the red eyes, the same Zheng Ning is also deeply in love with the beautiful young red Zhou Zheng. After three years of love, with the approval of the consent of both parents into the marriage hall.

married couple love each other, the two work together first, then take the money the couple earned working in the city Jingtai opened the restaurant, and later switch to open the bar.

Later, have children, the two sides take turns caring for the elderly. The red and Zheng Zhou Zheng Ning family relations are good, on the day before the incident, Zhou Zheng-hong Zheng Ning's cousin also from the hands by two million going to buy engineering equipment.

However, all from 2006 has been a fundamental change, this change so that Zheng Ningfu wife's feelings reached a low point.

Zheng Jianxin said that in order to better develop their own business, brother and sister-in-law decided to contract construction projects, in order to gain experience, they first enter the site familiar with the market. Zheng Ning to Qinghai to work, Zhou Zheng-hong in a local construction site Jingtai working. During the work, Zheng Ning suddenly returned to visit his wife Jingtai, only to find that Zhou Zheng-hong pregnancy, the confirmation is not their child, Zheng Ning beat his wife. Zhou Zheng-hong was determined for divorce, the two sides wrangling, and finally, under the mediation of relatives of both sides, both of them together.

will be killed by it!

, and sister-in-law trouble, but in the end do not know the money gone. In recent years, they earned or lost in the end, and now his brother is dead, the two accounts is still unknown.

and Zhou Zheng red in the court's statement, said that because Zheng Ningsheng fission feelings of paranoia and risk-takers. Zhou Zheng-hong said Zheng Ning often gamble for husband and doubted her having an illicit relationship with another man, often beat her, day of the incident she went to Lanzhou, Zheng Ning and send text messages threatening to find someone to hit her on the road to intercept, as fear, she got through her sister Zhou Xiaoqin, who learned Gen-Shan Zheng Ning,UGG Clearance, followed by access to the parents. Then took place the scene should not have happened.

Zheng Jianxin Zhou Zheng does not recognize the red, he told reporters that his brother was not of a suspicious nature, Zhou Zheng-hong pregnant with someone else's child, this is true. He also knows that his brother is not a gambling person, only occasionally play.

four families broken

affair and gambling, it seems the reason for the breakdown of marital relations. Marriage in crisis, but also break the bottom line of humanity, incitement to killing his wife, the husband finally occurred the tragedy.

June 7 this year, Silver City People's Procuratorate charged Zhou Zheng Hong, Gen-Shan and others suspected of the crime of intentional injury to the Silver City Intermediate People's Court. During the trial, Ning Zheng family to the court to institute civil action. Silver City Intermediate People's Court on July 6 Jingtai public hearing in the case, including CCTV, including attracting a number of media attention. Research by the judicial committee decided to extend the trial period of one month, is now the end of the trial.

Court that: For lessons of her husband Zhou Zheng-hong Zheng Ning, Zhou Xiaoqin recruited through Gen Hill, who kicked, beaten with a leather tube, causing death of the victim Zheng Ning, which constituted a willful assault, criminal means cruelty, crime, serious consequences, should be severely punished. Finally, make the following decision: red and Gen-Shan Zhou Zheng guilty of intentional assault, sentenced to death, suspended for two years deprivation of political rights for life; Zhou Zheng-hong's father Zhou Wucheng guilty of intentional assault, sentenced to 10 years; Zhou Zheng's brother Li Weiwen made red intentional assault, sentenced to 5 years; his sister Zhou Xiaoqin guilty of intentional assault, sentenced to three years, suspended for five years.

feelings of the moment, unfortunately broken so that the two families, the elderly bear Sangzaizhitong Cheng at the same time, but also to the Old Boys of the body to raise their young grandchildren, and Zhou Zheng red not only received legal punishment , also hurt the old father spent in prison 10 years later, and also because of her sister's family to be shaky.

9 January, Reporters saw at the end of springs Ning Zheng 9-year-old son, he did not with the village children to play with, but stay with the dog at home alone quietly playing. A year ago, the child has a happy family, now, he not only lost the pain of his father, also see love their mother.

become quiet the. One night, they saw the child asleep on her son to discuss things, children found to have happened after a while, opened the blanket, the child burst into tears, secretly had a child in bed crying ... ...

Once again, Zheng Jianxin turn in the child's bag a piece of Zheng Ningfu women photos, but the original photo was cut from the middle, the kids just to save his father's pictures, my mother's half torn to pieces.

■ text / Chart reporter PROCEEDINGS

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