
People's Republic of

Baike card

People's Republic of China referred to, in the eastern part of Eurasia, the Pacific West Coast. China has a history of five thousand years of civilization, is one of the world's four ancient civilizations. China is the mainstay of the international community, the United Nations Security Council permanent members; the world's second largest economy; the world's largest exporter, the world's second largest importer, has the largest foreign exchange reserves; also the fastest growing economies in the world one of the countries. In addition, China has the world's largest active-duty soldiers in the army, the world's second military spending; possession of nuclear weapons, and capable of launching satellites, manned spacecraft and the experimental station of capacity. However, the overall level of productivity in China is still relatively low, uneven regional development; science and technology and national cultural quality is not high enough, the most basic of these is also the actual situation.

Chinese name: English name Republic of China: The People's Republic of China (PRC) referred to: Chinese-owned continents: Asia capital: Beijing's main cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and other National Day: October 1, the national anthem : ) Population density: 132 people / sq km (2008) main ethnic groups: Han Chinese, Tibetan, Hui, Zhuang major religions: Buddhism, Taoism land area: about 9.6 million square kilometers water rate: 2.8% GDP Total: $ 4.4022 trillion (2008 years) per capita GDP: 3315 USD (2008) International Phone Code: +86 international domain name abbreviation:. cn road traffic: right-hand drive main local languages: Cantonese, Hokkien, Northeast, then, Gan and other human development index: 0.687 ( In 2011, the world ranked 101) another name: Shenzhou, China, China and other famous universities: Beijing University, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University, National Taiwan University and other


Basic Information Brief History of the administrative divisions of national territory boundaries and geographical overview neighbors mountain terrain topography offshore islands, rivers and lakes, coastal waters and adjacent land and climate resources on population, national language national flower religious holiday party and government leaders in international activities armed forces have been regularly held event organized by the upcoming large-scale international activities No. origin Shenghui Guo Timeline of knowledge of basic information

People's Republic of whole map

[1] Country name: Republic of China; Pinyin: zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó; English: the People's Republic of China (PRC), China ; Russian: Китайская Народная Республика, Китай; French: La République populaire de Chine. System: the working class leadership of the People's Republic of worker-peasant alliance as the basis of people's democratic dictatorship of socialist state. Capital: Beijing, the end of 2008, the Beijing resident population of 1695 people. National Day: October 1 (1949) (October 1, 1950 the first National Day of the People's Republic) before the founding ceremony, the first session of the CPPCC National Committee elected the Central People's Government Chairman Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Soong Ching Ling , Li Chi-shen, Zhang Lan, Gao as Vice-Chairman. October 1, the Central People's Government Committee held its first meeting, Lin Boqu elected as Secretary-General for the Administration Council appointed Zhou Enlai Premier and Foreign Minister, Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Central People's Government, Military, People's Liberation Army Commander in Chief Zhu De, the Central People's Shen Junru Government of the Supreme Court, the Central People's Government Ronghuan highest Prosecutor's Office Attorney General. 3:00 pm the same day, 300,000 soldiers and civilians gathered at the capital of the founding ceremony was held in Tiananmen Square, Chairman Mao Zedong took the Central People's Government announcement to the world proclaimed the founding of the PRC.

Chairman Mao Zedong announced the founding of the PRC

Flag The National Flag is the flag. By the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal CPPCC flag Mr. Zeng Liansong design. Long and high ratio of 3:2. Face of the flag for the red flag, a symbol of revolution. The five five-pointed star on the flag is yellow, four small five-pointed star have a large star tip facing the center, a symbol of the revolution under the leadership of the Communist Party of the great unity of the people. With a yellow five-pointed star on the ground to show the bright red, yellow, bright and beautiful than the white, also appears in the form of compact appearance. The large five-pointed star in the flag on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, four small five-pointed star representing the workers, peasants, petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie four classes.

Chinese flag - flag

National Emblem National Emblem of the People's Republic of content as the national flag, Tiananmen Square, gear and wheat rice, a symbol of the Chinese people since the class worker-peasant alliance led by the people's democratic dictatorship based on the birth of new China.

Republic of China National Emblem

National Anthem: September 27, 1949, the first session of the Chinese People's plenary session adopted a resolution is not formally established in the National Anthem prior to the Tian Han lyricist, composer Nie Er's March 5, 1978, the Fifth National People's Congress adopted the first 1978 national anthem is:
forward! The national hero of the people,
the great Communist Party, led us to continue to march.
one mind toward the communist future.
building and defending the motherland heroic struggle.
advance! Forward! Forward!
our generations, hold high the banner of Mao Zedong advance!
advance! Forward! ! Into! ! !

National Anthem December 4, 1982, the Fifth National People's Congress by the fifth meeting of the National Anthem on the decision to annul the March 5, 1978 adopted by the National People's Congress new words, to restore Tian Han lyricist, composer Nie Er's March 14, 2004, the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress adopted amendments to the Constitution provides that the horn, since 1935 since the birth moment of national peril, widely circulated among the people, the motivation of the Chinese people's patriotism played a huge role in 1949 Chinese People's Political decisions on behalf of the song as the national anthem , reflects Chinese people's revolutionary tradition and prepared mind. anthem dangerous time,
with everyone forced to issue a final roar.
up! up! up!
we unite as one,
braved enemy fire, move!
braving the enemy's artillery, forward!
forward! forward! into!

the National Anthem

Politics: National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power its permanent body is the National People's Congress Standing Committee. NPC provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and elected representatives of the armed forces, each five-year term of the State Council is the highest executive and the executive organ of state authority. implemented system of the Prime Minister. Ministries, the ministerial committee, Officer the system. term of five years the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, State Councilor shall serve continuously for more than two consecutive terms. ruling party: Communist Party of China, July 1, 1921 established the vanguard of the Chinese working class, while the Chinese people and China vanguard of the nation, is the leading cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the core of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the requirements of China's advanced culture and the way forward, on behalf of the Chinese people's fundamental interests of the party's action guide is Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and Association for Promoting Democracy, 中国农工民主党, China Zhi Gong Dang, Jiu San Society and Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League. Chinese People's Communist Party leadership in China, there are various democratic parties and democratic personages without party affiliation, people's organizations, ethnic minorities and the community to participate in the patriotic people from all socialist workers, patriots who support socialism and the motherland's reunification patriots formed, including Taiwan compatriots, compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao compatriots and overseas, including the most extensive patriotic united front organization. the supreme legislative body: National People's Congress National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power, the implementation of a hospital system. It consists of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and special administrative regions and the People's Liberation Army composed of elected representatives of the National People's Congress each five-year term, meets once a year by the National People's Congress convened if the NPC Standing Committee deems it necessary, or more than one-fifth of the National People's Congress proposed to convene an ad hoc National People's Congress meeting of the Judiciary: the people's courts are judicial organs, divided Supreme Court, local courts and special people's courts at all levels of people's courts exercise judicial power independently in accordance with the law, by administrative organs, social groups and individuals. the Supreme People's Court is the highest judicial organ to oversee the local people's courts and people's courts of professional work, the higher people's court supervision of lower-level people's courts of justice. Supreme Court of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress Standing Committee; where the level people's courts have its national authorities. People's Procuratorate is the country's legal supervisory bodies, sub Supreme People's Procuratorate, local people's procuratorates and special people's procuratorates. people's procuratorates exercise procuratorial power independently in accordance with the law, by administrative organs, social groups and individuals. Supreme People's Procuratorate is the highest procuratorial organs, people's procuratorates at all levels of its leadership and special people's procuratorates of the work. the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the National People's Congress and National People's Congress Standing Committee; local people's procuratorates at all levels produce it on the organs of state power and the higher People's Procuratorate is responsible Affairs: China is the third world (communist) countries, to pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, from their own people and the people of the world's long-term interests and fundamental interests, to oppose the hegemony doctrine, to safeguard world peace, development and promotion of friendly cooperation, common prosperity, as their fundamental objective of external work in handling state relations, China has always advocated non-interference in each other's internal affairs, to peaceful coexistence as a guide, and not to the social system, ideology and values ​​the similarities and differences as standards. is a permanent member of UN Security Council member countries and some international organizations. Currency: RMB Yuan; abbreviation: RMB; code: ¥; standard currency code: CNY; face value : 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 20 yuan, 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 5 cents, 20 cents, 10 cents, 5 points, 2 points, 1 point. GDP: 34.0507 trillion yuan ( 2009) Calendar, Counting: The Year Calendar, People's Republic of regional unified Beijing (East eight districts GMT +8) A Brief History of China is the country one of the world's ancient civilizations. Yuanmou northern Yunnan fossil apes that early more than 1.7 million years ago human habitation. After a long period of primitive society and the slave society, around about the fifth century BC, the Han have gradually entered the feudal society has written to test the history of nearly 4000 years, from BC Xia Dynasty established the 21st century, business, the late Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn for the slave from the Warring States period began in 475 BC,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/][b]title=UGG Outlet Online[/b][/url], the Qin, Han, Eastern Han, Three Kingdoms, Western Jin, Eastern Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing of the feudal society of the Opium War in 1840, began the invasion of the imperialist powers in China, the Chinese gradually reduced semifeudal and semicolonial society 1911 revolution overthrew the 2,000 years of feudal monarchy, but the semi-feudal China colonial social status has not changed. 1919 the new democratic revolution a complete victory. October 1, 1949, founding of the PRC. administrative divisions at the end of 2004, total administrative divisions above the county level: 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities and 2 Special Administrative Region ; 50 regions (prefectures and leagues); 661 cities, including: municipalities, 4; 283 prefecture-level cities; 374 county-level cities; 1,636 counties (autonomous counties, flag, Autonomous Banner, DC, and Forest); 852 municipal districts. the total number of 37 334 township, including: the town of 19,883; Township 17451. subdistrict offices nationwide 5904. the country with neighborhood committees (community committees) 78000; Residents Unit of the 1.296 million. village 644 000; groups of villagers 5.079 million. provincial administrative units (referred to in brackets) [North China], Beijing (Beijing) Tianjin (Tianjin) in Hebei Province (Hebei) Shanxi (Jin) Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia ) [northeast] Liaoning Province (Liaoning), Jilin Province (Jilin), Heilongjiang Province (Black) [East], Shanghai (Shanghai), Jiangsu (Su), Zhejiang (Zhejiang), Anhui (Anhui) Jiangxi (Jiangxi), Fujian ( Min), Shandong Province (Lu) [Central China] Henan (Henan), Hubei (Hubei), Hunan (Hunan) [South] Guangdong Province (Guangdong), Hainan Province (Hainan) Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi) [Southwest] Chongqing ( Yu), Sichuan Province (Sichuan or Shu) Yunnan (cloud or Yunnan) Tibet Autonomous Region (Tibet), Guizhou Province (expensive or Guizhou) [northwest] of Shaanxi Province (Shaanxi or Qin), Gansu (Gan or Long) Qinghai (Green) Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Ning) Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (new) [Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan] Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong) Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao), Taiwan (Taiwan) Republic of China territorial limits of the data from the map

Baidu map, final results Baidu map data subject.

People's Republic of land territory and its coastal islands, including mainland China, Taiwan and its subsidiaries including the Diaoyu islands, the Penghu Islands, the Dongsha Islands, Xisha Islands, in the sand islands, Nansha Islands and all other islands belonging to the People's Republic. The width of the territorial sea baselines from the territorial sea of ​​12 nautical miles contiguous zone width of China is 24 nautical miles. Land area: land area of ​​960 square kilometers, about the world's total land area of ​​1 / 15, the equivalent of a little addition to European countries outside the former Soviet Union, the total area, after the Russian Federation and Canada, ranking third in the world. East region accounted for 10.5%, 25.3% in central and western regions accounted for 64.2% Land resources in the mountains 3.2 million square kilometers, 2.5 million square kilometers plateau, basin 1.8 million square kilometers, 1.15 million square kilometers plains, hills and 950,000 km2 (as of 1997). Geographic overview of the PRC's land area about 9.6 million square kilometers, east and south of the mainland coastline of more than 18,400 km, inland waters and the sea side area of ​​about 4.7 million square kilometers in size distribution of sea islands, 7600, of which the largest island of Taiwan is about 35989.76 square km. Land countries boundaries up to 20,000 kilometers, with 14 countries and six countries bordering the sea adjacent to the provincial level administrative division into four municipalities, 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and two special administrative regions, the capital of Beijing.

terrain boundaries and neighbors Figure

China land border from the border of the Yalu River mouth, to the Vietnam border Beilun port only, total length of 20,000 km, with 14 contiguous countries: Korea East to the northeast of the Russian Federation, the north Mongolia, northwest of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, west of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, southwest of India, Nepal, Bhutan, south of Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and China's neighbors from the north across the sea and South are: Korea, Japan, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia terrain topography from west to east China, complex and diverse, the country's total land area of ​​all kinds of terrain is the ratio of: Mountain 33.3%, plateaus 26%, basin, 18.8%, plains 12% and hills 9.9%. terrain from west to east constitute three steps: the western part of the world's highest large plateau, the highest terrain, more than 4,000 meters above sea level over the high mountains and plateaus surface composition, the The second step, the general elevation in the 1000 ─ 2000 m, mainly by mountains, plateaus and basins formed; broad plains and eastern China is the third step hills. This landscape pattern of the Mesozoic Yanshan movement laid-lying topography from west to east China , mountains, plateaus and hills account for about 67% of land area, land area of ​​the basin and the plains about 33% of something mostly mountains southwest and northeast one, mainly Altay, Tianshan, Kunlun Mountains, Karakoram, Himalayas, Yin, Qinling Mountains, Nanling, Mountains, Changbai Mountains, the Taihang Mountains, Wuyishan, Taiwan mountains, Wushan and transverse mountain ranges. the western part of the world's highest large plateau, with an average elevation of 4,000 meters, known as the known, 8844.43 meters above sea level Mount Everest, the world's tallest peak in the north east of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang region, the Loess Plateau, Sichuan Basin and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the Kunlun Mountains - Qilian - Hengduan mountain terrain for the industry in China second-class ladder. Daxinganling a Taihang a Wushan - Xuefeng Mountain to the east coast line, mostly plains and hills, is the third-level ladder. continental shelf south east coast, is rich in sea resources China is a multi-mountain Hill country, mountains and more into things and northeast - southwest direction, the main mountain ranges Altai Mountains, the Tianshan Mountains, Kunlun Mountains, Karakoram Mountains, Tanggula, Nyainqentanglha Mountains, Qilian Mountains, the Gangdese Mountains, the Himalayas, Hengduan Mountains, Yin Mountains, the Taihang Mountains, the Qinling Mountains, Daxinganling mountains, the Wuyi Mountains, the Changbai Mountains, the mountains of Taiwan, Wushan Mountains, etc. of the world's peaks over 7,000 meters above sea level there are 19, and is located in China and on the borders there are seven, known as the there are Huangshan, Taishan, Huashan, Songshan, Hengshan, Hengshan, Emei Mountain, Lushan, Wudang Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, Hill and other mountains. Earth summit: Mount Everest. rivers are the Yangtze, Yellow, Heilongjiang, Pearl River, Huaihe River, Haihe River, Liaohe River, the Brahmaputra, the Tarim River, Lancang River, Nujiang River, Minjiang River, Qiantang River, Hanjiang River, Yalu River, Tumen River, Hanjiang River, the Xiangjiang River, Gan River, and the band, Nandu River, Luan River, Weak, Shule, Yili River, Irtysh River and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Lingqu, Jiaolai canal, Lixia and other canals. Yangtze River is China's largest river, 6,300 km, second only to Africa, the Nile and the Amazon in South America River, the world's third river of the Yellow River system, China's second longest length of 5464 km. Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet Plateau has a total length of 504.6 km, depth 6009 m of the world's largest canyon. There are lakes, Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Taihu Lake, Chaohu Lake, Qinghai Lake, Lake, Gaoyou Lake, Nansi, Xingkai, Hulun, Bell Lake, Bosten Lake, Nam Co, Siling, Yangzhuoyongcuo, Dianchi Lake, Erhai Lake, Fuxian, Sun Moon Lake, Lake, West Lake, Lake, Weishan Lake, baitoushan Tianchi, Heavenly Lake of Tianshan, Wudalianchi etc. Yangtze River Plain is China's largest freshwater lake Poyang Lake area of ​​3583 square kilometers; Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Qinghai Lake is China's largest saltwater lake, an area of ​​4583 square km. coastal mainland China coast, north of the Yalu River in Liaoning mouth, south Guangxi Beilun port, a total length of 18,000 kilometers. (as of 1997), the main island of Taiwan Island, Hainan Island Chongming Island, Zhoushan Island, Pingtan Island, East Island, Dongshan Island, Kinmen Island, Yuhuan Island, Xiamen, on Kawashima, Dongtou Island, Diaoyu Islands, Nanao Island, Weizhou, long black blind island and mountain Islands, Temple Island archipelago, Zhoushan Islands, the southern Japanese islands, mountains Islands, Xisha, Nansha, Dongsha Islands, in the sand islands, the Penghu Islands and other islands. and the adjacent coastal waters adjacent to the Chinese continental margin and ocean island of Taiwan have the Yellow Sea, East China Sea , South China Sea and the Pacific east of Taiwan, mainland China Bohai Sea is the inland sea stretching from the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Seas, East and West longitude 32 degrees across, the more latitude 44 degrees north and south vertical addition there are the Bohai Strait, the Taiwan Strait, Qiongzhou Straits, the three major straits. The total area of ​​4.73 million square km area (as of 1997) Climate of China's complex and diverse climate, from south to north across the tropical, subtropical, warm temperate, temperate, cold temperate, boreal and other climatic zones. Land Resources: China's mineral resources are very rich. has 163 kinds of proven mineral reserves, is the world's known minerals than all of the few countries supporting one of the first world water resources. arable land: to the end of 2008, the National a total of 18.2574 million mu of arable land Forest: Seventh China National Forest Resource Inventory results show that as of 2008, China's forest area is 195 million hectares, the forest coverage rate reached 20.36%, plantation area ranks first in the world. Water: Chinese total freshwater resources volume of 2.8 trillion cubic meters, the world's No. 6, but the per capita world per capita consumption is only 1 / 4, ranked No. 88. Food: Although China's total grain output ranks first in the world, but the per capita share of grain maintained at a low level of less than 400 kg of Biological: about 48 million. of which more than 30,000 species of higher plants, spores, plant 200,000 kinds, 150,000 kinds of insects, other animals more than 50,000 species of animals: China has more than 4400 kinds of vertebrates, the giant panda, golden monkey, white-lipped deer, tiger, brown-eared pheasant, white-flag dolphin, alligators, red-crowned crane, and a hundred kinds of Chinese specialty of rare animals. Plants: In China, the northern hemisphere winter, warm and hot with vegetation of the almost all the main plant can be seen, there are only 32,000 species of higher plants. seed plants: seed plants in China, 343 Branch, 3155 genera, 30,586 kinds, of which five unique subjects, 247 endemic genera and 17 300 endemic species . gymnosperms: gymnosperms, China is the world's largest country. population according to points in the sixth national population census. quick summary of the major data release are as follows: a total population of the country's total population of 1,370,536,875 people, among which: the census of 31 mainland provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the total population of 1,339,724,852 people Hong Kong SAR population of 7,097,600 people of Macao Special Administrative Region population of 552,300 people. Taiwan's population of 23,162,123 people. Second, the population growth in the mainland's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the population, with the fifth national census 2000 was at 0:00 on November 1 of 1,265,825,048 compared to ten years a total increase of 73,899,804, an increase of 5.84%, the annual average growth rate of 0.57%. Third, household population of 31 mainland provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities a total of 401,517,330 households , household population of 1,244,608,395 people, the average population per household of 3.10 people, compared with the fifth national census in 2000 a decrease of 0.34 of 3.44 people. Fourth, the gender composition of the 31 mainland provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen population, male population of 686,852,572, accounting for 51.27%; female population of 652,872,280, accounting for 48.73%. of the total population sex ratio (female 100, male to female ratio) by the fifth national census in 2000 the 106.74 down to 105.20 V., age composition of the mainland's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the population 0-14 years old population 222,459,737, accounting for 16.60%; 15-59 years old population of 939,616,410, accounting for 70.14%; population aged 60 and over 177,648,705, accounting for 13.26%, of which the population aged 65 and over 118,831,709, accounting for 8.87%. with the fifth national census in 2000 compared to the population aged 0-14 dropped 6.29 percentage points population aged 15-59 increased by 3.36 percentage points the proportion of 60 years and over population increased by 2.93 percentage points the proportion aged 65 and above increased the proportion of 1.91 percentage points six ethnic composition of the 31 mainland provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and servicemen of the population, the Han population of 1,225,932,641, accounting for 91.51%; the minority population of 113,792,211, accounting for 8.49%. with the fifth national census in 2000 compared to the Han population 66,537,177, an increase of 5.74%; The minority population increased 7,362,627, an increase of 6.92%. VII of the mainland population, level of education in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the population, with the University (refer to college) education of the population of 119,636,790 people; high school (including college) education of the population of 187,985,979 people; population with junior middle school education for the 519,656,445 people; has a population of primary school education 358 764 003 people (of the above level of education of people, including graduates of various schools , dropouts and students at school.) with the fifth national census in 2000, compared with 10 million in university-level education rose by 3611 to 8930 people; with a high school education rose by 11,146 to 14,032 people ; a junior high school education rose by 33,961 to 38,788 people; with primary school education fell by 35,701 to 26,779 people. 31 mainland provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the population, illiterate population (aged 15 and over do not literate people) to 54,656,573 people, with the fifth national census in 2000 compared to 30,413,094 people illiterate population to reduce the illiteracy rate [8] by the 6.72% down to 4.08%, down 2.64 percentage points eight, 31 urban and rural mainland population provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and servicemen of the population living in urban population of 665,575,306, accounting for 49.68%; population living in rural areas 674,149,546, accounting for 50.32%. with the fifth national census in 2000 compared to the urban population 207,137,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/][b]title=Beats By Dr Dre[/b][/url],093 people, rural population decline 133,237,289 people, the proportion of urban population increased by 13.46 percentage points [2], the nation of China has 56 officially recognized ethnic groups. There Han, Mongolian, Hui, Tibetan, Uygur, Miao, Yi , Zhuang, Buyi, Korean, Manchu, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Kazak, Dai, Li, Lisu, Wa, She, Gaoshan, Lahu, Shui, Dongxiang, Naxi , Jingpo, Kirgiz, Tu, Daur, Mulam, Qiang, Blang, Salar, Maonan, Gelos, Xibe, Achang, Pumi, Tajik, Nu, Uzbeks, Russians, Ewenki,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/][b]title=UGG UK[/b][/url], Deang, Bonan, Yugur, Jing, Tatar, Dulong, Oroqen, Hoche, Monba, Lhoba, Jino ethnic groups in China, due to Han's 55 ethnic groups other than Han Chinese population are customarily referred to as ethnic minorities, in addition to back, at least two national common language, the other 53 ethnic minorities to use their native language; a text 21 of the nation were in 27 languages ​​from the language of the system is run, China's 56 ethnic groups belonging to the language used in five languages: Sino-Tibetan, Altaic, Austronesian, Austro-Asiatic and Indo-European. Sino-Tibetan into Chinese and Tibeto-Burman, Miao-Yao, Zhuang-Dong language group three . belongs to the Tibeto-Burman language family are Tibetan, Jiarong, Mamba, warehouse pull, Lhoba, Qiang, Pumi, Drung, Jingpo, Yi, Lisu, Hani, Lahu, white, Naxi, Jino, anger Su, A Lennon, soft if, Tujia, set tile, Achang and other languages; are Miao-Yao language family of the Miao, Bunu, Mian, She and other languages; belong to Zhuang-Dong language group of the Zhuang, Buyi, Dai, Dong, water, Mulam, hair south, La Jia, Li, Ge Lao and other languages. Altaic into Mongolian, Turkic, Manchu - Tungus three language family. belong to Mongolian race are Mongolian, Daur, Togo, the eastern margin, geotechnical, security and other languages; belong to the Turkic language family of the Uygur, Kazak, Kirgiz, Ozbek, Tatar, Salar, the western margin solid, Figure Wa and other languages; are full - there is full Tungusic family, Xibe, Hezhen, Ewenki, Oroqen and other language is an Austronesian language Gaoshan all, there are Muslim back-hui, then. are Austro-Asiatic Mon-Khmer language family are Wa, Deang, Brown, wood and other languages. is part of an Indo-European family of Russian and Slavic language group is the Tajik language Iran In addition, the Korean language and Beijing The system is yet to be determined.'s Republic of China was founded, the government has for the Zhuang, Buyi, Yi, Miao, Hani, Lisu, Naxi, Dong, Wa, Li developed a writing program and other ethnic groups from the text of the system and form letters , China intends to sound words of text, syllable word, letter writing and ancient Indian system of letters, Uighur alphabet, Arabic alphabet, box-shaped letters, Latin alphabet, Cyrillic forms, etc. on the national flower of China's national flower has not been determined, but It was suggested that China's adoption of plum and peony as the national flower in many countries, the national flower, are clearly written into the constitution of. on the national flag, national emblem and national anthem, after which is a clear need for legislation by the event, not a civil convention on the line of the Chinese name Flower: Chunlan, Xiahe, The Story of Qiu, Dongmei, representing spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons. religion are Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Christianity, etc. In fact, Confucianism can not be regarded as religious, but cultural side. statutory holiday under the State Council on Revising the Festival

Spring Festival holiday seven days (Lunar New Year's Eve, first day to the sixth); Qingming (April 4 or 5, not fixed), leave one day (day of Lunar New Year Ching Ming); Day, 3 days holiday (Labour Day and the day is not fixed adjacent two-day); Dragon Boat Festival (Lunar New Year in early May 5), leave one day (day of Lunar New Year Dragon Boat Festival); Mid-Autumn Festival (Lunar August 15), 3 days holiday (Gregorian calendar Mid-Autumn Festival); National Day , leave 7 days (October 1-7) In addition, day), women's half-day holiday; Youth Day (May 4), more than 14 years of age young people under the age of 28 half-day holiday; Children's Day (June 1), children under 14 years of age leave one day; People's Liberation Army to build Army Day (August 1), military service, a half-day holiday. habits of minority festivals, areas inhabited by ethnic minority people's government, in accordance with the national habits, provides holiday dates. the major traditional festivals of ethnic minorities: Dai Water-splashing Festival, the Mongolian Naadam, the Torch Festival of Yi, Yao Yao Danu Festival, Bai March Street, Zhuang Song Wei, Cang Linian Tibetan, Miao jump Flower Festival, awarded Man of the gold section and so on . party and government leaders successive Central Government Central People's Government (October 1, 1949 -1954, September 27) Chairman of the Central People's Government: Mao Zedong
Vice Chairman: Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi Soong Ching Ling Li Chi-shen Zhang Lan Gao
the Central People's government People's Revolutionary Military Committee Chairman: Mao Zedong
People's Liberation Army Commander in Chief: Zhu De
Central People's Government People's Revolutionary Military Commission Vice Chairman: Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Peng Cheng
Administration Council Prime Minister: Deputy Prime Minister Zhou Enlai
Administration Council: Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yun wu
Chief of General Staff Guo Huang Yan: Xiangqian Deputy Chief of Staff: Nie
Supreme People's Court: Shen Junru
of the Supreme People's Prosecutor's Office Attorney: Ronghuan
CPPCC Chairman: CPPCC Vice Chairman Mao Zedong
: Zhou Enlai, Li Chi-shen, Shen Guo Chen Shutong Junru first session of the Central Government (September 27, 1954 -1959 April 27) President: Mao Zedong
Vice President: Zhu De
national NPC Chairman: Premier Liu
: Vice Premier Zhou Enlai
: Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yun Lin Peng Zihui Ulanhu Long Chen Yi Bo Nie Li Fuchun Li Xiannian (added June 1956)
CPPCC National Committee Chairman: Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai (Honorary Chairman)
CMC Chairman: Mao Zedong, the second session of the Central Government (April 27, 1959 -1965 in January) President: Vice President Liu Shaoqi
: Soong Ching Ling wu
NPC Chairman: Zhu De
Premier: Vice Premier Zhou Enlai
: Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yun Lin Zihui Long Chen Yi Peng Li Fuchun Xiannian Ulanhu Bo Nie Luo Xi Lu Ting Tan Zhenlin
CPPCC Chairman: Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai (Honorary Chairman) Third Central Government (January 1965 to 1975 January) President: Liu Shaoqi (October 1968 Twelfth Plenary Session of the revocation of all his posts inside and outside, and in November 12, 1969 died)
Vice President: Soong Ching Ling wu
NPC Chairman: Zhu De
Premier: Vice Premier Zhou Enlai
: Lin Biao (September 13, 1971, fall machine's death)
Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yun Long (June 9, 1969 died) Chen Yi (January 6, 1972 died)
Ke Qingshi (April 9, 1965 died) Ulanhu Li Fuchun (1975 died January 9 years)
Xiannian Nie Bo Lu Ting Luo Tao Zhu Tan Zhenlin (died November 1969)
Xie Fuzhi (March 26, 1972 died)
CPPCC Chairman : Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai (Honorary President) of the fourth central government (January 1975 -1978 March 2001) National People's Congress Chairman: Zhu De (July 6, 1976 died)
Premier: Zhou Enlai (January 1976 8 died)
Hua Guofeng (February 2, 1976 proxy, April 7, formally named)
Vice Premier:
Deng Xiaoping (April 7, 1976 is revoked, July 1977 16 recovery)
Chang Chun-chiao (October 6, 1976 was isolated Review)
Xiannian Chen Xilian Ji Dengkui Hua Chen Yonggui Wu Guixian (female), Wang Zhen, Sun Jian Gu Mu Yu Qiuli
Fifth Central Government (March 1978 -1983 June) National Honorary Chairman: Soong Ching Ling (May 16, 1981 election, 29 died)
NPC Chairman: Ye
Premier: Hua Guofeng
Vice Premier:
Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian Xiangqian Ji Dengkui I fall in Chen Xilian Geng Biao Chen Yonggui
Fang Yi Wang Zhen Gu Mu Kang Shien Chen Muhua (female) Wang Renzhong (December 26, 1978 office)
Bo Chen Yun, Yao Yilin (July 1, 1979 office)
Ji Pengfei (September 13, 1979 office)
1980 年 4 月 16 meeting, Zhao, Ji Dengkui thousands of miles instead of resignation, Chen Xilian
1980 年 9 月 10 日 five three meetings, as prime minister, deputy prime minister has
Premier: Zhao Ziyang
Vice Premier:
I fall in Gu Mu Fang Yi Geng Biao Kang Shien Chen Muhua (female) Bo Yao Yilin
Ji Pengfei Zhang Aiping Huang Wanli Yang Jingren
CPPCC Chairman: Deng Xiaoping
1982 年 5 月 4 meeting, the Vice Premier of State Council, has served as: Yao Yilin, thousands of miles. VI session of the Central Government (June 1983 -1988 April) President: Vice President Li Xiannian
: Ulanhu
NPC Chairman: Peng Zhen
Premier: Zhao Ziyang (1987 resigned in November)
Li (proxy)
Vice Premier: Li Peng, Wan Li Yao Yilin Tian Qiao (April 12, 1986 added)
CPPCC Chairman: Chairman of the Central Military Commission Yingchao
: Vice Chairman Central Military Commission, Deng Xiaoping
: Ye Xu Xiangqian Nie Yang Shangkun of the Seventh Central Government (April 1988 - 1993 March) President: Yang Shangkun
Vice President: Wang Zhen (March 1993 12 died)
NPC Chairman: Miles
Premier: Vice Premier Li Peng
: Yao Yilin Tian Zhu Rongji, Zou Jiahua, Wu Xueqian (April 9, 1991 added)
CPPCC Chairman: Li Xiannian of the Eighth Central Government (March 1993 March 15 - 1998) President: Vice-President Jiang Zemin
: Rong
NPC Chairman: Qiao
Premier: Vice Premier Li Peng
: Zhu Rongji, Zou Jiahua Qian Li Wu Jiang Chunyun
(1995 年 3 月 18 日 added)
CPPCC Chairman: Li
Chairman of the Central Military Commission: Jiang Zemin Related articles:

