
Monster HeadphonesSanya five students boating drowning death of three people

Sanya, South China Sea Network News, June 13 (the South China Sea net correspondent correspondent Dan Feng Hu Jianbing) yesterday afternoon, the bay south of Sanya City, Tian Resort Begonia five junior high school students together to play red field reservoir boating , the reservoir shore at a distance of about 20 m distant shore, the boat accidentally roll, five students fell into the water, including two successful swim to shore, a student was rescued reservoir workers, and the other two students were Sanya Fire detachment of the squadron officers and men salvaged Yalong Bay, the other people sad that rescued three students are due to drowning too long, was killed.

site of the fire brigade to remind all parents,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/2011-monster-headphones-c-8.html]Monster Headphones[/url], the recent hot weather, combined with students' summer vacation, try not to go swimming reservoir, beach,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/2011-monster-headphones-c-8.html]Monster Headphones[/url], deep-water reservoirs and other areas, while also take a good life buoy, safety rope and other life-saving equipment. Meanwhile, some local reservoirs and ponds, etc. To set the security warning signs, to avoid similar drowning accident.

Scene of the accident (correspondent Chen Jidong She)

and then go home, when we play together Huazhaoxiaochuan up in the reservoir, about three o'clock, when we are ready to go ashore, there are at about 20 meters away from the shore, do not know how it happened, the boat's side of the fierce a moment, under the five of us are frightened out of the water, when we side motions on others, while desperately to swim to shore, we both swim ashore, have not see three students, and our fierce motions on others. The shore Luo Chenguang students cried.

the result of a lot farther journey, squadron commander while the alarm people by phone about the situation at the scene, while police officers and soldiers of the division of tasks. About 2 km from the reservoir in many places, the road narrow forested, fire-fighting vehicles and assault boats can not enter the scene, the soldiers had to carry equipment and apparatus, running to the scene on foot.

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16 时 58 minutes, squadron officers arrived on the scene saw a lot of spectators around the reservoir has a reservoir of villagers and workers, on the shore lay a boy's body, the families of the victims and relatives of students We are very excited mood, crying sounds a.

Police station and reservoir site personnel said.

It is understood that at 16:13 on August 12, Sanya, fire brigade 119 Command Center received a 110 call transferred to the police immediately after the fire squadron deployed to Yalong Bay, sent a rescue vehicle, 1 water tankers and an assault boats, 18 fire brigade rushed to the scene to rescue.

17 时 20 minutes, depending on site conditions in the reservoir near the village staff and the assistance, fire officers and men to expand the search range. 17:50,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/2011-monster-headphones-c-8.html]Monster Headphones[/url], crowd together in the search, and finally 20 meters away from the shore, the underwater discovery of the two junior high school students fell into the water, officers and men salvaged, immediately take emergency measures such as artificial respiration, but drowning time is too long, was killed.

present, the specific reasons for the accident is still under investigation, remedial work be started. After the accident, Sanya city government, public security, safety supervision departments also sent to the scene to carry out rehabilitation work.

cried a man surnamed Luo told the fire brigade, his son called Luo Chenguang (musical alphabet),[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/2011-monster-headphones-c-8.html]Monster Headphones[/url], around 10 am, the son of the four junior high school male students to the guest, 14:40 so, with everyone ready to leave after dinner, when his son wanted to send four students to the reservoir Huazhaoxiaochuan opposite know what happened shipwreck, can go to our home land, sometimes we take the water in order to save time on reservoir side of the boat ride.

understand the situation at the scene after 17:05 in the Yalong Bay Fire Rescue Squadron commander Lin Bin, vice captain immediately ordered the rescue command, fire two Secret Service class warrior wearing a life jacket under the protection of the traction rope, the next to search for the reservoir, and the remaining soldiers and on-site security guard to do the work, due to the larger reservoir,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/2011-monster-headphones-c-8.html]Monster Headphones[/url], about 10 minutes of search, the officers and men who did not figure that fell into the water.

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