
Moncler JacketsDigging the old man buried 80,000 yuan 13 years ago have all rotten out ( Figure )

the money two days before he finally dug up

If you see something like rubbish like 80,000 yuan, it is estimated will be very surprised.

buried himself under the bed 13 years ago, the 8 million notes into the same rubbish. Sounds like a story, but it does it so truly happened.

day,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], no one at home, Ma old man under the bed dig a hole one foot deep, come up with a pre-prepared jars,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], to 80,000 yuan banknotes wrapped in layers of plastic sheeting, carefully put into it.

it was dad's retirement money, can not be determined.

13 years,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], married his son, daughter, married, wife hospitalized in poor health, he was sick, a lot of emergencies money, horses are moved in the old man thought the money underground.

8 万元 ah! Ma old man suddenly tears.

13 years ago, one day, Yuanyang County Rural Ma old man checked his investigation savings, but not too much, save 8 million. He has been engaged in a few years out of building, when the small contractors, hard-earned money to earn a point. At the time of the rural areas, this is a large number.

if a coup, call 96678. Evening horse old man a thank you for it,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url]!

and then comparing the prices 13 years ago, in 1998, Zhengzhou's average residential price of 1,000 yuan per square meter. First half of 2011, Zhengzhou City, authorities announced Zhengzhou commercial housing sales price 7845 yuan per square meter. From the housing perspective, 10 years ago, the 8 million to buy a big house, and now it is not enough purchasing power to pay a down payment.

who embodies his face a picture of hard money, and some tightly stuck together, while others have made moldy soft, touch has become fragmented, and even very fine.

old version of the notes can be heard for high, 8 million was brought to light

the thickness varies, ranging from face value of the yuan, quickly filled the jar.

banks not touch rubbish like paper money

the staff of China Industrial and Commercial Bank said: We can not solve it today, we consult a professional, you come back tomorrow?

the staff of the Bank of China said: You find a way to exchange money break it open again, now the employer can not touch ah.

however, brushed aside several layers of plastic bags, the horse old man dumbfounded.

Evening sincerely appeal to all enthusiastic readers, hoping to help save the life of the horse old man, let him unlock the last spook mind.

yesterday afternoon, he's asked by his son with rubbish like paper money came to Zhengzhou to find work in the side of the daughter and son. But a look at brother-in-law informed to bring something, surprise, also a time out of ideas.

in the collections market, with the fourth set of RMB gradually withdrawn from circulation, prices have gone up. Yesterday, the country's largest collection of Bika market - Beijing Madian market price, 90 edition of 100 yuan face value of notes, No. 100 Lian 1.8 million, face value of notes 90 edition of 50 yuan, 21,000 yuan per 100 Lian Road. According to this price, the 8 million if the horse is the old man just out from the bank's new money, $ 100 5 bundles, 4 bundles of $ 50, a large bundle of $ 10, now in the collection area, industry experts estimate may be conservative sold 215,000 yuan. Collection market veteran, said: p> to share: I welcome comments Comments

horse who can help the old man

two days ago, a work in the financial system, a distant relative asked him: 80 $ 50 version is very rare now for high prices, you do have it? If there is, I can help you change. However, to grasp, and the prices will change.

Evening News reporter Zhang Yifei text / map

Since then, he was tight-lipped, did not give people mentioned this matter of $ 80,000.

old man was still a middle-aged man, put together this auspicious figure sum of money is not easy. He carefully, live frugally, every penny of his sweat soaked.

13 years ago, buried under the bed of 80,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url],000 yuan notes

At first, he also embarrassed because of the sensibilities to the family said.

gently lifted the lid, remove the plastic wrapped bundles that something was a little excited, his face full of joy.

afraid to come back to see his family, he put the jar lid cover, surrounded by brick around in a circle, and then filled with soil to bury reality.

later, he felt, after all, is so large sum of money, can not just become waste paper, and finally his wife and son to spit the mouth.

this money was to put an insurance place, he did not discuss family, secretly made a decision.

the rest are 10 yuan denomination, which is the thickest of the bunch, is $ 10,000.

his wife and son did not mind, this decision to Zhengzhou to the daughter and son for help.

Mr. Chen had a temporary home with the money. This money, the more see of heart block.

their help to the evening. I saw this $ 80,000, but feel helpless.

50 per face value of 5,000 yuan a bundle, bundle pack of 4.

10 27 afternoon, with his wife and brother-law Mr. Chen Chung Dong New Area CBD pony to a nearby Bank of China and China Industrial and Commercial Bank advice. Others saw them in boxes of 80,000 yuan as rubbish, feel quite easy to get.

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I check the price of pork in 1998, Zhengzhou per 500 grams of raw pork at 5 yuan to 6.5 yuan fluctuations. Yesterday, Zhengzhou market per 500 grams of raw pork at 15 yuan to 17 yuan. From the perspective of life, 8 million on the ground, 10 years time devaluation of the purchasing power of three times.

plastic scoop, quietly buried in.

13 years ago, 8 million have much purchasing power?

13 years ago, the horse in his bed the old man dug a pit to put 8 million banknotes

100 yuan face value of $ 10,000 a bundle, bundle pack of five.

old father's health is very tough, this year has been 82 years old, still hale and hearty.

many days are slow, but the old man to hammer.

there any way who is neither serious damage has already damaged the surface of these RMB notes, and they can stick together sticky They break down? Only in this way, we go to statistics and payment.

take advantage of and not in a family the opportunity to shovel horse old man got to bed move away, from memory, began to dig.

rest of your life savings buried in the bed

55-year-old horse old man these days frown.

children have married, father health unharmed, pondered his $ 50 was buried there are a lot of it, if you miss the opportunity, not a regret? Moreover, 8 million to bury 10 years, also saw the dig point of view.

old man was a dutiful son, when his father nearly 70 years old. Money, Ma old man thinking about the future, how the first nail in the coffin to the elderly pension.

if properly preserved, 80,000 yuan banknotes are now able to sell the fourth edition of a lot of money

that brought to light a sealed jar!

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