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to the Code: 430 010. Contributions Name: Wuhan Evening News. Account number: 421861206018000823255. Bank: Bank of Huaqiao branch. Please call 82438380.

afternoon, the reporter to accompany Li flowers out B-room to find the child. On the escalator, Li spent the elevator entrance and stopped. She threw forward a cross, just fell on the steps of the joints in the elevator. Fortunately, her hands and feet quickly, grasp the handrail until firm. On the second floor, third floor, side by side with her on the reporter, this time she was more cautious, a jump of two ... ...

walk, ride motorcycle, by car, train, Zoude Qing, Li spent a couple with the child came from Chinese sources in Wuhan. Yesterday, our reporter in the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, to accompany them most of the day, little by little to understand their difficulties.

two children have experienced the process of growing together of embarrassment. To hide the to wear. Sisters carefully every day life is not the joy of peers should be.

rough estimates, this Given the poor economic situation of the family, the newspaper invite you to support action to support the This

Pro to Wuhan, the family Zaguomaitie by two million. People's Hospital, the new surgery building management is very strict, only the patient bed to sleep, families can not sleep. Two nights ago, the couple can not find a hostel to sit on the bench one night. Yesterday 16:30, a talent, accompanied by the reporter to eat in their lunch. Days so hard, can couple also satisfied: of the sisters is a pseudonym. taking into account the children's ward treatment order and mental capacity, people are advised not to visit the hospital)

Here, to accompany the side of the Zou Deqing, could not, his face lost a humble smile was gone, picked up the sleeves and wiped the tears: birth to a monster,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Boots[/url], blame a woman. I do not blame her, blame me in life, baby life is not good ... ... verses and cry ... ... Like with the man hoarsely, but also not a little girl should have breasts. She told the mother that the heart bears unimaginable stress, look forward to early sex can be determined.

Jun flower mother, said: big baby Zou Rong has 18 years when the baby girl, you also forget when the baby girl. This was also the child's own wishes. As Xiaowa Zou Zhen how to choose the sex, a person tends to

we are not close relatives married

yesterday afternoon, the experts first of the 10-year-old child with the ladies, long hair Chuijian, eyelid, looks very handsome. Can take off their clothes a surprise - the most important male sexual characteristics fully developed, full size of an adult thumb. The ultrasound found no testicles, only vaguely see the deformed uterus.

Li took the reporter's mind seems to know, she said: We are not consanguineous marriage, and I and he is not a name, not a brigade,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Boots[/url], before marriage do not know. to such hazards. She asked both elders, ancestors nobody had a similar situation.

source is Hubei, Sichuan Chinese counterpart support. In September, the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, Professor Wang Songshan plastic surgery as a medical captain,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Boots[/url], to the Second People's Hospital Hanyuan Zuozhen. During medical rounds in the mountains, was informed of three-way cross town Hahn village

Li spent only two acres of a thin. Mainly by Zou Deqing spent at home working outside. Li said the flower, are reluctant to buy rice to eat alone, always mixed with corn, sweet potato to eat together.

Zou Rong big baby is born the end of 1992. Delivery of local farmers, mostly indigenous, children, elderly people do it by the umbilical cord cut. Child was born, Li took the baby and found not the same as others. Family sulk swallow one's cries, the child when the baby girl is reared. Children grow up, even when poor parents and children exchange. Over seven years, the couple received a second child in accordance with policy Zhunsheng Zheng. They pin their hopes on the children. Child was born a look genital Director of a

earthquake last year, the family lived in the house split the seam out of the mouth large, they are scared to live in a tent behind the house. Later, the government gave money to the cement, a person simply repair the house, it has moved into it. Talking about this, Li spent gratefully said: up and started to cry

correspondent Xie Dong Weiwei Du Star correspondent

correspondent correspondent Yu Min Xie Dong Du Star Towering

Wang Songshan examination that this unfortunate sister in Chinese,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Boots[/url], help them realize their dreams. Incidentally, this Over the years, the local has been trying to solve this problem,[url=http://www.uggonlineoutlet.us/]UGG Boots[/url], but suffer from lack of technology and capital. Wang Songshan consent of the local government and Zou Rong Zou Zhen consent of parents and family, inviting this

children to school generally do not eat lunch

Pictured in the ward learning Zhenzhen. Reporters Maqing She
Pictured Professor Wang Chen-chen is to do the relevant checks. Reporters Maqing She

yesterday, the Chinese source of rural poverty, Who am I Newspaper inviting interested readers to support action to fund this

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