
Beats By Dr DrePeople get money counterfeit bank said the withdrawals suffered for too long can not

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Fan said the bank money, the experience of counterfeit money (intern Liangyi She)

According to 79-year-old Fan, this year March 16, he went to sea Nansha Road, a bank teller 2,000 yuan. 17, when he went to the district when the property management fee, only the staff but was told the money is fake, then hurry back to the day from the bank to take all the money out to see,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], he soon found it a total of five Zhang WL15 at the beginning of the counterfeit currency. Since then, he and withdrawals with counterfeit tickets to the small banks to seek explanation, but the counterfeit money found too late, banks have denied the counterfeit removed from the bank, I used to purchase lottery tickets to be, so now you see only four. its not looking to go quietly into.

correspondent on the spot counterfeit money out of the beginning of a WL15 gave the staff. The bank's staff in his hand, told reporters after the inspection, the first touch of this counterfeit money when the lack of concavity of each pattern,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], gives the feeling of drawing up the same sense of touch is very smooth face, and very real money concavity; followed by the light of this observation is not counterfeit money, three-dimensional, such as the watermark 100 yuan white light observations, but did not see the light of the strong denominations watermark message. Finally, the bottom left coupon face value of $ 100 coupon number will change from green to blue, and look carefully will find that there is no obvious change in this counterfeit money.

this, the bank official told reporters, before Mr. Fan did with them to reflect this, but no withdrawals due Fan face a good inventory, now the time has expired, the bank has no way to confirm. When the reporter would like to further understand the situation, the person responsible for their own convenient answer.

Haikou, South China Sea Network News, August 18 (the South China Sea net correspondent YANG Ting-ting intern Liang Yi) Recently, the media reported parts of the country appear to TJ55, AZ88, WL15, YX86 one hundred yuan counterfeit money at the beginning of the four new messages. The morning of August 18, who lives in Hyde Road, Haikou Fan modern garden network to reflect the South China Sea, said he has four hands one hundred yuan, it is the beginning of the new counterfeit to WL15.

network correspondent then went to South Head Road, Haikou,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], a bank, the bank staff said that the current line in the new version of one hundred yuan have not found four kinds of counterfeit money, but if the same number of two RMB, then it is surely false.

the morning, network correspondents in the South China Sea Fan family to see, four numbers are based on WL15 at the beginning of counterfeit money, which the same two numbers. Touched as well as careful observation,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], the paper will be easy to find counterfeit money, feel, watermarks, metallic lines, colors,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Beats By Dr Dre[/url], and real money are very different.

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